Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 531: Lightning action

Niuzao from Xuanniu Temple looked solemnly at the dissipating thunderclouds in the distance, "Is this Thunder God Island? What exactly is he planning to do?"

Andrea's action pattern of one hammer in the east and the stick in the other made the four gods completely confused, and even Qinglong Yulong couldn't figure it out.

With the defense of Thunder God Island removed, Onyxia can finally fly in the air without any scruples, and soon she will fly to the sky above Thunder God Island with three passengers.

Before the island of Thunder God was split from the mainland, the entire island area was the most important power center of the tyrant Thunder God. The Throne of Thunder was located in the deepest part of the island, guarded by countless stone mogu.

If you advance from land, you have to deal with the mogu who are being released from the state of stone statues. Onyxia quickly flew over from high altitude, and landed in front of the majestic Throne of Thunder before the guards were completely unblocked.

"Giant crossbows have been erected on the walls around the palace, and it is easy to be locked and attacked by continuing to fly from the air."

After transforming back into human form, Onyxia explained, "For the rest of the way, we can only walk with our feet."

Andrea nodded, and warned Cheng Bo and Chen who were gearing up behind them, "Don't run around, this is not where you should be able to come. If you don't want to lose your life, try to follow behind us."


During the conversation, a series of arrows shot from the palace wall of the Throne of Thunder, and Andrea waved his staff to build a barrier of holy light to block it.

"Look, the guards here obviously don't welcome us."

Concentrating the shadow energy to the top of the staff, a dark purple energy wave spewed out from the staff, directly bombarding the gate of the Throne of Thunder, and the violent shaking shook many mogu on the city wall mountain to the ground.

The defenses of the entire island have been dismantled, and the gate looks relatively thick. It was quickly pierced by Andrea's attack, and five people can already see that the interior is recovering from the opening of the cave. The petrified mogu.


Onyxia rushed forward first. The skin strengthened by the power of the earth can directly resist most weak bows and spells. It is a proper MT.


The phantom of the dragon's claws materialized as Onyxia swung her fist, and slapped the Mogu archer who was drawing a bow and shooting arrows on the palace wall into rubble.

"Andrea, how to get there? You come to show the way!"

"Okay, you have also seen the map records of the Throne of Thunder in the archives before, we don't have to forcefully break into the most core palace, and follow the avenue to the Hall of Cultivation."

The palace is undoubtedly the most heavily defended place on the Throne of Thunder, and the twin mogu queens and Thunder God's elite guards should all be dormant in the throne.

Fortunately, Andrea's purpose is not to destroy the palace, so he doesn't have to confront those troublesome guys head-on.

The Hall of Self-cultivation is a side hall on the road leading to the palace. Under the guidance of Andrea according to the map, a group of four people quickly broke through the defense and came outside the side hall under the leadership of the arrow Onyxia.

"Cheng Bo and Chen, you stay with Onyxia."

"Aoni, help me block the pursuers for the time being, and I will try to get rid of that stinky salted fish as soon as possible."

"no problem."

Onyxia restored the prototype of the dragon and firmly blocked the passage leading to the temple of self-cultivation.

Glancing at Chen, whose eyes were rolling wildly, Princess Black Dragon warned the two restless pandaren with a thickened voice, "You better control your curiosity that you shouldn't have. This is the palace of Thunder God. If you rush into it, If you enter the danger zone, even I can't save you."

"hold head high!"

The dragon's breath of shadow flames spewed out to the square in front of the Temple of Self-cultivation. A large number of mogu were shrouded in the ultra-high temperature dragon's breath. Even their stone bodies couldn't stop the black dragon's breath, and they soon became scorched black.

Chen and Cheng Bo, who were hiding behind Onyxia, looked at each other. Cheng Bo said hesitantly, "Let's listen to her advice. You have seen the strength of those moguls. They are definitely not something we can handle."

Chen shook his head like a rattle drum, "I don't want it! Life is endless, exploration is endless, no one has entered here for more than 10,000 years, don't you wonder what secrets are buried in this palace complex?"


When the two Stormstout brothers were discussing whether to explore (die), Andrea quickened his pace and entered the dim interior of the Hall of Self-cultivation.


With a light snap of his fingers, a soft golden light shone in the dark hall, illuminating the way forward.

The Hall of Self-cultivation is the experimental site of Thor, and there are a large number of strange and deformed experimental bodies piled up inside.

For tens of thousands of years, these creatures have been entrenched in the self-cultivation hall that no one has entered. They dare not rush into the heavily guarded palace, and can only multiply in the sewer area behind.

After entering the Temple of Self-cultivation, the first enemy Andrea encountered was the lizard man hiding in the shadows.

These lizardmen are accidental by-products created by Thor using the engine of Nalaksha. Most of the lizardmen have already fled to various parts of Pandaria, and a few were captured by Thor back to the throne as experiments.

The native lizardmen of Pandaria are cruel, cunning and intelligent, and they are one of the wild species that threaten the survival of pandaren.

But the lizardmen that Andrea met in the Hall of Self-cultivation seemed to have completely degenerated into beasts. They only roared and made ferocious noises, and they had no intention of talking at all.

Under the effect of the Holy Light Illumination Technique, the lizardmen hiding in the shadows had nowhere to hide, one by one rushed out of their hiding places to attack Andrea.


Ripples of holy light spread out from Andrea's body, and all the lizardmen who were hit screamed and flew upside down, most of them hit the wall and lost consciousness.

A small number of "lucky ones" who retained consciousness were also beheaded one by one by Andrea using the energy lightsaber, and broke through the sewer entrance where a large number of lizardmen gathered in less than a minute.

On the way forward, Andrea encountered more lizardmen, and a strange structure powered by blood, all of which were forcibly obliterated by him with the crushing of power levels.

The huge Blood Golem in the first hall was steamed dry by Andrea with blazing holy light, and after losing power, it was dismantled into a mass of scrap iron.

If the record on the memorandum is correct, under the second hall ahead is the secret room where Raiden is imprisoned.

After entering this temple, Andrea finally knew where the blood that drove the golem came from.

Countless flesh and blood were squeezed out from the numb lizard body under the operation of some kind of mechanical equipment in the hall. Some flesh and blood even condensed into entities very strangely, swimming autonomously in the hall. The strong smell of blood made Andrea Some nausea.

"The non-soil experimental equipment that shouldn't exist...destroy it!"

The mechanical equipment bombarded by the energy of the holy light ceased to operate one after another, but the flesh and blood flowing on the ground did not stop because of this.

Sensing the crisis from the outside world, these flesh and blood quickly gathered together, and in a burst of disgusting wriggling and reintegration, they formed a blood-red lizardman covered in thick sores.

"Hiss! Primordius wants your..."


Too lazy to talk nonsense with this disgusting creature, a shadow energy blade was cut horizontally from the top of Ganir's staff, cutting off the connection between the lizardman's head and body in the blink of an eye.

The psychic magic that poured into the soul destroyed Primordius' will to resist, his body lost control, and turned into flesh and mud again and collapsed.

"Tsk! It's disgusting."

Cover your nose and use holy light to purify this pile of flesh and blood full of dark power, but the smell of smoked blood in the hall will not dissipate for a while.

Suppressing the nausea, Andrea reversed the Garnier Rod and inserted it into the ground. Under the energy bombardment of layers of Elune's Tears, the hidden mechanism finally lay down completely, a crooked A passageway appears beneath the temple.

"I finally found you, the stinky salted fish that has been hiding for tens of thousands of years."

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