Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 570: prelude to collapse

Although the instructions given by the mysterious man are very suspicious, but for the orcs who are gradually surrounded by human countries and are close to the end of the mountain, there is no other more suitable option except to put all their eggs in one basket.

When Grom was defeated at the foot of Alterac Mountains, Go'el and Orgrim traveled to Southshore to verify the mysterious man's first step.

As a result, they actually saw a large Kul Tiras merchant ship docking to unload cargo outside South Sea Town.

The next development is very simple. After the defeat, the orcs, who had nowhere to go, forcibly attacked Nanhai Town, blocked the counterattack of the human army, and went straight to the port.

After some discussion, Orgrim and Goel decided to give up going to the homeland of the night elves and choose the inaccessible Northrend continent.

Although the Arctic Continent is far away from the center of Azeroth's civilization, what the orcs need most right now is not to gain the approval of all races in Azeroth, but to find a way to find a base first and survive tenaciously.

Only by surviving first can we have new expectations for the future.

The orc's navigation skills are very poor, and the only relevant knowledge is learned from some kind of money-hungry green-skinned dwarf.

Fortunately, the merchant ship of Kul Tiras had just returned from Northrend, and there were still detailed navigational aids such as charts, compasses, and sextants on board.

At this time, Lordaeron was suffering from the large-scale spread of the plague. Alterac wished to send these plague gods away as soon as possible, and Kul Tiras was also slow to respond due to the turmoil in his hometown.

When Daelin was furious and ready to send a fleet to pursue, the troop carrier temporarily modified by the orcs had already sailed to the vicinity of Northrend by the wind and waves.

According to the mysterious person, the Borean Tundra is located in the southwest corner of the Northrend continent, and the route set by the Kul Tiras merchant ship is to the town of Valgard in the Howling Fjord.

When the mainland of Northrend could be seen, Goyle ordered the fleet to turn west and sail parallel to the mainland.

Goel's prudence allowed them to avoid the surveillance of the Night Republic in the Garden of Sleeping Moon, and landed in the Borean Tundra smoothly.

When sailing from Keel Wilderness, seeing the ice and snow scene in the eastern part of the tundra, Orgrim once thought he had been deceived, and it was not until he entered the western half of the Borean tundra that the flowers finally turned bright.

Although the permafrost here is relatively hard, it is not suitable for the life of farming peoples, but it is completely enough for the orcs who live by grazing.

The orcs found some ibex with thick coats near the landing point, which proves that there are animals in the Borean tundra.

Although we still don't know who the mysterious man is, but now it seems that the information he provided is true. Go'el and Orgrim have initially recognized his kindness in their hearts, and only Grom is still the same. Stubbornly believe that there is a hidden conspiracy.

Looking at the blue dragon above his head, which obviously had the intention of monitoring, Goyle sighed worriedly, "I don't know if it's good or bad to be neighbors with these blue dragons."

"Notify the members of the clans, don't provoke the blue dragons at will, and try to avoid their activity areas."

"Let the animal trainers try to capture and domesticate the local wild animals to ensure the supply of food, and everyone will work together to build a new home for the orcs."

The orcs who landed on the Borean Tundra still knew nothing about the distribution of forces in Northrend, and their scouts hadn't been able to complete the exploration of this vast frozen land just after they settled down.

Although Drek'Thar could sense the peculiar underground structure of the Borean tundra through his perception of the earth element, he had never been in contact with the races living underground before, so he didn't think about it in that direction at all.

Ner'zhul's secret surveillance has not been exposed so far, and he has been secretly observing the process of the orcs building a new home.

Including frost trolls and Vrykuls, scouts sent by many Northrend native races have detected the abnormality in the Borean tundra.

Before confirming the details of these new neighbors, the major forces in Northrend still maintained restraint and observed the habits of the orcs from a distance.

The orcs who got rid of the influence of the devil's blood for a while seemed relatively peaceful, and they worked diligently to build a new base.

After confirming that the blue dragon lived on the independent large island off the northwest coast of the Borean Tundra, Goel, Orgrim and the others decided to build the capital on the tundra plain near the coast in the southwest after some discussions.

To commemorate his father who died young, Go'el named this unformed city Durotar after consulting Orgrim, Drek'Thar and others.

While the human nations were busy with their own domestic problems and had no time to look north, the orcs gradually gained a foothold in the Borean Tundra.

Compared with the human countries that are plagued by plague and the spread of zombies, the night elves far away in Kalimdor can devote more energy to Northrend.

After Andrea returned to Anarchis, she immediately began to process the intelligence gathered from all over Azeroth.

Tyrande still taunted Andrea, who liked to run around, as usual, but the members of the Supreme Council, including Andrea, had long been used to it, and her complaints and complaints were all ignored.

The situation in Quel'Thalas did indeed contain hidden dangers. After Andrea hurried back to Anakis, she immediately summoned the ambassador, Vereesa, and told her her worries and speculations.

Undead natural disasters and plagues are the most popular topics in the Eastern Continent today. Knowing that the aristocratic faction may have colluded with the natural disasters, Vereesa and Luminas immediately contacted the country.

As long as precautions are taken in advance, it will not be so easy for natural disasters to snowball unexpectedly.

Although the disasters of the undead and the plague caused headaches for all human countries, except for Lordaeron, whose two important cities were destroyed, the impact on other countries was not too serious.

The kingdom of Alterac breathed a sigh of relief to finally get rid of the orcs. Although the orcs took away and damaged a lot of goods brought back from Northrend, but in exchange for the orcs leaving, the wealthy Barov royal family reluctantly Still acceptable.

As one of the main places where the plague broke out, the spread of the plague in Andorhal was not too serious because of the fire in Alsace.

King Alex built a strict checkpoint on the front line of Chillwind Post. Anyone coming from the north must undergo strict inspections to prevent the plague of Lordaeron from entering the country.

At the same time, Terenas was struggling to wipe his **** for Alsace.

Although the two fires in Alsace slowed down the spread of the plague in Stratholme and Andorhal, UU Reading www.uukanshu. However, the huge amount of people and materials lost by these two important cities made Terenas very heartbroken.

As the country with the strongest comprehensive national strength of mankind, Lordaeron has a total population of about 5 million.

Among them, the two big cities of Andorhal and Stratholme together accounted for about one-tenth of the total population.

Although a plague will not put Lordaeron in danger of destroying the country, it will inevitably hurt the muscles and bones.

Without Stratholme, an important military and economic city, Lordaeron's control over East Weald is declining sharply.

The wilderness of East Weald is filled with plagues that have not been completely eradicated and zombies raging everywhere. Bandits and refugees emerge in endlessly, and the stable social order is gradually collapsing.

Many people couldn't stand this precarious life, and left their homes to seek refuge in the safest fortresses in East Weald.

These include the Light's Hope Chapel, where a large number of priests are stationed, and Tyr's Hand, which is the headquarters of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

At the same time, some lords of East Weald also had unreasonable thoughts because of the collapse of social order.

They quietly began hoarding food to attract refugees, and selected strong and strong people from these refugees to join the army. In the name of protecting the security of the territory, they blatantly expanded their private army.

Andrea heard a familiar name from this group of lords who had taken advantage of the momentum.

Lord of Blackwood Town, Baron Osmar Garithos.

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