Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 525: open strange spicy

The archives in the Mogushan Treasure House should be built by Raiden. The books here are all-encompassing. After a period of reading, Andrea found a variety of books including history, poetry, rituals, astrology, divination, and ancient Titan technology. .

The Nalaksha engine instruction book that Onyxia got was found in the bookshelf of the science and technology category. At that time, Andrea was reading a book that discussed how to extract arcane energy from the leylines.

Since the book that Oni brought contained a lot of technical terms, Andrea tried to skip the parts that were to be studied by technicians and craftsmen, and directly turned to the pages that were easier to read.

In the quiet library, there was only the rustling sound of turning pages. Seeing Andrea was engrossed in reading, the Black Dragon Princess thoughtfully did not disturb him, and slipped into the living area to find a food book to learn from.

After more than half an hour, Andrea finally closed the book, "So that's how it is."

Although limited by his knowledge, Andrea couldn't understand all the theories in this book, but he already had a lot of understanding of the general origin and principle of the Nalaksha Engine.

The engine of Nalaksha was indeed one of the Titan equipment left behind by Raiden. The original purpose was to produce enough troops to defend against the followers of Y'Shaarj, who are now known as the mantid. descendants.

After Ra-den fell into disrepair, the Engine of Nalak'sha was unlicensed and abandoned for countless years.

The original group of mogu still dutifully guarded Pandaria and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms after their master disappeared inexplicably, until they began to be affected by the curse of flesh and blood.

The early stone mogu had no greedy desires, and the Titans who practiced strict military management were very disciplined. However, after being weakened by the curse of flesh and blood, they became more and more like mortals, and all kinds of troublesome desires gradually disappeared. began to increase.

Endless warlord melee broke out in the flesh and blood of the mogu, and it was against this background that Thor was born.

This book does not mention the origin of Thor, but judging from the wording in the book, the person who recorded this book is probably a loyal fan of Thor, and all kinds of crazy boasting rainbow farts emerge in endlessly in the book.

Excluding this part of meaningless flattery, at least one thing can be known.

After Lei Shen gained the power of Raiden, he quickly integrated the Mogu with his powerful power and fierce means, and established the first unified empire in the history of the Mogu.

After taking most of Pandaria, he personally excavated many Titan ruins buried in this land, and the engine of Nalak'sha, which had been abandoned for countless years, was re-emerged.

Using this Titan equipment to produce original Titan creations, Thor can create new species by fusing flesh and rock. Lizardmen, land spirits and other species all appeared during this period.

Not only that, Thor also researched a way to use the engine of Nalaksha to eliminate the curse of flesh and blood. You must know that this is a feat that even the Titan Guardians failed to do.

Although many of the descendants of the Titans were content with the status quo such as the dwarves and dwarves, there were also the tol'vir of the Neferset tribe who still wanted to restore their rock bodies and continue to perform the duties of the Titans.

In all fairness, in terms of combat power alone, the flesh-and-blood race really couldn't compare with the original Titan creations.

It was with the help of the engine of Nalak'sha that Thor created for him an elite army of primitive stone mogu.

No one in the entire Mogu Empire could resist his authority. Even the Zandalari trolls who ruled most of the world at that time could only lower their proud heads and form an alliance with Lei Shen.

If the engine of Nalaksha can be restarted, let alone how the mass production of stone mogu will affect Pandaria and even the world situation.

Just reshaping the flesh-and-blood Titan Creation into its original form should allow Andrea to win the respect of many descendants of Titan Creation.

It's a pity that this book doesn't describe the operation method of the Nalaksha engine in detail, so I can only find another way to study it later.

According to the records in the book, the engine of Nalaksha is located directly below this library.

Following the guidance of the book, Andrea opened the mechanism hidden in countless bookshelves, and with a "bang" sound, a descending staircase appeared under the high platform of the library.

Slightly rotten air blows out from the tunnel. Ever since Thor passed away and the Mogu'shan treasure house was sealed, no one has entered this tunnel for tens of thousands of years.

Curious baby Onyxia squeezed Andrea out of the passage first. Although the air inside didn't smell very good, at least it wasn't hard to breathe.


Shaking his head helplessly, Andrea followed Onyxia's footsteps and prepared to enter the passage entrance.

But at this moment, the guardian dragon's heart, which had been obediently wrapped around his neck, suddenly raised its head and let out a low warning sound.


At the same time that Little Dragon yelled, Andrea felt a sense of crisis like a needle **** behind him, and he hurriedly abandoned the passage and teleported to the left.


A series of arrows were shot from Andrea's back, and with great force, the arrows were deeply inserted into the bluestone floor where he was standing before, causing cracks on the ground.

Hearing the movement from behind, Onyxia hurriedly turned around and planned to return, but at this time the entrance of the passage was suddenly closed again, and even with the strange power of the Black Dragon Princess, she couldn't open it forcibly in a short time.


Temporarily ignoring the muffled pounding sound from the other side of the passage, Andrea cautiously looked at the attacker behind him. It was a phantom mogu holding a war bow.

"Soul? No wonder I didn't notice it."

The mogu soul in front of him was blank-eyed, as if he had no mind of his own, and just acted according to a certain preset program.

Without the breath of life, and without independent will, naturally there would be no hostility and murderous intent, which caused Andrea to be almost cheated.

And the most troublesome problem is not here yet.

Slowly turning his eyes around and looking around, a dozen translucent souls appeared in the originally empty library. UU Reading Their state is very similar to that of the mogu holding the bow, with blank eyes Holding a weapon, he approached Andrea.

After soothing Dragon's emotions, Andrea guessed thoughtfully, "Is it Thor's arrangement? As long as someone tries to get close to the engine of Nalaksha, these souls will be awakened by themselves."

Judging from the flow of the Mogu'shan treasure house in the game, these mogu tribes should be the great warlords before the rise of Thor. I don't know how Thor bound the souls of these ancestors here to guard the gate for him.

The irrational souls did not give Andrea time to continue thinking, and the souls holding melee weapons charged at him immediately after the soul body solidified.

Swinging the light blade of Garnier's staff to parry a long spear that was stabbing at his chest, the sword of the dark empire in his left hand was skillfully wrapped around an incoming war knife, deflecting the attack force and colliding with the war hammer on the side Together.

At the same time, the mogu archer who shot the cold arrow before also launched an attack together with other long-range units.

Andrea tried to use the cover of the melee soul to avoid various long-range attacks, and only opened the protective barrier to resist when he couldn't dodge.

Dexterously shuttling and draining among the tall mogu souls, Andrea tried hard to find the loopholes in the coordinated actions of these souls that did not cooperate with each other.

"I didn't expect that one day I would encounter something similar to Zhou Zhuo's. Sure enough, it was because the important goal was right in front of me. I was a little too impatient. I should review it later."

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