Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 625: Delano Rescue Project

Andrea's proposal is only a preliminary idea. For specific matters, Malfurion needs to enter the Emerald Dream to conduct some testing to confirm whether the current Xavius ​​still has illusions about Queen Azshara.

The seven emotions and six desires of intelligent creatures are the biggest weaknesses. As long as one of them is identified and attacked, the probability of finally reaping the results will not be too low.

Setting up an ambush for Xavius ​​cannot be completed in a short period of time, but it is a feasible plan to catch the Nightmare King after all. Andrea handed over the preparatory work to the Archdruima who has been active in dreams all the year round. Fario, it is up to him to decide whether to start implementing the plan.

The biggest crisis facing Azeroth mainly comes from two aspects, the Old Gods inside and the Burning Legion outside.

The Old Gods are still in a dormant period. Both N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron are more cautious in their actions, and they can't catch their tentacles for the time being.

But the Burning Legion is still active within the range of Azeroth's intelligence, and now their strategy focuses on the broken Draenor.

According to the information Romuel sent back from Shattrath City, Kil'jaeden's second and third batches of reinforcements successively landed in the Netherstorm outside the reach of the Alliance Expeditionary Force and the Draenei.

The second batch of reinforcements invaded the Blade's Edge Mountains connected to the Netherstorm by land, and fought against various races such as ethereals, ogres, gronns, and black dragons along the way.

That's right, Black Dragon.

At first, Andrea was stunned for a while when he heard the information from Romul, and after thinking about it, he recalled the origin of these black dragons.

Strictly speaking, the black dragon of Draenor is not a real giant dragon, but a subspecies of black dragon created by Deathwing, that is, the two-footed black dragon that the group of dragon vein trolls were transformed into.

After being driven out of the Alterac Snow Mountain, the two-footed black dragon fled all the way, followed the retreating orcs into the Dark Portal, and settled in Draenor ever since.

Draenor's Shadowmoon Valley and Talador Forest are both in the sphere of influence of the Draenei, Nagrand is firmly occupied by the orcs, Arakka Peak is the rule of the Arakkoa, and the Na'an Forest has long been Turned into a barren Hellfire Peninsula.

Among the remaining areas, Frostfire Ridge, which has harsh living conditions, is not considered, and the most suitable habitat is undoubtedly Gorgrond, which has a large number of wild animals.

The Blackstone clan that originally lived in Gorgrond was the main body of the tribe. Most of them entered Azeroth with the Blackhand chief, and never came back after falling into that world.

The strongest local forces in Gorgrond were handed over to the Primordial Thorn Beast and the Magron Giant Beast, who wandered between the mountains and forests.

Although there is a risk of being killed by these powerful creatures when going out for food, as long as you are careful, the biped black dragon with high intelligence can usually escape the crisis and find food.

After the collapse of Draenor, Gorgrond, whose living conditions were barely good, was devastated. Under the influence of a short burst of strange gravity, countless spiked stone pillars protruded from the flat mountain. Since then, it has been called the Blade's Edge Mountain.

Survival has become more difficult, and the two-footed black dragon with no turning back can only adapt to the rules of the new world as soon as possible.

The invasion of the Burning Legion once again threatened the survival of all living things in Blade's Edge Mountains, and the spreading evil energy pollution was eroding the few habitable lands.

Gruul, the leader of Gron, took the lead in leading his heirs to stand up and resist. The creatures of Blade's Edge Mountain who attacked each other rarely united to resist the invasion of the Burning Legion.

The Alliance Expeditionary Force that entered Blade's Edge Mountain earlier reported the information here to Honor Hold, and asked Danas to send reinforcements to defeat the Burning Legion together with the resisting local creatures.

But at this time, there was no room for the Fort of Honor to send reinforcements.

The third batch of landed demons crossed the air route between the Netherstorm and the Hellfire Peninsula, flew over swaggeringly, and reoccupied the throne of Kil'jaeden destroyed by the coalition forces.

Although the evil orcs in Hellfire Citadel joined forces with the Alliance Expeditionary Force and the Draenei to fight against the enemy due to the situation, after the establishment of the fel energy portal at Kil'jaeden's throne base, the swarming legion reinforcements gradually suppressed them Can't breathe.

But at this time, Illidan, the master of Hellfire Citadel, was killing a lot in Nathreza, the hometown of the Dreadlord, and he didn't understand the crisis in Draenor.

As a last resort, the high priest Ishana could only ask Romul to ask Velen in Azeroth about the next course of action.

After learning of the crisis in Draenor from the draenei population, Andrea immediately recruited Kalimdor and the Broken Isles to Anakis for a joint meeting.

All the countries in the Eastern Continent are still undergoing post-war reconstruction. The continuous turmoil has caused heavy losses to all countries. I am afraid that they cannot be counted on for the time being.

"Everyone, Draenor is an important outpost for us to understand the movements of the Burning Legion. Now Kil'jaeden is determined to capture this broken planet. Lano to the rescue."

Highmountain tauren chief Ulan Gaoling raised his hand hesitantly and asked, "Chairman Moon Shadow, before deciding whether to send reinforcements, I have one more question."

Andrea happily raised her hand to signal him, "Please speak freely."

Ulan, who was gradually getting old, stood up from his seat and asked puzzledly, "The question is very simple. How can we cross the star sea to reach that...Draenor."

Andrea looked around at the leaders of various ethnic groups present, and many of them had the same puzzled look on their faces.

"Let the Prophet Velen explain this question to everyone."

Velen smiled and nodded to Andrea, and stood up with the Prophet's Staff.

"Since the draenei landed on Azeroth, we've been developing spaceships with the night elves."

Velen briefly explained the storm fortress fleet owned by Naaru. Although most people don't understand the principle of the so-called spaceship, they at least know that Azeroth has transportation to go to Draenor.

The draenei and night elves have never stopped researching on the naaru spaceship, but it is not so easy to crack it even by taking a shortcut backwards, and they have not been able to produce a mature and usable spaceship yet.

Andrea took over the topic after Velen's explanation, "If we decide to send reinforcements, Naaru agrees to lend us several satellite spacecraft in the Storm Fortress fleet."

Compared with the main storm fortress of the bulky immigrant spacecraft, several satellite spacecraft are more dexterous in action, and they have most of the functions of the storm fortress, which is very convenient to use.

Velen had asked Hataru to modify the satellite spacecraft in advance to make them more suitable for combat.

Strange prisoners from various planets in the Arcatraz were transferred to Watch Island for detention. The ecological ship and energy ship have also undergone brand-new transformations, and are now docking above the world tree Nordrassil to absorb the energy of the Well of Eternity. , ready to go at any time.

Compared to the Eastern Continent, which was plagued by many disasters, Kalimdor, which had long been wiped out by the night elves, only suffered some losses in the Battle of Hyjal. Over the past few years, UU Reading all tribes have lost their lives one after another. Rejuvenated.

Kane, whose mane was already graying, turned around to discuss with the chiefs of the clans, and stood up first to say, "On behalf of the tauren, I agree to send reinforcements to Draenor."

"If the Burning Legion takes Draenor, the Portal of Darkness may open again at any time. We'd better keep the enemy out of our own world, lest our hometown be affected again."

Small races such as the Tol'vir, the Highmountain Tauren, furbolgs, and dryads expressed their approval one after another. The only regret was that the demigods of the wilderness could not follow them.

Once the wild demigods who left Azeroth were killed, their souls could not return to Azeroth to be resurrected.

And considering the ancient gods who are always on the verge of action, it is still necessary to leave the demigod of the wilderness and the guardian dragon to help the countries in the eastern continent to guard their homes together.

"Then it's settled."

Andrea made a decisive decision, "The situation in Draenor is very dangerous now. Please return to your family as soon as possible and prepare. Get together at the root of the Nordrassil tree within ten days and board the ship together. Draenor!"

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