Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 541: prison Break

With the Dark Portal closed from the side of Draenor, Azeroth has once again ushered in a rare period of peace.

The war between Lordaeron, Alterac and other countries was forced to be suspended due to the sudden second invasion of orcs. After the Dark Portal was closed, the five countries had no intention of starting a war again, and each retreated to its own lair to develop silently.

But this war, which lasted for more than a year, still had some adverse effects on the world situation after all.

The first is the issue of people's livelihood.

After the Orc War ended, the nations should have worked hard to recuperate and recover from the severe wounds suffered during the war.

But the Five Kingdoms War provoked by Lordaeron made this period of peace come to naught. As the country that initiated the war, Lordaeron was under the greatest pressure. After the Dark Portal was closed, Terenas suddenly discovered...their logistics began Can't keep up.

Due to the recruitment of a large number of farmers within the territory of the country to participate in the battle, the farmlands in the East and West Wealds lacked enough manpower, and the production could not keep up. The backlash of the war began to affect Lordaeron, the most powerful country of mankind.

Lack of food is only one aspect of it. Terenas insisted on launching an unjust war, and Terenas brought the relationship between Lordaeron and other alliance countries to a freezing point.

Except for the shameless Dalaran, including Kul Tiras, which has completely fallen out, and the Stormwind Kingdom, which lives in the south, most of the alliance member states have intentionally reduced their business relations with Lordaeron.

Terenas, who is full of confidence in building the orc prisoner-of-war camp, has been having a headache recently.

If it was Lordaeron at its peak, the maintenance cost of the prisoner-of-war camps was only a drop in the bucket, but now that the internal and external difficulties, the consumption of maintaining the prisoner-of-war camps made him feel pain.

The fuse starts here.

Lordaeron deliberately defaulted on the maintenance expenses of the prisoner-of-war camp that should have been paid. Naturally, other countries will not help him fill in this part of the expenditure. upset.

Since he was defeated and taken prisoner, Orgrim, the former chieftain of the tribe, has been thinking about the reasons for the defeat of the tribe.

Seeing the compatriots around him who were exhausted by the decline of the demon's blood, Orgrim gradually figured it out.

He does not regret the Horde's invasion of Azeroth, because this is the only way out for the dying orcs in their hometown.

The Great Chief Blackhand's over-reliance on Gul'dan and other warlocks has caused disasters in Draenor, and the destructive power of fel energy has undoubtedly been revealed by the orcs' years of practical experience.

It is true that after drinking the blood of the demon, the orc gained a strong physical fitness bonus for a period of time, but it was not without cost.

The violent orcs have extremely poor military discipline and are not conducive to control. They are easy to get hotheaded and charge indiscriminately in battle. These thorns who do not obey the command are hidden hidden dangers for any military commander.

Although warlocks who manipulate fel energy are more destructive than shamans, shamans have healing and soothing powers that warlocks cannot do.

The conclusion is that Gul'dan, who introduced fel energy to the orcs, must die.

Of course, now that Gul'dan is dead, Orgrim is more concerned about the future of the tribe.

Losing the bonus of demon blood, the once ferocious and fearless orcs became decadent and exhausted. Orgrim couldn't believe that the group of lazy orcs around him were the same species as his compatriots who used to work hard to graze.

If he can't find a way to heal their exhaustion from the soul, even if he escapes from the shelter, Orgrim doesn't think he can use these lazy people to fight the alliance again.


Orgrim recalled what old blind Drek'Thar had said to him when he brought Go'el to the Frostwolf camp.

The elements of Draenor have long ceased to answer their call under the ravages of fel energy, but Azeroth is different.

This new world has stronger and more active elements than Draenor.

After the Frostwolf Clan lived in seclusion in the Alterac Snow Mountains, Drek'Thar learned from the pain and abandoned the fel energy to try to communicate with the elements of Azeroth, and had already received a preliminary response at that time.

The shelter where Orgrim was held was the largest, located in the northwest corner of the Hillsbrad Foothills, near the foot of Alterac Mountains and Dalaran.

This shelter should have been jointly funded by Lordaeron, Alterac, and Dalaran. After Alterac withdrew from the alliance, the maintenance costs fell to Lordaeron and Dalaran.

The fundamental reason for Dalaran's willingness to establish orc prisoner-of-war camps is that the Kirin Tor Council has become interested in the spells used by orcs.

They plan to use the captured orcs for experiments, try to grasp the weakness of fel spells, and take targeted protective measures.

After all, Dalaran is just an independent city-state, and Lordaeron still pays most of the shelter's expenses.

And when Lordaeron began to default on the fees, the soldiers guarding the shelter started fishing for three days and drying nets for two days.

Orgrim had noticed this opportunity a long time ago, but he was still doing heavy labor work with one arm with a calm expression, acting very docile.

Orgrim, who did not drink the blood of the devil, did not fall into weakness like his compatriots, but his deliberate exhaustion made the heavy soldiers in charge of guarding him unconsciously relax their vigilance.

When the asylum soldiers, frustrated by unpaid wages, gathered and complained again, Orgrim finally took action.

Relying on his knowledge of the shelter for more than two years, he sneaked out of the weakly defended shelter in the dark.

When the guards discovered that the former warchief disappeared the next morning, Orgrim had already hid in the Alterac Snow Mountains and was running all the way to the hermitage of the Frostwolf clan.

As the most important prisoner in the prison camps everywhere, Orgrim's disappearance was reported to Terenas as a matter of course.

Terena, who was already struggling with the funding of the orc prisoner-of-war camp, suddenly had a severe headache. In order to prevent more orcs from escaping from the prisoner-of-war camp and causing more trouble, he could only grit his teeth and make up for the arrears of the prisoner-of-war camp.

This news was quickly learned by Niyana who was stationed at the Alliance Headquarters. When the information was sent back to Anakis, the countries in the Eastern Continent also received related news one after another.

"Has Orgrim escaped..."

Andrea frowned and touched his chin. He didn't take Orgrim lightly because he lost a hand. UU reading

Although Orgrim's combat effectiveness is not weak, he still has a certain distance compared to the orc **** of war Grom Hellscream. What makes him most vigilant is his overall view and keen strategic awareness far surpassing other orc compatriots.

Unlike the Union soldiers who were still searching for Orgrim's whereabouts, Andrea knew Orgrim's whereabouts at a glance. He must have fled to the hermitage of the Frostwolf clan.

What made Andrea even more distressed was that the men sent by Priscim had searched the Alterac Mountains for several years, but they still failed to find the Frostwolf's hiding place.

This group of non-mainstream orcs who had long been separated from the ethnic group completely hid their whereabouts in the snowstorm. Even the high-level officials of the Alterac Kingdom had no idea that there was a group of orcs hiding near their hometown.

Although it looked like that in the Alterac Mountains in the game, in fact the mountains were very vast, and it was not easy to find the reclusive Frostwolf clan.

‘Let’s write this down first, I hope Prism’s thieves scouts can bring back relevant news soon. '

The issue of the orcs can be temporarily put aside. With the prisoner-of-war camp still intact, a mere Frostwolf clan can't cause any big waves.

The most important thing right now is the intelligence from Northrend.

The current governor of Sandara sent an urgent military report. Starting from Icecrown Glacier this morning, an unnatural earthquake spread across the entire Northrend continent.

'Is it finally here? '

:. :

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