Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 456: 1 one-sided sea battle

According to the information provided by "Orion", Garona came to the gate of Karazhan without knowing that she was being closely monitored.

Because of the previous battle, there were still a lot of potholes left in front of the Guardian Mage Tower, and the nearby manors left by the nobles were full of holes. The gusts of cold wind made Garona tremble subconsciously.

‘The atmosphere here is so gloomy, as if the ghosts of the dead are still lingering nearby. '

Following the Shadow Council's travels, Garona is also well-informed. She has witnessed orc warlocks use fel energy to absorb the life force of Draenei captives. A massacre scene full of mummified corpses usually leaves this gloomy atmosphere.

The majestic Karazhan made Garona subconsciously reveal that upon careful observation, different from the rough construction style of the orcs, the human buildings look a little more refined and rigorous, especially the high-rise building called the Mage Tower in front of her.

Withdrawing her gaze, Garona looked at the gate of Karazhan, "There are no guards?"

The comatose Medivh has regained consciousness under the care of Khadgar, but he still can't recall what happened before after thinking twice.

His memory only stayed in the battle between himself and his mother, forcing Aegwynn, who was rushing to question him in a rage, to retreat.

The fierce conflict with his mother made him very depressed, and the large number of dead guests in the tower and the delirious Moros made him unable to lift his spirits.

Under the influence of Medivh's soul subconscious, Moros, the old housekeeper who took care of him since he was a child, did not die in the previous life force extraction, but Moros, who witnessed a large number of mummy production sites, became crazy because of this, and I am afraid he will not be able to regain his sanity .

In Medivh's life, apart from his two good friends, there were only three closest people, his father Nieras, his mother Medivh and the old housekeeper Moros.

This battle made him hurt the two most important people at once, and Medivh, who was already depressed due to the weakness of his soul, was even more depressed.

Khadgar's care was only to restore his uninjured body, but the weakness of the soul can only slowly recover after all.

Fortunately, because Sargeras' soul also fell into a deep sleep, Medivh, who was in a trance, at least did not continue to be affected by the Fallen Titan.

After pushing Khadgar away with a wave, he returned to the room alone with a depressed expression on his face. He always felt that he seemed to have forgotten some important things.

"The management of Karazhan is temporarily handed over to you, don't let other people disturb me."

Watching Medivh teleport back to his room, Khadgar had a complicated expression.

'The portal of darkness, the alien invasion, and the tragic experience of countless creatures in Karazhan, are all these really caused by the mentor? '

Just as Khadgar and Medivh were thinking about their own thoughts, Medivh, who had just returned to the room, suddenly changed his expression.

"Someone broke into Karazhan?"

Since almost all creatures in the tower had been drained of their vitality, there was no gatekeeper at the gate of Karazhan, and Garona easily entered the tower through the gate with the protective barrier removed.

Witnessing Garona entering the tower with her own eyes, Andrea, who was watching from a distance, twitched her lips.

"Okay, let's go back first, I don't know how the other fronts are doing."

Uldum, once a great desert, is now covered with a lot of green plants. With the narrow oasis in the center as the center, the yellow sand everywhere is slowly receding under the reshaping function of the origin furnace.

But now the rainforest has been re-covered with tropical vegetation, but blood is everywhere.

A large number of Naga pouring in from the southern beaches of Uldum crowded the coastline, and the naga swimming quickly in the sea were resisting the attack of a steel fleet with the assistance of the ghost ship Naglfar.

A night elf officer wearing a snow-white navy uniform sat in the bridge room of the largest battleship in the center of the fleet and ordered loudly, "All gun ports turn left 15°, fire salvo!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The main guns of the battleships in the fleet began to roar at the same time, sawdust flying on the Nagfar, which was under intensive care, and the Naga in the sea was also knocked into a daze by the concussion of the shelling.

If it wasn't for Hella's power to protect the ghost ship, the ordinary wooden ship would have been smashed to pieces by the magic cannons of the Second Fleet of the Night Republic.

"The secondary battery and magic machine guns keep firing! Don't let Naga get close to our battleship! Mine arrays and torpedoes are ready! Release!"


As the long metal projectiles sent from the bottom of the hull rushed towards the Naga in the water, the fleet retreated slowly at the beginning of the naval commander, and the broken destroyers simultaneously dropped large pieces of mines suspended in the water to seal off the sea area.

Naga had never seen these strange metal objects before, and subconsciously attacked them with the trident and saber in his hand.


The explosion under the surface of the water caused a large column of water to rise into the sky, and the continuous underwater muffled sound took away a large number of Naga's lives, and a small area of ​​the sea was completely stained red by the blood overflowing from the mutilated Naga's corpse.

At the same time, the Chimeras that accompanied the ship also left the hull deck and began to soar, and one after another the unknown objects emitting blue-purple light were thrown into the sea by the knights on the Chimera's back.

A new round of explosions dealt another devastating blow to the fish that escaped before.

In the face of steel warships, manpower is extremely fragile. Even if Naga can approach the fleet of night elves, their weapons can only slip out of sparks when they hit the hull of the ship.

The Naga spellcasters wanted to turn the clouds and rain with their spells, control the sea and drown the night elf fleet.

But the well-prepared navy couldn't give them this chance. The spellcasters on both sides competed with each other for control of the nearby water elements. Although Naga had the advantage by virtue of the home field, it was impossible to set off a huge wave.

Hablon, the helmsman of the Nagfar, finally couldn't bear this one-sided battle any longer, and ordered the captain to let the Nagfar dive into the sea and leave the battlefield.

This ghost ship also needs to undertake the important task of transporting Hela's soul, so it cannot just sink in the sea far away from the Storm Fjord.

The still large number of Naga was terrified by the previous massacre. They were not afraid of death and war, but no one wanted to die worthlessly like this. was completely wiped out.

The retreat of the Nagfar and the Naga determined the direction of the battle. The coalition forces, which were originally astonishing, were discouraged by this naval battle. Many Naga sneaked into the sea to escape while their commanders had no time to control them.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this naval battle has caused Naga and Helagar to lose the initiative to advance and retreat freely. After the sea is blocked, they will not have a steady stream of reinforcements, and the situation will reverse sooner or later.

At the same time, Hylagal, who had entered the Hall of Origin, was also in trouble.

After taking back the Hall of Origin, Thorim restarted the Furnace of Origin, and the titan creations guarding this important hall were also activated by him from dormancy one after another.

Although Hylagar can be immune to physical attacks to a certain extent by virtue of its special soul structure, the power of light used by the Titan creations headed by Rasha the Watcher can cause great damage to them.

Misfortunes never come singly, and the Southern Army of the Night Republic led by Shandris and Leticia arrived just at this time.

The ferocious long-distance raid caught off guard and blocked the enemy's connection inside and outside the Hall of Origin, and under the attack from both sides, it quickly formed a situation of catching a turtle in a jar.


Shandris's ultra-long-range cold arrows locked on one of the armored Naga commanding men, and the arrows with amazing penetrating power pierced the armor of Commander Naga, blasting most of his upper body off.

Putting down the Cadoretia exploits in his hands, Shandris ordered amidst the cheers around him, "Don't relax! Drive the Naga back to the beach and completely block the enemy's retreat!"



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