Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 536: Draenor Shattered

While the night elves were busy tracking down and repairing the seal of the Tomb of Sargeras, Talon Gorefiend, who had obtained the three artifacts, had already fled back to the Dark Portal.

The Warsong, Thunderlord, Bonechewer, Laughing Skull, and Shattered Hand clans still struggled to hold the Alliance back in the Blasted Lands, but the Horde's resistance was finally crushed when reinforcements from the Northern Kingdoms arrived.

Warsong and Thunder King were driven to the edge of the cursed land, and could no longer affect the situation near the Dark Portal. Bonebiter, Laughing Skull, and Shattered Hand retreated to Draenor urgently, preparing to hold on to Hellfire Citadel to open up space for Ner'zhul Channel delay.

After some urgent discussions, Turayang decided to lead the army across the Dark Portal and pursue them to the home world of the orcs, to solve these restless orcs once and for all.

Khadgar also agreed with Turalyon's idea and decided to join the army on the expedition to Draenor.

If the Dark Portal problem is not addressed from the other side, who knows when the remnants of the Horde will continue to use the Dark Portal to cause more trouble on Azeroth.

Velen and Andrea had discussed the issue of the Dark Portal a long time ago. It is not surprising that the Draenei opened the Dark Portal again, and they were already prepared.

Yrel and Archbishop Hattaru led a draenei troop, volunteered to follow the alliance army across the Dark Portal, and returned to Draenor, which made them deeply moved.

The Tanaan jungle where the Dark Portal is located has long been unrecognizable, and now this barren red land is called the Hellfire Peninsula.

The Draenei troops did not join hands with the Alliance to fight. Yrel and Hataru took advantage of the army led by Turalyon to fight the Horde in Hellfire Citadel, and advanced to the west of Hellfire Peninsula first by virtue of their familiarity with the terrain.

After entering the forest of Talador, which became much barren than before, the draenei defeated the scattered orcs who were deeply affected by the aftermath of the demon's blood, and returned to the barrier of Shattrath City.

Adal, who stayed behind in Draenor, opened the barrier and led Yrel and other followers of the Holy Light into Shattrath City.

After the Horde launched an expedition to Azeroth, the city housed a large number of refugees from Draenor's native races, including forest elves, tiger people, ogres, and even cyclops.

Yrel obtained a lot of information about the large-scale evacuation of the Draenei from Naru Adal and Archbishop Osar who stayed behind.

Although the orcs have always wanted to break through the three strongholds that the Draenei were holding on to in Draenor, they still failed in the end because they dispersed their forces in the invasion of Azeroth.

Draenor's ecological environment is already very bad under the continuous corrosion of fel energy, but for the Draenei with good biotechnology, it is not completely irreversible. The premise is to prevent the residents of Draenor from continuing to grow Scale use of fel energy.

This is not difficult. As the effect of the blood of fel energy fades and Ner'zhul takes power again, the orc's dislike of fel energy becomes more and more obvious.

Ner'zhul, as a sage-level figure in the entire orc family, knew very well that Draenor would fall to this point, and the erosion of fel energy was the main reason.

Under Ner'zhul's restraint, the orcs began to consciously reduce the frequency of using evil energy. Unless necessary, orc warlocks were strictly prohibited from using evil energy spells on a large scale.

Osar touched the whiskers on his chin thoughtfully. "That is to say, the Prophet and Andrea intend to establish Draenor as an outpost to observe the movements of the Burning Legion?"

Yrel nodded and said, "That's roughly the case. I don't know the detailed plan. Archbishop Osar can ask the Prophet himself after arriving in Azeroth."

"I see." Osar is not a procrastinator, "I will dispatch Shattrath and leave the necessary troops for Adal to guard. Go and carry out your own tasks first."

Shattrath was just the first stop for Yrel and Hataru, and then they went to Karabor Temple in Shadowmoon Valley and Auchindoun in the south of Talador Forest.

At the same time, the arakkoa sticking to Tongtian Peak also smelled something strange from the sudden activity of the draenei. The shadow sage Iska sent someone to Auchindoun to get in touch with the draenei to inquire about the specific situation. .

The Alliance's attack on Hellfire Citadel is not progressing very smoothly. The five northern countries have just experienced a large-scale civil war, and the troops they can send are not many.

Hellfire Fortress is a front-line fortress built by the orcs before they invaded Azeroth. It has a very solid city defense, and it is difficult to easily break through it in a short period of time.

Turayang left behind Danath Trollbane who volunteered to join the expeditionary force, and he led the army to dominate the Hellfire Citadel, trying to drag the main force of the orcs to the Hellfire Peninsula.

Since entering Draenor, Turalyon has always been able to hear a vague calling, which directed him to the Talador Forest in the west of Hellfire Peninsula.

Horde reinforcements from Nagrand and Shadowmoon Valley are still providing continuous support to Hellfire Peninsula, and the three most important artifacts were also taken all the way south by Talon Gorefiend.

In order to cut grass and roots, Turayang decided to go west to completely destroy the tribe's base camp, crush the tribe's ambition and take back the three artifacts, and by the way find out what happened to the unknown call.

The chieftain of the tribe, Ner'zhul, sits in the Fortress of Pain in Shadowmoon Valley. Although the situation on the front line makes him quite worried, the trend of the situation is not beyond his expectations.

The Horde lost the group of elites who invaded Azeroth, and now it is no longer a war-torn alliance opponent, and being suppressed by the opponent is still within his prediction.

After Talon Gorefiend brought back the three artifacts, Ner'zhul was unwilling to stay for a moment. He ordered the clans on the front line to block the alliance army desperately, and began to cast spells to drive the artifacts to tear open the space channel.

The Draenei, the Alliance and the Horde are all racing against time to start their operations, and now it depends on who can complete their plan first.

Although Andrea is quite concerned about what happened in Draenor, but there is a dark portal away, and the information sent back from Draenor cannot guarantee timeliness.

By the time he gets the news, it's usually days after the incident.

In this case, neither he nor Velen could accurately direct the actions of Yrel and the others, so they could only let them adapt according to the predetermined plan.

Yrel's mission is to connect the draenei who stayed behind in Draenor, and bring the archbishop and most of the remaining civilians back to Azeroth. Naaru will continue to lead the army to occupy the three fortresses and monitor the movements of the Burning Legion. .

Hataru's mission is more important. He needs to carry positioning equipment and an interstellar communication terminal to fix and record Draenor's coordinates, and strive to obtain remote contact with Azeroth.

Although it was a bit inexplicable for Andrea to remind him to locate him twice, Hattaru still decided to follow his advice.

After completing the first positioning, Hataru set off to return to Shattrath and join Yrel to prepare for evacuation. UU Reading www. He temporarily left his deputy Romul in Shattrath, letting him be in charge of the so-called second positioning a month later.

When Andrea took Raiden into the tomb of the real Thor, Draenor's explosive news just passed back to Azeroth, and Andrea, who was deep in the fog, failed to receive the information immediately.

In simple terms, Draenor was torn apart by the dimensional rift that Ner'zhul recklessly tore open, and the surface structure of the entire planet was no longer stable.

As Yrel and Hataru hurriedly led a large number of people through the Dark Portal back to Azeroth, a powerful fel explosion came from the other side of the stargate.

The draenei and alliance soldiers who fell at the end were blown away by the explosion. When all the dust settled, the Dark Portal had lost the function of connecting the two worlds, and was completely closed by the remaining soldiers of the expeditionary force from the other side.


Pushing off the heavy top of the sarcophagus, a very complete blue-skinned mogu corpse was placed in front of the lower abdomen with hands clasped, lying on its back in the exquisite and gorgeous coffin as if sleeping.

Andrea looked at Layden solemnly, "Are you ready?"

Layden took a deep breath and said calmly, "Okay, let's follow the plan."

"Okay, Zhu Taran, let your monks transport this guy to the highest peak of Kun-Lai Mountains. The resurrection ceremony requires a lot of lightning power, let Xuen and Yu'lon also start to act."

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