Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 582: Mountaineering first battle

When Andrea received the news that Terenas had died and Lordaeron King City had been captured by natural disasters and became the base camp of the undead, his emotions did not fluctuate much.

Niyana, who was originally stationed in the Royal City of Lordaeron as the alliance ambassador, had been arranged by Andrea since the moment Alsace disappeared.

When Arthas landed in the Tirisfal Glades, Niyana did her last duty to warn Terenas, and led all the night elf staff of the embassy to evacuate urgently when they failed to attract attention.

At the same time as Niyana escaped from the King City of Lordaeron, there was also a prominent nobleman—Benedictus, Archbishop of the Holy Light.

The archbishop seems to have obtained relevant information from certain channels, and led a missionary team to leave the city under the pretext of further developing the belief in the Holy Light of the Stormwind Kingdom.

After leaving the Royal City of Lordaeron, Benedictus's team went all the way south along the Silverpine Forest, using the trading ships of Kul Tiras to go to the Kingdom of Stormwind in the southern part of the mainland, "coincidentally" avoiding Lordaeron Ren's Storm of Destruction.

Under the premise of no external interference, Lordaeron was destroyed by Alsace from the inside without accident, and the residents who had no time to escape all became the source of soldiers for the Scourge.

When the Lich King laughed wildly on the Frozen Throne, the once mighty Kingdom of Lordaeron fell into collapse.

Saidan Dathrohan, the deputy head of the Silver Hand, fought hard and suffered severe injuries in many places, and sent the last blood of the royal family of Menethil—Princess Calia, the sister of Alsace, out of the royal city.

Dathrohan escorted Princess Calia all the way to the east, rushing through Seveld before the forces of natural disasters spread, and reached Tyr's Hand, the headquarters of the Silver Hand, before he fainted from exhaustion.

Facts have proved that Dathrohan's decision to flee desperately was correct.

In just one month, the millions of undead in the royal city of Lordaeron began to expand wildly outwards. Under the command of the psychic master, a large number of irrational low-level undead poured into the kingdom of Lordaeron's production center - Seveld .

On the wall of the Dome Pass on the Lordaeron side of the Kingdom of Sirud, Niyana watched the scene of the sea of ​​undead spreading from a distance, and sighed helplessly.

"I have seriously reminded Terenas, but unfortunately he has always been unwilling to believe that his 'decathlon' son will be controlled by others."

Brunhilde patted Niyana on the shoulder and comforted, "You have tried your best. People who are manipulated by emotions are sometimes beyond human power."

"What's your plan next, cross the sea and return to Kalimdor?"

Niyana shook her head and said firmly, "My mentor gave me the right to choose freely. Even if I return to Kalimdor, it will be difficult for me to play an important role by myself."

"Since this is the case, I decided to stay in the Eastern Continent and try my best as the ambassador of the Dark Night Republic to the Alliance to link up with various resistance forces to curb the expansion of the undead natural disaster."

Kalimdor, Northrend, and the Eastern Continent, the three important territories that make up Azeroth, fell into violent turmoil at the same time.

Andrea is not an all-knowing and omnipotent god, and it is impossible to focus on the three continents at the same time.

The crisis in Kalimdor was enough to give him a headache, and Lordaeron could only let them fend for themselves.

While blocking the night elves' support army, Archimonde commanded the vanguard of the Burning Legion to start climbing from Winterspring Valley to the Southarn Canyon at the foot of Mount Hyjal.

The first checkpoint was set up in Sossain Canyon and heavily defended. The order received by this group of troops was not to fight the enemy bravely, but to delay the advance of the Burning Legion as much as possible by relying on the solid checkpoints built in advance.

Out of the idea of ​​saving manpower for the follow-up line of defense, a large number of arcane puppets were invested in the first line of defense. The latest puppets of various models were lined up on the city wall, and the field technicians responsible for maintaining the puppets were waiting at the bottom of the city wall.

Leading the demon vanguard is the abyss lord Azgalor and the doomsday guard Kazloga. Although these two are not core generals in the Burning Legion, they are more than enough to be used as vanguards.

The Burning Legion's attack has a relatively standard process, throwing Hellfire first when in doubt.

Countless green meteors streaked across the sky under the call of Eredar wizards, and their targets pointed directly at the night elves level below.

The night elves, who had a fierce battle with the Burning Legion 10,000 years ago, had long been prepared for the Burning Legion.

Backed by the Well of Eternity, the night elves have an inexhaustible supply of energy, and Andrea will not abandon it pedantically.

Before the hellfire fell on the city wall, it was first filtered by the one-way enchantment above the level.

The hellfire passing through this barrier... can no longer be called hellfire.

Their structural souls were forcibly wiped out when they passed through the forbidden magic barrier, and the fel flames on their bodies were completely extinguished, and what fell to the ground was only a pile of miserable green stones with no signs of life.

"Clang clang clang!"

The stones fell on the shield that had been erected in advance on the wall of Nordrassil, making a dull knocking sound, and the Burning Legion's initial attack ended in failure.


Following the order of the night elf officer, the heavy cannon on the shoulders of the artillery puppet began to show its power, and the energy shells from the magic cannon smashed into the Burning Legion's position. The Burning Legion, who hadn't expected that the Hellfire attack would be completely ineffective, suddenly turned their backs.

"Attack! Don't be afraid of death, Lord Archimonde is with us!"

The doomsday guard Kazroga took the lead, attracting a large amount of fire rain to hit the enchantment arranged by the night elves, and at the same time commanded the eredar wizards to adopt saturated spell bombing, striving to overload the enchantment as soon as possible.

Since the Burning Legion slipped into Azeroth by smuggling, most of the heavy weapons could not be brought in from the Twisting Nether without energy, and could only rely on manpower to forcibly attack.

After Andashir was cut off from the energy supply, there was not much energy left in the tree trunk, only enough for the Burning Legion to open the small fel energy portal, and it closed automatically due to exhaustion of energy not long after.

In contrast, the night elves fighting in the local area can display a combat power of 120. The time, place and people are all in harmony. Azgalo and Kazloga, who accept the vanguard mission, feel very troubled by this solid line of defense.

Archimonde is not as patient as Kil'jaeden and waits for the layout to be completed. He is a well-known quick-tempered man in the Burning Legion. Once he provokes the impatience of the polluters, even his confidant general Mannoroth will not There are good fruits to eat.

The accidental death of Mannoroth made Archimonde feel very bad. Before the decisive battle started, that idiot with poor brain died at the foot of the mountain, and was killed by his own slave resistance. Legion's face.

Unhappy, Archimonde's patience was further reduced. If the first line of defense of the night elves could not be broken within three days, Azgalor and Kazloga, the vanguard generals, would be severely punished by the polluters.


The abyss lord Azgalor charged at the forefront relying on the strength of his racial superiority. The huge double-headed spear in his hand slashed at the high reinforced concrete city wall, leaving deep scars behind. Scratch marks, and the thick steel bars buried inside the city wall were also cut off by his strange force.

The first line of defense is mainly handed over to the arcane puppets to resist. Andrea's order did not target the beheading tactics of the demon commander, which can be regarded as deliberately digging a pit of inertial thinking for the Burning Legion.

The arcane puppet lacking enough personnel to cooperate could not take care of the overall situation after all. On the third day of the Burning Legion's attack, the defensive barriers were finally overloaded.

As the time limit was approaching, Azgalo and Kazloga frantically rushed to the front, and led the heavily-lost demon vanguard army to break through the city wall barrier before dark.

Seeing that nothing could be done, the surviving field technicians and officers simply withdrew to the rear through the portal.

The arcane puppets in the half-destroyed state turned on the self-explosion system uniformly, and caught off guard and slapped the Burning Legion, which was cheering for victory.


Archimonde looked coldly at the two disgraced vanguard generals, "I have always kept my promises. Since you have completed the mission within the time limit, let's ignore the losses you suffered due to carelessness."

"Go ahead, there is still a long way to go to the top of the mountain, you two get down and rest, the task of leading the attack will be handed over to Brutallus and Betug, I will also give you three days, don't it disappointed me."


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