Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 515: Have you ever seen a turtle as big as the island?

The conversation between Andrea and Aurelia was not a formal meeting, but more like a casual chat between friends.

Alleria told Andrea about the current situation of Quel'Thalas.

The attitude of herself and the Windrunner family is very clear towards Kael'thas. Between the lines, it seems that she wants to get the open support of the Night Republic for Quel'Thalas' new reform policy from Andrea.

Andrea laughed casually, and did not intend to rashly participate in the internal struggles of other countries.

No matter which side he expresses his support for, he will undoubtedly annoy some people in Quel'Thalas and leave a bad impression on the international community of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.

It is better to say more than to do more. The system of the Dark Night Republic is here. The advantages and disadvantages are clear. It is a mature policy system that has been implemented for many years and is sure to be effective.

Ambassadors of various countries are free to visit and study. As for whether relevant countries should refer to and imitate, this is not up to Andrea.

Now that he has arrived in the embassy area, Andrea did not favor one over the other. After finishing the chat with the Quel'Thalas ambassador, he turned to the embassies in Dalaran, the Kingdom of Sheld, the Kingdom of Stormwind, and Kul Tiras. a trip.

Originally, Andrea intended to establish a relatively formal diplomatic relationship with the Zandalari trolls, but led by King Rastakhan, many people in Zandalar still have strong vigilance and rejection of the night elves.

Although the current relationship between the two countries is not hostile, it is definitely not friendly.

God King Rastakhan obviously regarded the Night Republic as a competitor, and he wanted to make the Zandalari Empire overtake the Night Republic and regain Azeroth's position as the leader.

Andrea has an open and tolerant attitude towards healthy competition. As long as he doesn't play tricks secretly, he welcomes someone to catch up behind him.

Under the deliberate guidance of the Supreme Council, proper competition can promote the vitality and creativity of the society, so that the people of the Dark Night Republic will not be immersed in the glory of Lao Tzu's number one in the world.

In the process of chatting with other ambassadors, Andrea discovered an intriguing phenomenon.

Dalaran, Kul Tiras, and the Kingdom of Stormwind are all left-behind members of the alliance, but the ambassadors of these three countries don't seem to be very interested in Lordaeron, the current leader of the alliance.

As ambassadors of a country, their attitudes to some extent represent the attitudes of those in power in the country.

Regardless of Dalaran, this magical city-state has always been turbulent. Kul Tiras and the night elves have established maritime trade routes for more than 2,000 years, and the relationship is quite deep. It is not surprising that they are close to the night elves, but the Kingdom of Stormwind...

Having just received a large amount of funds from Lordaeron, it stands to reason that the Kingdom of Stormwind should be in the honeymoon period with Lordaeron.

But this is not the case. The ambassador named Scudder Fortagan implicitly expressed to Andrea his concerns about Lordaeron's strong attitude.

The Fordragon family is the duke family of the Stormwind Kingdom, one of the few nobles who are loyal to the royal family. The first Duke Fordragon died in the first orc war and was succeeded by his youngest son Bolvar.

Scudder is Bolvar's cousin. Although he failed to inherit the title, he still has a high status in the Kingdom of Stormwind, and his words carry great weight.

‘Is the Kingdom of Stormwind also alienated from Lordaeron? '

After bidding farewell to the ambassador of the Kingdom of Herod, Andrea thought about it on the way home.

Lordaeron's behavior style is indeed relatively tough. Perhaps Terenas felt that he was slowly aging, and planned to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the Menethil clan and unify the human kingdoms in his lifetime.

But his action was obviously too hasty. Not only did the plan to establish a shelter fail to trap Gilneas, Stormgard, and Sylud, but it added a heavy burden to Lordaeron, which is now in dire straits.

Because of Terenas' political ambitions, the Kingdom of Stormwind, which has the potential to rise again, must be wooed, and the timely support must be implemented.

But considering the huge cost of rebuilding the royal city of Lordaeron and repairing the Tirisfal Forest, even the mighty Lordaeron began to feel overwhelmed.

In contrast, Dalaran has fewer people but more money, and Kul Tiras is sitting on the sea trade route, so there is no shortage of money.

Alterac also broke away from the control of Lordaeron with the strong support of the three countries that quit the alliance. The three major foreign races such as dwarves and gnomes paid a small proportion of the expenses, and the pressure to maintain the orc prisoner-of-war camp was all concentrated on the remaining human allies.

Terenas' plan didn't actually have the desired effect, but it seemed like he shot himself in the foot with a rock.

I pretended so badly that I had to finish pretending him even with tears in my eyes.

The orc prisoner-of-war camp has been established. Let alone abandoning it at this time, not to mention how Gilneas and other three countries will laugh at him. Kul Tiras and Dalaran, which have invested a lot, will definitely blame him for wasting people and money.

"Troublesome Alliance, I'll see where Terenas takes this leaky ship."

Andrea does not intend to intervene too much in the affairs of the alliance. He has received the attitudes of the embassies of various countries, but he is not ready to take any action for the time being.

The trip to Wyrmrest Temple confirmed Andrea's next plan. He planned to follow Shen-zin Zi into the fog-shrouded Pandaria continent.

Shenzinko is the partner of Liu Lang, the first generation of pandaren traveler and adventurer. Considering that Liu Lang has returned to Pandaria many times to recruit people during his travels, Shenzinko should be the only existence in the world who can still find the waterway to Pandaria. .

Dragon Rest Temple sent a large number of dragons to help find Shen-zin Zi, and after just half a year, Andrea received news from the green dragons.

The green dragon Isarios found Shen-zin Zi near the Lost Isles, and the giant tortoise was sailing south.

After handing over the government affairs to other councilors, Andrea rode on Onyxia and traveled all the way south from the Lost Islands, finally finding Shen-zinko near the sea southwest of the maelstrom.

When Andrea and the black dragon princess arrived, Isarios was still flying near Shen-zinko's head and kept talking to him.

I don't know if this giant sea turtle is suffering from dementia. Shen-zinko stared at the sea ahead with her blank eyes half-opened. There was no focus in her eyes, as if she didn't notice Isarios' call at all. UU Reading

Onyxia flew around Shen-zinko's head a few times, and asked a little puzzled, "Is this old tortoise already brain-dead, but the habit of his body keeps him swimming?"

"No, probably not."

Although Andrea couldn't say for sure what Shen-zinzi's situation is now, but according to the quests in the Pandaren Novice Village, this old turtle still had a clear mind in version 5.0.

Andrea looked thoughtfully at Shen-zinko, whose eyes were half-closed, "Semi-dormant? Only the body keeps moving, and the soul enters a state of meditation?"

In any case, right now, we must first find a way to wake up the old turtle. On the premise that he couldn't think of a definite method, Andrea decided to go to the Wandering Isle on Shen-zin Zi's back to ask the local residents.

"Lord Isarios, thank you for your hard work, leave the rest to us."

Isarios was indeed very tired after continuing to fly over the sea. After bidding farewell to Andrea and Onyxia, he slowly flapped his wings and flew towards the Broken Isles, intending to take a good rest in Valsharah. time.

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