Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 730: 2nd form

Andrea never let down his vigilance against Deathwing. N'Zoth had high hopes for him, and he would spend hundreds of years transforming him. Of course, it would not be as simple as repairing Deathwing's heart.

Although it has not been shown yet, Andrea speculates that Deathwing should have other killers.

However, this trump card may not be what Deathwing himself hoped for, and once it is used, it may be impossible to turn back.

The blue dragon headed by Malygos was the first to teleport from Wyrmrest Temple to the scene. At this time, they were observing the situation around the gravity barrier.

Malygos, who used to go crazy whenever he saw Neltharion, was very calm now. The experience of almost killing Deathwing last time seemed to have completely dispelled his inner demons.

Malygos, who had experienced the death of Alegos, repeatedly reminded himself to think twice before he acted. He didn't want to lose important clansmen again because of his impulsiveness.

Immediately following arrived was the Black Dragon led by Dragon Queen Sinestra herself.

Unlike Onyxia and Nefarian, who looked at Deathwing with complicated eyes, Abyssian was curious about Deathwing besides being vigilant.

"Mother, is this deformed black dragon my father?"

Sinestra replied with cold eyes, "That's right, that guy who is neither dragon nor ghost is Neltharion."

"Abyssian, get ready for battle. Although he has been completely depraved, Deathwing's strength has increased instead of decreased. This battle will definitely be very difficult."

When Shandris led the Second Flying Fleet as a mobile force to the western coastlines for reinforcements, the Fourth Flying Fleet left behind in Northrend also went south with the large-scale travel of the Dragon Clan, and went to the Broken Isles to help defend against the Naga's impact.

The Lost Isles are also being attacked by swarms of Naga, and the Draenei who have had combat experience with Naga calmly fight under the command of Yrel.

As a fixed turret, the Storm Fortress will penetrate a vacuum channel in the sea with every blow, and the powerful firepower net makes it impossible for the Naga who landed to go further.

The impact of countless Naga made Andrea quite irritated, but he could only forcibly suppress the restlessness in his heart and continue to sit in the central command.

Azshara hadn't appeared yet, and Andrea had to stay behind to guard against the actions of the Naga queen, and the two sides played the role of exchange.


The shrill scream interrupted Andrea's thoughts, and the Highborne who were gathering to cast spells in the Anarchis Mage Tower just sent someone to report.

"Chairman! The enchantment can't support it anymore! Deathwing's size and power form are undergoing abnormal changes!"

Andrea frowned, "Go, go and have a look."

With the help of the mage's teleportation technique, Andrea and Maiev came to the observatory on the top floor of the official mage's tower, and looked at the scene through a high-powered telescope.

The condition of the Twilight Dragon lying on the ground was normal, but the armor plate on Deathwing's body was almost completely peeled off.

The spewing lava and collapsing body made Deathwing continue to let out a miserable wail.

As Deathwing's body disintegrated, more disgusting tentacles and granulation sprouted from his wounds.

"Tsk!" Maiev smacked her lips in disgust. "This guy can no longer be considered a dragon. After being overly modified by N'Zoth, he has turned into an indescribable deformed creature."

Just like Maiev complained, Deathwing couldn't see the dragon shape at all at this time.

His chest was split from the middle, and the whole dragon body became very strange because of this.

The lava that flowed to the ground quickly corroded the green grass, and the crack in his chest gradually affected his whole body. Except for the head that was still barely covered with the source chin, his whole body began to undergo extremely disgusting mutations.

A large number of purple-black tentacles protruded from all parts of Deathwing's body, and the gravity barrier seemed to have no effect on these tentacles at all.

"No! It's about to collapse!"

Following the shouts from the mage tower, the gravity barrier restricting Deathwing was finally broken, and Deathwing's aura wrapped in the barrier was released at once.

"hold head high!"

Finally freed from the shackles, the Twilight Dragon let out a cheerful roar, spread its wings and took off from the ground again.


Under the cover of the towering trees on Mount Hyjal, the ambush dragons of five colors breathed out various dragon breaths at the group of twilight dragons at the same time.

The head-to-head attack severely damaged the unsuspecting Twilight Dragon. If it weren't for the modified scales on their bodies that were not resistant to the attacks of the five-color dragon, these deformed dragons should have been wiped out.

Guardian dragons that are several times larger than Twilight Dragons have entered the battlefield one after another. The thick-skinned black dragon serves as MT and physical output, the blue dragon serves as legal output, and other three-color giant dragons provide auxiliary and secondary damage.

When Chromie and Arygos and other juniors led the dragons to fight the Twilight Dragon, the four Aspects and Sinestra surrounded Deathwing.

"hold head high!"

Alexstrasza first sent out a flame of life to Deathwing, and the tentacles all over the body of the fallen black dragon king twitched violently under the impact of life energy.


Deathwing also swung his only intact head and roared in pain. As his tail slapped the ground vigorously, more than a dozen large tentacles protruded from the ground, making a dull sound of breaking wind and lashing at the giant guardian dragons.

Malygos spit out a boomerang-like arcane blade from his mouth, and cut off these tentacles one by one from the middle.

Just like the situation when Varian and others fought against Benedictus, the powerful self-healing ability of the ancient **** system allowed the tentacles to grow back quickly after being cut off.

Malygos reminded the Bronze Dragon King while constructing a large-scale magic.


"I know, don't worry."

Nozdormu's expression was still indifferent, his eyes shone with golden light, and the phantom of the time hourglass appeared faintly inside. UU Reading

"Tick tock~"

The sound of the hour hand turning sounded, and the place where the battle with Deathwing was completely separated from the outside world, being pulled into another timeline.

Nozdormu flapped his wings and blessed his companions with time protection, "Let's attack with all hands and feet, this is an abandoned timeline, don't worry about hurting Azeroth."

"Hmph! Just right."

Malygos' great spell was completed, and countless tiny arcane particles appeared around Deathwing.

"Back off!"

After the other four dragons left the attacking range, the suspended arcane particles swelled and burst one after another, connecting points into lines, and the lines formed surfaces and spaces one by one, and the dark blue arcane light enveloped Deathwing.

"Starlight is extinct!"

The spell that Andrea was almost obsessed with once acted on Deathwing, and the power was several times more powerful than what Andrea had experienced.

The timeline within a certain range vibrated violently amidst the surge of arcane energy, and Nozdormu hurriedly cast a spell to stabilize the time and space.

Deathwing, who appeared before the Dragon Kings again, looked very miserable. There were many holes in his body, and his flesh and blood were barely connected together. His whole body seemed to be falling apart at any time.


Since the shape change, Deathwing has almost completely lost his mind. He raised his head and screamed frantically, and the wounds on his body regenerated and healed at an incredible speed.

"Are you kidding me?"

Malygos looked at Deathwing who was gradually recovering and murmured, "I definitely didn't hold back anything, so I can't destroy him?"

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