Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 676: King's return?

() With the unblocking of Pandaria, Raiden quietly got in touch with Thorim in the Hall of Origin and Azadas in the underground of Uldaman.

The three sides have already made the final preparations for the attack, and they only need to wait until the night elves recover from the fatigue of the previous war before launching the attack.

Although Celeste's sudden pregnancy was a bit unexpected, Andrea originally planned to attack Ulduar in the second half of the 25th year of Black Gate, and there was no conflict in time.

Niyana made a promise to Andrea, "I know, when I go back, I will let Garona find out as much as possible about Benedictus' backstage."

Andrea warned solemnly, "Be careful, don't startle the enemy, no matter whose subordinate he is, once one side knows that Benedictus is being investigated, I'm afraid it will soon be shared with the other side."


After seeing Niyana off, Andrea leaned on the back of the sofa chair in the private living room and closed her eyes to rest.

"Salatas, whose subordinate do you think Benedictus is?"

"Hey~" Miss Ancient God, who had just woken up, replied with a sly smile, "It's very likely that it's N'Zoth's tentacles."

"Most of Yogg-Saron's focus has been on corrupting the titan's guardian. For her, taking Ulduar and setting her free is half the battle won."

"Judging by the peak combat power of Azeroth today, no one can completely destroy a complete Yogg-Saron without harming Azeroth, and neither can I."

The reason why Xalatas was able to devour C'Thun was because the Thousand-Eyed Demon hadn't completely broken free from the seal, and was severely injured by the joint attack of the demigod brigade.

Like C'Thun, the absorbed Y'Shaarj soul was also achieved in an extremely weak state. With Xal'atath's current state, there is no way to devour an ancient **** who is in excellent condition.

Once Yogg-Saron escapes from prison, killing her will inevitably cause Azeroth to suffer heavy losses. This is obviously not in the interest of the night elves, or even all races living in Azeroth.


Speaking of this old hideaway, Andrea felt very headache.

N'Zoth's strength is the weakest among all the ancient gods, but because the prison fell into the deep sea that no one can touch, N'Zoth can unscrupulously develop his tentacles quietly to every corner of Azeroth.

The Emerald Dreamland is just one of them. With the current coverage of the night elves' flying fleet, it is difficult for the material world of Azeroth to escape the blind spots of the aerial observation range.

Even so, all searchers, including the Dragon Clan, still couldn't find Deathwing's whereabouts.

Then there is only one explanation.

Deathwing was hidden in a cracked space outside the material world of Azeroth, most likely the four elemental planes controlled by the ancient gods.

According to Andrea's memorandum, among the four kings of elements, only two are still loyal to the ancient gods, Ragranos the Balrog and Alakir the Wind Rider.

Although the mother of the earth, Serazane, made it clear that she would no longer obey the ancient gods, but adhering to the stubborn characteristics of the earth element, she is not interested in other intelligent races in Azeroth. swing power.

In contrast, the attitude of the Tidehunter Neptune Totem is quite clear. He is the only King of Elements who shows that the chariots and ancient gods are right.

One of the important reasons why Naga seldom appeared on the ground for so many years is that the water element of Neptulon restrained them in the deep sea.

The hiding place of Deathwing can first rule out the Maw of the Abyss where the water element lives, and the remaining Sky Wall, Deep Rock Continent and Land of Fire are all possible.

The elemental world was stripped and sealed from the material world by the titan guardians as early as the end of the Battle of the Dark Empire. It is not easy to enter and search for it. Countless elemental creatures will instinctively launch a counterattack against the intruders.

Andrea intends to solve Yogg-Saron's problem before exploring the elemental world, and she should get some help from Neptulon in the process.

In addition to Deathwing whose condition is unknown, Benedictus is also a hole card in N'Zoth's hand.

With his status as the Archbishop of the Holy Light of the Stormwind Kingdom, he can approach the Wrynn royal family headed by Varian at any time. Without Garona's precautions in advance, Andrea speculates that Varian will almost inevitably suffer a series of hardships in the future .


Tapping the table lightly with his fingers, Andrea murmured, "I'll let you be active for a while, as long as you take down Yogg-Saron, your good days will come to an end."

Andrea originally thought that he would be able to accompany Celes quietly with his family until she gave birth smoothly, but it was against his will.

In March of the 25th year of the Dark Portal, when Andrea arrived in Silvermoon City, preparing to participate in Kael'thas' throne succession ceremony, an unexpected situation happened.

Over the past year, the high elves have been preparing for this grand ceremony. At the invitation of Kael'thas, almost all civilized races in Azeroth will send representatives to attend the enthronement ceremony.

When Andrea was chatting with King Jin and the aging Chief Kane, a flustered dragon eagle knight flied over the embassy area where the leaders of various tribes were located, crooked landed in front of the court of the Sunstrider king.

Azeroth has always been troubled by many disasters. The leaders of various races are not just put on airs like the kings on the earth. Most of them have not low combat ability.

The dragon eagle knight who landed was still bleeding blood from his mount and leader, and there were scars all over his body, and some strange green light could be seen on some of the turned up wounds.

Andrea and other leaders raised their vigilance at the same time, they instinctively felt that something bad was happening.

Watching the Dragonhawk Knight stumble into the royal court with the support of the lawbreaker, Andrea apologized to Gene and Kane beside him with a solemn expression.

"Sorry, excuse me first."

"It's okay." Gene's expression was not very good-looking, he said understandingly, "I think everyone has the same idea now, let's go back and sort out the information, I have a bad feeling."

Back at the embassy of the Dark Night Republic, Aurora greeted her first, and handed a piece of information to Andrea with a very serious face.

"Dad, there is a big situation. The Amani trolls are back, and they have brought a large number of Zandalari reinforcements."

Andrea immediately took the intelligence letter and read it again, "Really..."

Using the power of light to ignite the letter paper, Andrea frowned and said, "It happened to appear at this time, and it is clear that it wants to hit the high elves in the face."

Seres, whose belly was already bulging, showed a cold expression on her face, "If it wasn't for my physical inconvenience, I really want to go to the battlefield and kill those lingering fangs!"

Since last year, Andrea has received information that the Zandalari trolls have become active.

Zandalari suffered huge losses in the battle with the blood **** G'huun. Although the blood troll was successfully defeated and G'huun was killed, UU Reading, but even the kings of Loa Laizan were affected. Seriously injured, the relatively weak secondary Loa even fell a lot.

Zandalar, who was seriously injured, kept a low profile for many years, licking his wounds on the island silently.

The re-emerged Zandalari are obviously more aggressive than before, and their worries have been solved, so they can focus all their energy on external expansion.

There were traces of Zandalari troll activities in the frost troll territory of Northrend as early as last year, and Zul'Gurub in Stranglethorn Vale was also frequently visited by Zandalari envoys.

The night elves have no intention of going to war with Zandalar, but it seems that the second child of ten thousand years is dissatisfied with his status, and wants to take advantage of the rare peace in Azeroth to make something out of it.

"Now, it depends on how Kael'thas responds."

Shandris said with a dignified expression, "If it goes wrong, this grand celebration that showcases the national strength of the high elves will become a big laughingstock, which is unacceptable to Quel'Thalas, who is determined to reform. .”

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