Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 443: no door? I can still come back

"Hehe~ Prophet, please believe me, Azeroth will definitely become the new home of the Draenei."

A bearded human with a hood and a chicken stick in his hand made a promise to Velen with a smile.

"Finally back to my hometown that I haven't seen for a long time, I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I will leave first."

The human mage waved the staff in his hand to draw a portal, and bowed politely to Velen, "If the prophet needs it, you can come to Karazhan in the Eastern Continent to find me at any time. As long as you can spare time, I will know everything. "

Velen nodded gently and said, "Thank you, Mr. Medivh. Thanks to you for providing our technicians with the coordinates of Azeroth, we were able to escape the pursuit of the Burning Legion."

"The prophet's words are serious."

Medivh stepped into the portal with a smile, "I just hope you don't blame me for meddling in my own business."

On the other side of the portal, in a direction Velen couldn't see, a strange smile appeared on Medivh's face, and a red light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

A voice that didn't belong to Medivh sounded in his head, "It just happened to gather you together and wipe them all out, which saved me a lot of effort." '

As soon as Medivh left, a steel fleet appeared at the far end of the sea plain in the northwest of the island.

Since it is impossible to confirm whether the intention of the other party is friendly, the storm fortress that carried the draenei to the new world has already prepared for defense.

A purple shadow raven that looked familiar to Velen lifted off from the largest flagship leading the ship, leaving countless dark purple light bands along the way, and arrived above the draenei in just a few minutes.


A reassuring smile finally appeared on Velen's face. He opened his arms and said to the Shadow Raven in relief, "Old friend, at your invitation, I brought the whole family to seek refuge."

"Ha ha!"

The Shadow Raven in mid-air laughed and transformed back into a human form, and immediately hugged Velen heavily after landing.

"Prophet, welcome to the only planet that the Burning Legion cannot break through, Azeroth."

After Shandris landed lightly, she happened to see Yrel and Samara who looked excited. Compared with when they parted in the past, the appearance of the two has not changed much, but their temperament has matured a lot.

Especially Yrel, she was wearing a set of gorgeous plate armor inlaid with a large number of purple crystals, her face was full of vicissitudes of war, and her originally naughty temperament became very stable, mixed with some irresistible sad.

Although Samara's changes were not as obvious as Yrel's, her gentle temperament became more stable, and she looked dignified and elegant against a set of noble and gorgeous white priest throws.

Shandris walked forward with a smile and hugged the two of them at the same time, "It's good to see that you are safe and sound. Andrea said that the draenei will encounter a catastrophe in Draenor after all. Unfortunately, there was not enough time to report Please explain clearly."

Yrel's lips trembled a little. She thought of the many sacrificed companions, and she choked up for a moment.

Samara gently touched her sister's hair that hadn't been combed for a long time and started to get knotted, and her eyes began to turn red gradually. It was obvious that she was not as strong as she appeared on the outside.

Andrea and Velen hugged each other and glanced around, and looked up with interest at the fleet carrying them into Azeroth.

There have been some changes in the people around Velen. Akama, Osar, and Maradar are all gone, but Hataru and Nari are still following. Maraad, who looks sad, seems to be temporarily Takes the place of Akama.

"Prophet, is the loss serious?"


Velen sighed in pain, "It's all my fault. Although we strengthened our defenses against the orcs in your parting message, we never thought that there would be the intervention of the Burning Legion behind them."

While waiting for the arrival of the Second Navy Fleet of the Night Republic, Andrea learned from Velen about the changes in Draenor after he left.

Because of the warning he left before leaving, Velen did not blindly seek peace with the orcs as in the original history.

After helping the arakkoa to capture the Tongtian Peak, the rule of the high-ranking arakkoa was completely ended. All the defeated high-ranking arakkoa were thrown into the blood pool of Sethek Valley and stripped of their wings. of people.

The shadow sage Eska, who let out a bad breath, led the priests of the Crowpaw to work hard, and with the assistance of Delaney, he re-established a brand-new Apexis Kingdom in Tongtian Peak.

With the arakkoa as an ally, Velen no longer tried his best to please the orcs, but sat back and watched the battle between the orcs and the ogres.

The orcs, who were suppressed and beaten most of the time, finally won a turning point more than ten years before the opening of the Dark Portal.

Under the leadership of a leader with strong personality and personal strength, the Blackrock Orcs completely defeated the city-state built by the Stonehammer Ogres in Gorgrond.

Of course, it is unavoidable that Kagasri, who is a gladiator in the blood arena, deserves credit for cooperating with others.

Taking the situation in Gorgrond as a breakthrough point, the offensive of ogres from various places has slowed down. Highmaul also had to withdraw its troops under the pressure of the Gorgrond reinforcements headed by the Blackrock clan. mallet fort.

And the Warsong clan also gave birth to an unprecedentedly powerful leader in the perennial war with Highmaul—Grom Hellscream.

The wolf cavalry that Grom advocated to train played a huge role in the battle against the ogres of Highmaul, and the windy guerrilla tactics tore all the strongholds of Highmaul in Nagrand to pieces.

With the collapse of supply lines, the most powerful Highmaul and Blade Tower Fortress have only their last capitals left, and the orc power has officially risen in Draeno.

Although occupying a large area of ​​Nagrand, it is impossible for the Nagrand orcs headed by Warsong to take Highmaul in one fell swoop. fighting power.

In the case of head-to-head battles, the orcs who are not in the upper hand are still no match for the ogre.

At the same time, the Frostwolf, Whitepaw, and Thunderlord clans of Frostfire Ridge also launched an attack on Bladespire Hold.

With the help of Moknasaari Yingwaihe, a hybrid of ogres and orcs, the Blade Tower Fortress was breached, leaving only two isolated cities of Highmaul and Pain Fortress for the ogres.

After this war, UU Reading orcs gradually replaced ogres as the overlord of Draenor.

If that's the case, the draenei and the arakkoa, who don't have a strong desire to expand, won't have any objections. As long as they guard their own territory, they believe that the orcs won't be able to defeat them so easily.

However, Velen, who had lost the ability to see the prophet, failed to find out that the vanguard Talgath sent by Kil'jaeden had already found Draenor along the holy wave of Genidaar's crash. The Draenei who could not escape.

"Kil'jaeden secretly supported an orc who was abandoned by his tribe due to disability and gradually became mentally distorted. He persuaded him with sweet words, taught him fel magic, and even infused him with power."

Velen said with a wry smile, "In the end, this orc named Gul'dan completely changed the orcs by virtue of his natural strengths in intrigue."

"They gave up the noble shamanism and started to study fel energy. This kind of chaotic energy that relies on absorbing life to strengthen itself has destroyed the ecology of Draenor."

"When my foresight ability finally recovered and I saw the shadow behind the orcs, it was too late."

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