Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 466: 3 sisters with different personalities

Although Andrea came to Quel'Thalas this time just to relax, it doesn't mean that he really has no plans.

Because the high elves have absorbed the magic power of the Sunwell all year round, their magic addiction has reached a very serious level.

Especially the elves living in the Eversong Forest, and even the civilians have become more or less addicted to magic because they are bathed in a high-intensity magic environment.

This situation is obviously not a good thing, and excessive reliance on the sunwell will sow disaster for the future of the high elves.

Once one day they suddenly lose this energy source that provides Quel'Thalas with a lot of magic power, the high elves suffering from magic addiction will sooner or later fall ill without the nourishment of magic power. uncomfortable.

The group of the withered in Suraman, whose brains were burnt out by the hunger and thirst of magic power, is a clear proof. If the high elves can't prevent this in advance, maybe one day in the future there will be a sad existence similar to the withered in Quel'Thalas.

Ever since Dath'Remar led the Highborne to flee, Quel'Thalas and the Night Republic have long since parted ways, but this does not mean that Andrea will just watch them fall into the abyss.

Leaving aside the lazy and extravagant social atmosphere, the high elves do have quite high attainments in magic research, and there are quite a few magisters and great magisters in the country.

Even if it is only considered in terms of strengthening combat power, Andrea cannot just watch Quel'Thalas decline like it did in the original history.

However, the temper of the current Sun King, Anasteria, became more and more stubborn. No matter how Seles tried to persuade him, he was unwilling to let Alcandor flow into the society of the high elves.

The Sun King couldn't even listen to the advice of his own son, Prince Kael'thas. The differences in ideas between the two fathers and sons have not yet been properly resolved, but have become more and more serious.

Hearing about the effects of Arcandor from Andrea, Vereesa gradually grew her mouth.

"Is there such a miraculous fruit? Why didn't the senior officials of Silvermoon City ask the Dark Night Republic to buy Arcandor?"


Andrea smiled sarcastically, "There is only one Alcandor tree of miracles, and the annual output is not large. We didn't even plan to use the Alcandor fruit as a commodity at the beginning, but just wanted to give it to Quel'Thalas High-level trial."

Li Reza frowned and took the words, "Because of unknown reasons, the Sun King sternly rejected the kindness of the Night Republic, and strictly controlled the flow of Arcandor fruits into Quel'Thalas. It is said that so far only Kael'sa in Dalaran Prince Si took one."


Vereesa's mind is full of question marks, and she is still young and completely unable to understand the behavior of the Sun King.

Andrea shook her head and said, "This issue involves Anasteria's political considerations, and I don't recommend you to delve into it further."

From Vereesa's speech and behavior, it can be seen that although this girl is not purely silly and sweet, her brain circuit is completely unsuitable for getting involved in political struggles, and she is likely to be sold by someone and still counting money for others.

Although Vereesa's political talent is almost zero, she is not stupid. The subtle contempt in Andrea's words made her very unconvinced.

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, seeing Vereesa's slightly widened eyes, Li Resa knew what the child was thinking.

"Vereesa, go and call your second sister back, I have something important to discuss with her."


The little girl slanted her eyes at Andrea, then walked out of the living room with her head held high with a soft snort.

Li Resa smiled wryly and nodded her forehead, "I'm sorry, although I train the children strictly, I have always taken a laissez-faire attitude towards their personality growth. As long as I don't go on the wrong path, I will not restrict their respective personalities." play."

Andrea smiled and nodded, "I think your education method is correct. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings."

In the past, Andrea would always subconsciously pay too much attention to her daughter Aurora and adopted daughter Leticia, but after the trip to Draenor, where she was completely separated from her younger generations, Andrea also figured it out.

The children have grown up and each has their own lives and ideas, and blindly caring sometimes makes them feel uncomfortable.

After waking up from a deep sleep, Andrea gradually let go of the management of Aurora and Leticia.

As long as it is confirmed that they are still on the right path, Andrea will not impose any restrictions on them, and let them play freely, and help clean up the mess if something goes wrong.

After Vereesa, Andrea soon met Lireza's second daughter, Sylvanas.

The appearance of the two sisters looks very similar. Judging from the appearance, only the color of their hair can clearly distinguish them.

Vereesa inherited her father's silver hair, while Sylvanas and Alleria, who has not met so far, both inherited the brilliant blond hair of the Windrunner family.

Although the appearance looks the same, the two sisters have very different temperaments.

Vereesa has a gentle temper, and is quite mischievous and optimistic. Although she occasionally has a little temper, it is not difficult to get along with her.

Cirvanas' demeanor was more serious and cold than the third sister's. The corners of her eyes seemed to be lifted up at any time, which added a bit of sharpness to her originally beautiful and feminine appearance, and her resolute military demeanor was beyond words.

"Mother, are you looking for me?"

"Well, sit down first."

Cirvanas glanced at Andrea seemingly unintentionally, and the scrutiny and vague guard in his eyes made Andrea smile meaningfully.

'The living Queen Xi...'

Discussing Arcandor with Cirvanas was much smoother than Vereesa. She would not ask many silly and sweet "cute" questions like Vereesa, and she could usually get straight to the point through the appearance of things.

According to Li Reza, among her three daughters, Alleria has the strongest personal strength, but the one who is most suitable to inherit the position of Ranger General is undoubtedly Cirvanas in front of her.

Cirvanas has a high talent in military command, UU Reading www. also seems to have an innate keen sense of political struggle. These two talents are indispensable qualities for becoming an excellent military commander.

"How about it?"

After Cirvanas left thoughtfully, Li Reza proudly asked Andrea, "Is this child much more capable than Vereesa?"

"Hehe~ Indeed."

Andrea smiled and commented, "If you look at your evaluation of your own daughter, from the perspective of officialdom, I think Cirvanas will go further in the future."

Li Reza smiled and shook her head, "That's why I focus on training her. Hill will definitely become a more competent Ranger General than me in the future."

"As for Aurelia and Vereesa, they also have their own futures. I only hope that the three sisters can always be united as one."


Andrea put down the teacup in his hand and asked curiously, "I heard that you gave birth to a young son not long ago, why didn't you see anyone else?"

Speaking of the only male in his family, Li Reza's smile gradually deepened, "Lilas? My husband took him to Eversong Forest to broaden his horizons. If you don't stay in Quel'Thalas for a long time, I'm afraid it will be difficult See them soon."

Andrea nodded noncommittally, and he didn't have to see Lilas.

"Let's get down to business."

Putting away the smile on his face, Andrea asked seriously, "Li Reza, I want to know your opinion on the current situation in the Eastern Continent."

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