Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 645: Kil'jaeden's Calculations

Losses continued to mount on both sides as the aerial firefight continued.

The fel battleships with shields suffered less damage than the countless forts on the Hellfire Peninsula. After most of the forts were destroyed, there were still more than thirty warships in the legion barely maintaining their combat effectiveness.

At Kil'jaeden's command, the fel warships poured their remaining energies onto Hellfire Citadel.

The three naaru headed by Adal are not capable of frontal combat, but their support and defense capabilities are quite good.

At the same time that the first layer of fel energy shield was penetrated, Magtheridon, who was continuously sucked blood and energy underground, was finally freed and died.

The second layer of holy light barrier arranged by Naaru took over the defensive task, and the main artillery bombardment of the fel battleship was firmly blocked by the barrier above the castle. It won't be broken so easily.

While rubbing the big fireball with his hands to kill the enemy, Luo Ning reminded Andrea, "The anti-aircraft turret is almost completely destroyed, and the enemy still has remaining warships. Do you want to launch the next plan?"

Andrea looked at the legion battleship floating outside the atmosphere, nodded and said, "Let's get started, let Draenor play the last remaining heat."

The ethereal equipment buried deep in the earth entered full speed, and Nagrand's Throne of Elements began to shake violently and devastatingly.

The movement on the Hellfire Peninsula is so obvious that even as far away as Nagrand, you can see the legion warships continuously bombarding the sky. Many Mag'har shamans instinctively came to the Throne of Elements to seek guidance from Godau and other elemental kings. .

The elements of Draenor suffered a heavy blow as early as the rise of Gul'dan. Although they gradually recovered after the planet was shattered, their strength was much worse than that of Azeroth's elemental kings.

The earthquake on the Throne of Elements originated from the further intensified planetary energy absorption. The four elemental kings lost their self-forms one after another, and similar disasters once again befall Draenor.

The Tiange Lake in the northern part of Galadar swelled, and the extinct volcano erupted again. The earthquake also hit, and the sky was full of storms.

The Hellfire Peninsula was also affected by the bad weather, and violent thunderbolts fell from the sky indiscriminately.

As the defending side, Draenor and Azeroth's coalition forces are blocked by the defensive barrier maintained by the naaru.

But the Burning Legion attacking the city had no defense, and suffered heavy losses in the thunderstorm.

The terrified Mag'har orcs fled in panic amid the frequent natural disasters, and the rising waters of Skysong Lake began to flood the land of Gadaral.

Dranosh protected Gaiaan's grandmother to take refuge first, and Jolin commanded the army of Mag'har to help the people evacuate the towns that were flooded.

Since the Naga settled in the Zangar Swamp, they drew water from all over the swamp and gathered it into the central lake to form the Coilfang Reservoir. The local residents believed that the Naga had destroyed the ecology of the Zangar Swamp, and they had always held a high regard for them. Strong hostility.

The irony is that the major floods in Draenor have not affected the Zangarmarsh, and the water pumps arranged by the Naga in various places in the swamp have eliminated the floods invisible.

In Draenor, where disasters are frequent, the Zangarmarsh occupied by Naga is the calmest area. Jolin had no choice but to lead the Mag'har to move into Zangarmarsh for temporary refuge.

A large amount of extracted elemental power was gathered in Hellfire Citadel, transformed into energy, and injected into Illidan's spoils brought back from Nathreza—a super-large-caliber fel cannon as a trump card.

The Dreadlord is often responsible for forging some powerful weapons in the Burning Legion. This artillery was originally prepared as a deadly weapon for the Legion to attack Azeroth, but it fell into the enemy's hands because of Illidan's sudden attack.

With sufficient energy poured into it, the fel cannon entered an activated state, and the raised barrel pierced through the ceiling of the castle above, directly exposing it to the eyes of the Burning Legion and Kil'jaeden.

Kil'jaeden was visibly taken aback when he saw the cannon, "Is that...the Planetary Destroyer built by Nathrezim?"

Feeling the energy gathering in the cannon, Kil'jaeden's expression changed, and he immediately ordered to the adjutant beside him, "Let the fleet spread out! The enemy's shelling is about to start!"

However, it was obviously too late to order to evade at this time, and Kil'jaeden did not expect that Illidan would find this weapon of mass destruction forged using the power of the earth's core and buried deep in the ground before tearing apart Nasreza.


The bombardment from the Planet Destroyer was not a deafening explosion, but rather dull, but the destructive beam of fel energy ejected from the muzzle swept across a large number of fel energy battleships suspended in the universe in an instant.

Even Kil'jaeden's flagship Deceiver was affected a bit by this. Although it escaped a direct hit, under the impact of the exploded fel battleship wreckage, the Deceiver's shield began to flicker violently. It will be overloaded and broken.

The matter had already happened, and it was not Kil'jaeden's style to be angry and regret later, he hooked his hand to the adjutant beside him with a gloomy face.

"Talgath, it's your turn to play, sneak into Hellfire Citadel to destroy the defensive barrier, and bring Velen out to me."

The eyes of the eredar covered with ferocious bone spurs lit up, and he lowered his head respectfully to hide the cruel and excited smile on his face.

"As ordered."

"Remember." Kil'jaeden knew Targath very well, knew what he was thinking at this time, and deliberately reminded him, "I want to live, hold back my murderous intentions, and there will be opportunities to torture him slowly. "


After Talgath faded away, Kil'jaeden summoned another eredar.



Kil'jaeden's expression softened a lot as he looked at the eredar with scars all over his body, as if he was looking at his own nephew.

"Your fateful moment has finally arrived, are you ready?"

"Of course!" Lakish replied firmly, "I have been waiting for this moment, the moment to avenge that treacherous traitor!"

"very good."

Kil'jaeden smiled with satisfaction, a smile full of twisted vengeance.

"Go, cooperate with Talgas, and I want to see the moment of Velen's mental breakdown with my own eyes."

After sending Lakish away, Kil'jaeden leaned on his throne and closed his eyes to meditate.

‘It’s about time for Azeroth to activate, right? '

‘Sargeras, I hope you won’t disappoint me this time. '

Azeroth, Nordrassil Canopy City Anarsis.

Jarod, who was usually very calm, frowned rarely, and paced back and forth in his office quite agitatedly.


"Come in. UU Reading"

An officer stepped back and walked in through the gate, and reported in a fast voice, "Marshal Shadowsong, there is no way to recover. The Dark Portal has activated and may open the teleportation channel to Draenor at any time."


When the end came, Jarod calmed down instead.

"What's the situation in the cursed land? Can the alliance break through the defenses of the Thunder King and the Blackrock orcs?"

The officer shook his head, "Unfortunately, I'm afraid we won't be able to do it in a short time. Those orcs are no longer in their weak state, they are as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and the green skin on their bodies has a tendency to turn red."

Jarod rubbed the center of his brows with a headache, "I'm careless, I didn't expect Sargeras to leave behind Garona."

After weighing the pros and cons, Garrod finally ordered firmly, "I can't control this much anymore, I will dispatch with the Second Flying Fleet! Go to the cursed land as quickly as possible to break through the enemy's defense!"

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