Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 630: The easy-to-defend Throne of Kil'jaeden

Danas and the others didn't know much about the Legion of Light. They learned that the name came from the translation of the Devil's language.

"The demons will occasionally mention this name. Initially, it should be a special organization that has been fighting against the Burning Legion all year round. Judging from the name, it is probably related to the forces on the side of the Holy Light."

Velen took Danas's words with some surprise and added, "I have heard about the Holy Light Legion from the naaru. It is an elite army composed of countless holy light warriors. lead."

Strictly speaking, all naaru are from the Legion of the Light, but Velen has never met Zela in person, just heard about it.

Andrea also spoke out the information she had learned, "I also heard about the Legion of the Holy Light from Elune. It is said that they have been wrestling with the Burning Legion in the Twisting Nether for thousands of years."

"Although they are at a disadvantage most of the time, they should be the only organization in the boundless universe that can fight against the Burning Legion for tens of thousands of years."


Andrea turned to look at Velen, "I heard that there are many draenei in the Holy Light Legion. Prophet, can you find a way to contact them?"

Velen shook his head helplessly and said, "Unfortunately, I have long lost contact with the other draenei who escaped from Argus."

Although the draenei led by Prophet Velen were the largest force of exiles to flee Argus, they were definitely not the only one.

Due to the existence of Velen, Kil'jaeden focused most of his energy on hunting down the Draenei, and the remaining few Draenei wandered in the universe avoiding the pursuit of the Burning Legion.

The Draenei in the Legion of Light should be part of these exiled Draenei. They were inspired by Zela, the Mother of Light, to join the Legion of Light to fight against the Burning Legion.

‘However, this Mother of the Holy Light… Her thinking mode seems to be very rigid. I don’t know if meeting her in the future will cause conflicts due to different ideas. '

Demon King Kurul was very cautious. Before finding out the information of the enemy reinforcements that broke into the battlefield, he did not let the Burning Legion continue to attack for the time being.

His immediate boss, Kil'jaeden, is driving his flagship to Nasreza, trying to capture Illidan, a traitor to the Legion, there.

Illidan is already a member of the demons, and at the same time is a strong demigod. It is meaningless to simply kill him. As long as his soul is not annihilated, Illidan can be resurrected countless times.

Besides, Illidan is still useful to Kil'jaeden. Sargeras mentioned during the War of the Ancients that the demon hunter's body is an excellent container.

Kil'jaeden made two-handed preparations, while rushing to aid Nasreza, while sending a large number of Legion soldiers to attack Illidan's lair, Draenor.

No matter what Illidan's plans, as long as his power in Draenor is destroyed and he is homeless, the demon hunter will not be able to escape the Legion's palm.

And taking Draenor can also open up the way for Legion to enter Azeroth at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

Kil'jaeden's order to Kruul was to capture the entire Draenor and wipe out all Illidan's subordinates and allies.

For Kurul, temporary gains and losses are not important, what he cares about is the overall situation of Draenor.

The Void Spirit resistance of the Netherstorm is weakening. Although the group of bandaged people has good combat effectiveness, after all, the number of Void Spirits who came to Draenor is too small and the preparation is not enough. It is difficult to persist in front of the legion army for a long time.

The local biological resistance in the Blade's Edge Mountains is also gradually collapsing. After taking these two areas, the demons who concentrate their forces to attack Zangarmarsh should be able to break through the defense line soon.

As long as Kurul joins the army of the West Road, Hellfire Citadel is doomed to be helpless even with the help of reinforcements. Kurul is not busy launching a new round of attacks.

The most important thing right now is to collect intelligence and wait for the right time by the way. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles.

On the wall of Hellfire Citadel, Andrea overlooked Kil'jaeden's throne.

The Throne of Kil'jaeden, located north of Hellfire Citadel, is a highland. From the very center of the Hellfire Peninsula, one can faintly feel the strong evil energy lingering over the highland.

This highland was once captured by the coalition forces of Illidan and Draenor, but after the two sides broke up due to differences in ideas, Illidan only left a small number of troops to garrison the highland, and began to study how to invade the world where the Burning Legion was located.

Taking advantage of Illidan's expedition to Nathreza, Kil'jaeden seized the opportunity to launch a fierce attack on Draenor. The demon air force flying from the Netherstorm defeated the small number of defenders arranged by Illidan and regained the legion base.

After setting up the fel energy portal, the legion sent as many troops as possible before the energy of the local magic net was exhausted. This formed the scale of the demon army under Kurul's command.

"Hmm~ It's not easy."

According to the information obtained by Kurdran's own risky investigation, the throne of Kil'jaeden is equipped with anti-air fel cannons, and a large number of Gan'erg and Mo'arg technicians are stationed here to adjust the legion's war equipment. A live target for artillery.

But if you attack from the ground, the condescending geographical advantage of the high ground will also cause huge losses to the attacking troops. This is a typical stronghold that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Seres, who was beside Andrea, thought about it and asked, "Can you send the magisters into the throne area by relying on the rapid air force's surprise attack, and quickly build a portal to send the army directly in?"

"It's not feasible." Andrea shook his head. "Before the Burning Legion sent a large number of reinforcements from the Netherstorm to the Hellfire Peninsula, they had exhausted the energy of the magic net near Kil'jaeden's throne, unless..."

Although Seles's proposal didn't work, it gave Andrea an idea.

With her brain running at high speed, Andrea tried to perfect the flash of inspiration as best she could.

"Unless, our mage can carry an energy source that can be transmitted by the army."

Celes smiled wryly and spread her hands, "It's not easy, this is not Azeroth, we can't borrow the energy of the Well of Eternity."

"The energy crystals on the spaceship must be used sparingly. Even excluding the consideration of combat power, these four spaceships are also an important means of transportation for us to go home."

Andrea walked slowly on the city wall subconsciously, and as his steps moved, his thoughts gradually became clearer.

"It doesn't have to be provided by ourselves. Do you still remember the ethereal mentioned by Danas?"

Seles was a little puzzled, "I remember, but do those bandage people have anything to do with our plan?"

"Originally not, but since the other party took the initiative to ask the Draenor coalition for reinforcements, maybe we can use this group of ethereals to achieve some impossible tactics."

Before setting off for Draenor, Andrea deliberately read through the entries in the memo about Draenor and Outland, among which the creature Void Spirit was mentioned.

The Void Spirits originally lived on a planet named Karesi. Their home planet was attacked by Dimensius, the Devourer of Worlds sent by the Void Lord, and they could no longer live. They had to exile on various planets in the universe.

Void spirits have powerful technological strength, and they can even travel through the void with their bodies to survive in the universe. UU reading

According to the records in the memorandum, the ethereal spirits of Draenor are divided into three factions.

One of them is the astral consortium that only cares about raising funds. To put it simply, they are very similar to the unscrupulous race goblins in Azeroth.

The Star Realm Consortium maintains a neutral position. As long as there is business to do, they can reach a cooperation agreement with any race... Of course, they can abandon their allies for higher bargaining chips at any time.

The other two factions of ethereals are called the Order Sect and the Vengeance Army respectively, and the ideologies of the two are diametrically opposed.

The Order Maintenance faction advocates strengthening the power of the ethereals in a safe and gentle way, striving to rebuild the broken hometown of Karesi as soon as possible, and avenge Dimensius.

The Vengeance Army is even more radical. They want to force all the Void Spirits to join their camp and counterattack Karesi with all their eggs in one basket.

"These spirits who asked for help from the Draenor coalition should be able to provide us with some help. I remember that the spirits seem to have an energy storage technology called mana lattice. If these mana lattices can be carried on a large scale..."

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