Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 586: star map

What happened in Felwood was quickly reported by Malfurion, and Andrea didn't even get to meet the freed Illidan.

"Forget it, let him go."

Seeing that Tyrande's face was a bit ugly, Andrea curled her lips and said, "Illidan is a person who does his own way. He has his own ideas, so there is no need to force him."

Andrea didn't know what Illidan thought of the current Dark Night Republic, and whether he would directly rant if he didn't agree with each other.

This demon hunter is a self-centered thorn no matter where he goes, not to say that he has any obvious malice, but Illidan's opinions are too strong, and he never knows what it means to seek common ground while reserving differences. Get along well.

Tyrande didn't expect that Illidan would make such a big commotion as soon as she was released. Regardless of the world's opinion, she resolutely absorbed the evil energy and turned into a demon. This unexpected development caused her to cast Illidan on her own. There is no light.

"Let's not talk about this first."

Andrea changed the subject and asked, "Did Illidan say anything before he left?"

According to the memorandum, the Skull of Gul'dan contained most of the previous knowledge of the recipient warlock, and Illidan, who had absorbed it, should have taken this knowledge as his own.

Malfurion shook his head and said, "He didn't say anything, just let us do it for ourselves."

"Is that so..."

Andrea nodded thoughtfully, ‘In other words, he is very confident that we will defend Mount Hyjal? '

When Malfurion came back, the draenei had already withdrawn from the second line of defense, and now the third line of defense, which was in charge of the Eastern Continent Alliance Army, was responsible for preventing the demons from continuing to attack.

The holy mountain of Hyjal is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is only one single road up the mountain, which is worthy of the name.

After the air forces of the coalition forces of various races joined forces to block the air route, the Burning Legion could only climb up the mountain road level by level even if there were too many of them.

Archimonde is still patiently following behind the demon army, and has no intention of attacking alone.

Andrea didn't know what his inactive behavior meant. Perhaps Archimonde was not very confident about going to the mountain alone, or he was waiting for an opportunity.

Not long after Malfurion flew back, he completed his long-awaited revenge, and Leticia, who looked refreshed, also returned to the Nordrassil tree on the Hippogryph.

Tichondrius's soul was restrained by Leticia's shadow magic, unable to escape back to the Twisting Nether.

Leticia, who returned to Anakis, cooperated with Maiev to intensify her pressure on Mal'Ganis.

Leticia tore Tichondrius's desperately wailing soul into pieces in front of Mal'Ganis, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

The terrified Mal'Ganis finally succumbed under the double torment of soul and body, and told the ins and outs of Archimonde's immersion in Azeroth.

Just as Andrea guessed, after Ner'zhul discovered Andashir's roots buried deep in the ground through the undead worms, the Dread Demon King quickly turned his brains on this world tree full of energy.

They tampered with Andashir's underground roots without anyone noticing, slightly tampered with Andashir's energy flow without disturbing Sandara, and waited patiently for the arrival of Archimonde It was only then that this trick was exposed.

Mal'Ganis was not the core member of the Burning Legion, and he didn't know too much information.

After extracting enough information from this guy, Leticia gave him relief under Maiev's gesture, and Mal'Ganis no longer had to worry about being tortured by the Witch of Destruction Witches after returning to the legion's base camp.

Before he died, Mr. Mal'Ganis provided the night elves with some useful information, such as the location of the Burning Legion's base camp.


Andrea pretended to be clear and said, "Is this the name of the lair of the Burning Legion? Did Mal'Ganis mention the coordinates of this planet?"

"No." Leticia shrugged regretfully. "He said that such problems are usually left to Gan'erg and Morg technicians. He doesn't know much about coordinates and star maps."

"I have a star map leading to Argus."

Velen, who had just withdrawn from the front line, interjected with a daze in his eyes, "Argus is the hometown of all Eredars. It used to be a beautiful planet with a highly developed civilization."

"Unfortunately, the temptation of Sargeras ruined everything about Argus, and two of the three members of the ruling group chose to believe in his promise."

"Only I have always had doubts about his too sweet promise. With the help of the naaru, I led the people who were unwilling to submit to the Burning Legion and escaped from the home world. Since then, we have called ourselves Draenei, and in Eredar In slang, the word means exile."


Malfurion was taken aback, "Isn't this the name of the highest-ranking officer race in the Burning Legion? Your Excellency, you..."


Velen admitted with a wry smile, "The eredar and the draenei were originally the same race, and our appearance is the same as that of the original eredar. The red-skinned eredar in the Burning Legion are mutated individuals after being infused with fel energy. .”

"Kil'jaeden the Deceiver and Archimonde the Polluter are the other two members of the triumvirate, and they all believed in the cakes drawn by Sargeras."


Andrea raised his hand to stop Malfurion and the others from asking, "Prophet, the Draenei still keep the star map leading to Argus? Are you sure it can still be used?"

"Okay." Velen solemnly assured, "Before we evacuated Genidaer, we extracted the complete data of the star map from the flight log of the spacecraft, and it is now stored in the navigation system of the Storm Fortress."

"Once we are ready to counterattack, we can return to Argus at any time to fight the Burning Legion."

Andrea nodded emphatically, "This information is very important. Although it is not needed yet, we will accumulate enough strength sooner or later. By then..."

It is definitely not a good strategy to stay trapped in Azeroth and be beaten passively. The damage caused by fighting on one's own territory can only be borne by the local residents of Azeroth. If it continues for a long time, it will be dragged down by the Burning Legion sooner or later.

However, now is not the right time to counterattack. All races in Azeroth are far from ready. Regardless of mentality or hard power, there is still a long way to go before counterattack.

When the reinforcements from the eastern continent couldn't hold back and retreated, the three kings Kane Bloodhoof, Ulan Gaoling and Tol'vir led their respective armies to set off. They would guard the penultimate line of defense for Nordrassil.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Andrea met with Tandre Proudmoore and others who led the fleet across the sea under Jaina's recommendation.

Tandre is the youngest son of the Proudmoore clan, and Jaina's younger brother. When she first learned that this younger brother of her own age led the team, Jaina was very surprised.

"Tandre, why are you here? Where are father and Derek?"

Tandre's temperament is different from his handsome elder brother Derek. He looks like a man from the sea. He has a rough beard since he was young.

Tandre shrugged casually and said, "Derek stayed in Boralus, UU reading Drust's barbarians still need someone to watch, father went to Lordaeron, he intends to save the innocent people of Lordaeron."

Speaking of Lordaeron, everyone present was a little silent.

The mightiest kingdom of mankind fell apart in just one month under the shock of turmoil that erupted from within.

The vibrant Tirisfal Forest was severely damaged, and the fertile Seveld was invaded by countless undead. Necromancers even set up plague cauldrons in major farms.

There are only a few strongholds left in the vast West Weld, including Hearthglen where Tyran Fording is stationed, and the territory of the Barov family on the island of Caer Darrow in the middle of the lake.

Andrea clapped his hands and reminded, "Everyone, let's focus on the present first."

"If Archimonde gets the power of the Well of Eternity, Azeroth will be completely over."

"Please let the armies of your respective countries start resting as soon as possible. The decisive battle on the last line of defense requires everyone to work together."

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