When Nekros happily announced to the clansmen that he had successfully used the Demon Soul to slave the Red Dragon Queen, Alexstrasza was tossing and turning in the cave with a painful expression on his face.

"Oh~ look who this is?"

A joking voice came from the entrance of the cave. Alexstrasza fixed his eyes and looked up at the door.

"It's you!"

A middle-aged man transformed into a human suddenly escaped from the state of shadow, and leaned against the mountain wall at the entrance of the cave with his arms folded.

There is a conspicuous metal collar on his neck, and conspicuous orange-red magma can still be seen flowing on the body under the robe.

"The great red dragon queen, Alexstrasza, was so easily controlled by the lowly and savage orcs. What about your calmness and self-control that you are so proud of?"

The middle-aged human with V-shaped bald hair said sarcastically, "Haven't you ever thought about why the orcs can discover the burial place of the dragon soul? You think I can't find a way to use it if I set a seal to prohibit the dragons from using it? "

Alexstrasza gritted his teeth and stared angrily at the other party, "Nesario!"

"Hmph! I've abandoned that name a long time ago, and now I'm called Deathwing!"

Deathwing snorted coldly, "Without the Red Dragon Queen who commanded Wyrmrest Temple, I'd like to see where that madman will lead the Dragon Clan. As for you..."

With a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, Deathwing waved his hand and walked out, "Enjoy the slavery of the orcs, don't worry, they won't kill you, you will give birth to the orcs with high quality to conquer Azeroth." Mount."

"I will send the news of your capture back to Wyrmrest Temple in good faith. I believe that your group of idiot spouses will soon throw themselves into the trap. Prepare yourself physically and mentally."

When Deathwing changed back to his original form and prepared to take off to Northrend, Alexstrasza, who was bound by chains, had a gleam in his eyes, and she quietly began to take a deep breath.

Since they used the power of the void bestowed by N'Zoth to cover up their whereabouts, the excited Dragonmaw clan did not realize that there was a huge black dragon behind them.

"Traitor! Where are you running!"

A blue dragon of about the same size suddenly rushed out of the empty midair, his eyes were full of angry flames, and before Deathwing took off, the solid hexagonal arcane prison would fall into the black dragon The king went in.

Deathwing was taken aback, he was so complacent that he didn't expect to meet the half-mad blue dragon king here, "Malygos?! This trick again!"

After thinking for a while, Deathwing's heart suddenly turned cold, he knew that he was ambushed.

Before he could turn around in horror to observe Alexstrasza's movements, a resounding dragon chant sounded from the cave, and the flames of life that had been fully accumulated hit his body from behind.


Although the strength of Alexstrasza and Malygos has been weakened by the dragon soul, they are still guardian dragons after all. They are two enemies and one is still mentally unintentional, and Deathwing is losing the opportunity. Suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

This time Malygos did not rashly rush into the arcane cage to fight Deathwing. He is the guardian of magic, and wrestling with Deathwing, who controls the power of the earth, is purely a brain twitch. Now his brain is barely awake. Malygos was not stupid.

Countless gorgeous small magic circles appeared inside the cage, and condensed arcane barrages spewed out of the magic circles continuously.

Deathwing was a little confused by the sneak attack of the two dragon kings, not to mention the dragonmaw orcs around him, who acted as the background board for the whole process.

After recovering from his senses, Nekros raised the golden disc in his hand with a gloomy face, "Presumptuous! A mere dragon, bow down to the glory of Demon Soul...Eh?"

Under Nekros' incredible gaze, the "Devil's Soul" in his hand suddenly began to turn gray, and soon turned into a pile of stone chips and scattered with the wind.

At the same time, Andrea, who was hiding in the sky, held the genuine dragon soul and was pouring a lot of energy into this artifact.

A small golden dragon propped its claws on the edge of the dragon soul, and with difficulty got out from the gradually energized dragon soul, and then swam affectionately around Andrea.

The highly compressed energy tore apart the curtain of shadow released by Andrea, and Deathwing, who was scrambling to deal with the flanking attacks from both sides, finally noticed the deadly killing intent in the air.

"Malygos! Alexstrasza! Are you crazy?! You actually gave the dragon soul to mortals for safekeeping!"

Alexstrasza could no longer see the pain she had shown before, she didn't answer Deathwing's question, she continued to spew out flames of life with a calm face, threatening Deathwing's back.

Trapped in the cage, Deathwing ate Malygos' arcane barrage forcefully, and used his strong body strengthened by the power of the earth to slam into the arcane cage crazily. Numerous cracks appeared on the outer wall of the diamond-shaped cage. The traces were about to be broken off by him.

But at this moment, Deathwing's heart was full of despair, the soul of the giant dragon had locked him, and the little golden dragon was also staring at him, and the crisis of dying hit his soul like never before.

Andrea aimed the golden disc in his hand at Deathwing, whose eyes were full of despair, "You should leave, fallen black dragon king!"


A brilliant golden beam of light shot out from the dragon soul, and under the guidance of the golden little dragon, it almost pierced through Deathwing's body in the blink of an eye.

"Roar! My lord! Help..."

Before he finished speaking, Deathwing, who had been severely injured by the dragon soul, lost his voice. His already unstable body became even more strange, and countless dark purple tentacles protruded from his dragon body with teeth and claws.


A crack suddenly appeared on the disc of the dragon soul, and Andrea was taken aback. After confirming that Deathwing had suffered a fatal attack, he hurriedly withdrew the golden beam of light.

The expressions on the faces of Alexstrasza and Malygos were somewhat complicated, they seemed to be relieved, but also seemed to be sad. They stared blankly at Neltharion's body that had not completely lost its vitality.

At this moment, Andrea's face suddenly changed.

"No! You two, step back!"

Although they didn't know what Andrea meant, Malygos and Alexstrasza, who had cooperated many times, instinctively chose to believe in Andrea, and at the same time flapped their wings to retreat to the sky on both sides.

With Deathwing's remnant body as the center, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com's astonishing void energy spewed out, gradually wrapping Deathwing's torn body into a black ball.

A scary big eye appeared on the surface of the ball, staring at Andrea who delivered the fatal blow.

An ominous voice full of negative emotions appeared in Andrea's head, "Mortal, it's you again."

Andrea, as a demigod who also controls the power of the void, the whispers of the ancient gods can no longer have much influence on him.


"Hmph! Rescuing Deathwing is more important right now, so I'll let you off for now, so I can take care of myself."

"A mortal named Andrea."

N'Zoth's eyeballs have been fixed on Andrea.

Seeing the appearance of the Old God in person, not only the surrounding Dragonmaw orcs were shocked from ear to ear, Alexstrasza and Malygos also had serious expressions and did not dare to act rashly.

"Someone asked me to bring you a sentence. She said that she has been looking forward to the reunion with you after thousands of years."


After saying these words, N'Zoth's eyeballs penetrated into the ground like a fluid flow, and soon disappeared, and his dark aura dissipated as a result.

"A reunion after thousands of years..."

Andrea took a deep breath, and he quickly guessed who the person who said this was.

‘Queen Azshara is indeed still alive. '

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