Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 511: Prepare for a rainy day

More than six years have passed since the draenei took root in the Lost Isles. They gradually adapted to life in Azeroth and began to spread their footprints to the islands around the main island.

Of course, this process was not smooth. The overlord Naga in the ocean often brought some troubles to the exploration of the Draenei, and the aboriginal Pygmies on the main island often attacked the Draenei merchants walking in the wild.

When Andrea and Seres arrived at Denali, the new capital built by the Draenei at the foot of the volcano, they encountered a new round of attacks from the Pygmies living on the outskirts of the volcano.

Since escaping from Draenor, Maraad has been rather decadent due to the death of his sister. The garrison officer is temporarily managed by Nobundo in place of Archbishop Akama. The once youthful Yrel has now become Nobundo's adjutant .

When Nobundo led the Draenei defenders to resist the Pygmies' invasion, Yrel quietly led a small group of elites to the seaside, and killed a small group of Naga with the poisonous darts that the Pygmies used to.

"...Who taught you such an insidious move?"

Andrea looked at the hoof girl in front of her, and she couldn't laugh or cry. Naga was not a race that could suffer. Under Yrel's design, she rushed out of the beach and entered the pygmy village.

The pygmies attacked in the rear were in chaos. Nobundo, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately increased the intensity of the attack. The pygmies who were flanked in front and behind were quickly defeated. flee outside.

Yriel curled his lips indifferently, "Is this considered insidious? It's normal to cause trouble, and... didn't you teach me this?"

'Have it…'

Andrea had no memory of teaching Yrel this trick at all.


Velen coughed lightly and interrupted Andrea's thoughts, "Anyway, as long as it can reduce the consumption of our race, it is a good strategy, Yrel, go ahead and try to beat the Pygmies this time. "


The heroic hoof girl walked out with her tail wagging. The gorgeous plate armor on her body made a crisp collision sound as she walked, and the crystal embedded in the armor shone softly golden under the infusion of the power of the holy light. shine.

Compared with her younger sister Yrel, Samara's achievements are not bad. She has now become a senior member of the Draenei priest, assisting the Prophet in handling affairs as Velen's assistant officer.

Compared with Yrel, who is extroverted by nature, Samara prefers to sit in the office and handle official business. The different personalities of the two sisters determine that they choose different paths.

Velen led Andrea to the core of the new capital, Denali - the Holy Light Hall, and Samara followed him.

In fact, in the thinking of normal people, cities are usually not built at the foot of a volcano, especially if it is an active volcano.

But now the naaru fleet headed by Storm Fortress is docked at the crater, absorbing the geothermal energy of the volcano to recharge the spacecraft, and guiding the excess energy to provide Denali with the energy it needs.

Although Andrea is not very clear about the principle, but according to Archbishop Hattaru, the excess energy released by the volcano is supplied to all aspects of the new capital, and the delicate balance between expenditure and self-production has just formed a delicate balance, ensuring that this active volcano will never be destroyed. Will not erupt.

Draenei's crystal technology is very advanced, and Andrea is very interested in this method of efficiently converting geothermal energy. Over the past few years, night elf researchers and Draenei technicians have increased exchanges, and both sides have learned a lot. reward.

Since Draenei was busy cleaning up the troubles around the Lost Islands a few years ago, and had no time to participate in the war of orc invasion, Andrea came this time and told the Prophet in detail about the direction of the war.

"Sure enough, the Burning Legion is behind it."

Velen said with a bit of self-blame, "I never thought that Mr. Sorcerer, who was very friendly back then, would be parasitized by Sargeras's soul. May the Holy Light bless Medivh's soul to be freed."

Andrea pouted secretly, he knew that Medivh's soul would not dissipate so easily.

The astral mage still haunted Karazhan until version 7.0, and Andrea even suspected that this guy had already become a demigod with an immortal soul.

"Don't worry about Medivh, being able to get rid of the restraint of his body and the control of Sargeras may be a relief for him instead."

Velen didn't know much about Medivh's situation. Although Andrea's words were temporarily incomprehensible, he didn't ask too much because of it.

"So, Andrea, do you think the Dark Portal will open again in a few years?"

Andrea shrugged and said, "Yes, this is a simple logical deduction."

"Draenor is dying, a barren world no longer capable of supporting millions of orcs."

"The orcs who fled back to Draenor will definitely tell the remaining clans what happened to the tribe in Azeroth. If they don't want to be trapped in Draenor until the whole family is starved to death, it is imperative to find a new livable world."

Velen frowned and stroked the white beard on his chin. "The portal across the stars is not so easy to build. The Dark Portal was also formed under the guidance of the Burning Legion, sacrificing countless lives in Draenor."

Andrea shook his head and said, "I'm not too sure about the specific situation, but I guess the orcs won't sit still. As the only rich planet they can observe now, it's only a matter of time before they reopen the Dark Portal and enter Azeroth."

"However, I don't know if they intend to continue to attack Azeroth or have other plans."

Even when his memory was still fresh, Andrea couldn't remember all the history of Azeroth, such as the reason why the orcs invaded Azeroth for the second time, which Andrea didn't record at all.

Velen didn't delve into the orc's goal either. His predictive ability could only give him some fragments of what might happen in the future, and it was impossible to accurately see the distant future.

"Well, no matter what reason or how the orcs will reopen the Dark Portal, this is indeed an opportunity for the Draenei."

Velen said firmly, "We must re-establish connection with Draenor and take back our compatriots who decided to stay in that dying world."

With the Draenei's gentle and friendly nature, coupled with the physical fitness, spell affinity, and advanced technology that are not inferior to the night elves, even Tyrande and Maiev, who are more irritable, have no idea about forming an alliance with them. any comments.

With the help of the night elves, the Prophet Velen quickly obtained Lothar's permission after meeting with the alliance commander Lothar. Yrel led a part of the draenei troops to garrison the Fortress, closely monitoring the darkness. movement of the door.

Lothar and Ryan have already left the Kingdom of Lordaeron and returned to Elwynn Forest, and the disturbances in the north have nothing to do with them for the time being.

In order to rebuild Stormwind City and restore the entire territory of the severely damaged Stormwind Kingdom, the wealth that King Lane brought to Lordaeron at the beginning must not be enough. For this reason, he had to borrow money from the alliance countries to rebuild funds.

Fortunately, during the past two years of getting along, the northern countries have a deeper understanding of King Ryan's character, including the three kingdoms that have withdrawn from the alliance, and expressed their willingness to donate generously.

It's not that they have so much money that they have no place to spend it. Gilneas and other three kingdoms have the same idea as Lordaeron, and want to win over the ruined Kingdom of Stormwind.

King Ryan kept all the favors borrowed from various countries in his heart, and UU Reading prepared to find opportunities to repay them one by one in the future.

The rebuilding of the Stormwind Kingdom has already begun, and both Lothar and Ryan are unable to leave for the time being, and the mission of the alliance commander is temporarily handed over to the rapidly growing Turalyon.

Andrea happened to take the opportunity of visiting the Kingdom of Stormwind to provide King Ryan with a loan in the name of the Republic of Night to strengthen the relationship between the two parties.

After handling the finishing touches on the Eastern Continent, Aurora and Ferrien were sent off by Andrea and others, and set off from Anakis to Quel'Thalas as ambassadors.

Niyana continued to sit in Lordaeron as a communication channel between the Alliance and the Night Republic, and the vacated ambassador of the Stormwind Kingdom was taken over by the leader of the Moon Guard, Delia.

At the same time as members of the embassy such as Aurora and Ferrien set off, the ambassadors from Quel'Thalas also arrived at Anakis via Suramar's teleportation.

When the curious baby Vereesa looked around with bright eyes, Alleria found a problem when she met the Supreme Council.

The chairman of the Supreme Council of the Dark Night Republic, Andrea Moon Shadow, was not present.

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