Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 9 Chapter 14: The beginning of Baron Driek

The coalition forces that rushed into the scheduled main battlefield from the Western Theater District were advancing all the way, and soon joined forces with Dalyan and Bridget in New Hearthglen on the southeast coast of Dragonblight. Old Fording and Mograine were in An advance base has been established near the Tomb of the Stars, which is also the result of negotiations between the major forces.

The coalition’s base is arranged here to guard against the Nerubian capital, the Nerubian Nerub. This huge dungeon has many prominences throughout Northrend, but the largest one is located in the Dragonblight. In the west, when Ner'zhul's dark forces were rampant, near the yak village near this large crypt, Bingmist Village had been completely destroyed, and it was also one of the Nerubian forces.

Just like the important task of the human coalition to guard against the spider monsters, the tribal legions that arrived in the Dragonblight three days earlier than the human coalition have established a base in the mountains northeast of the Dragon Sleep Temple. They have to clear away the huge number of undead that existed there. And to withstand the attack of the undead army from Angatha, the gate of Scourge, the most important thing is to hold there to ensure the smooth flow of the waterway from Risk Bay to Blue Sky Lake. For a long time in the future, this waterway must be an alliance tribe. An important material delivery channel for both parties.

The Legion of the Stormwind Kingdom also rushed out from the mountains of the Grizzly Hills, surrounded by the undead trolls. They were stationed in the Dragonblight, the intersection of the Grizzly Cage and Zudak, and established a building. The church and barracks named Hope of the Light, the main defense target is the huge number of troll undead that exist in the Dak'Tharon Fortress, and if necessary, to support the Ebon Knights and the Holy Light that are standing in the southwest of Zul'Dak. Outpost.

There is also an army of Zandalari trolls. Of course, they don't like to participate in the confrontation of the Alliance tribes, so most of them are in the northeast of Zudak, linking with the Drakkari trolls to move together.

In this way, from the holy city of En'Qiraj, to the Tomb of the Stars, to the New Hearthglen, to the Orc fortress, and finally to the Church of Hope of Light in the Kingdom of Stormwind, one-third of the entire Northrend territory has fallen into In the hands of the civilized world, of course, the rear war is far from over, but the formation of this line of defense is a strong blow to the newly awakened Lich King.

Azeroth was not as vulnerable as he had imagined. In fact, when they united, the burst of power made the dead Lich King also have to choose to retreat.

Of course, under the current situation, the rapid advancement of the early stage to the Dragonblight Wilderness is already the limit. If you want to go forward, you must fight a battle at the army of Angatha and the Lich King. Road closed gate, that is currently the only exit of Icecrown Glacier.

Although the elves of Quel'Thalas have found a mountain road that can lead to Icecrown Glacier in Crystalsong Forest, it is too steep and full of heavy soldiers under the Lich King. It will cost a lot to get through. With great strength and time, when the top coalition forces have made a plan, and then spend a huge amount of strength to get through there, some of the gains outweigh the gains.

In this case, Baron Driek followed General Dalyan who was stationed in New Hearthglen and entered the Alliance fortress in the Tomb of the Stars. He couldn’t see anything with his eyes, not because of injuries, but because he was born blind, but for Baron, it’s not a bad thing. He was born in a noble family in Stormwind. He grew up because of his vision. The reason was that he developed a very calm personality, and finally entered the North County Abbey and became a low-key priest.

His uncle is currently the famous "Pure" Derieck of the Silver Hand, an old and powerful paladin. It is also for this reason that Baron appeared in Northrend and has returned to the Kingdom of Stormwind. Under the recommendation of the old marshal Windsor, he became one of the members who participated in the "trial" on behalf of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

"Father, I'm back!"

Dalyan led Baron into the command tent. Old Mograine was facing them, carefully observing the map in front of him. The war against the undead made the old knight rejuvenate with unimaginable vitality. He seemed to Pour everything about yourself in this war, like a raging fire, even if it is just approaching, it will make people feel burnt.

Hearing Darian’s voice, the old knight put down the deduction pen in his hand, turned around, and saw his little son, a son he didn’t value, but now, he has proved with his own actions, who He is the helm of the next generation of the Mograine family.

After being knocked down by Gavincent, Dalyan came to Northrend. He participated in almost every battle in this frozen land. Not long ago, he was alone in the battle to build New Hearthglen. Facing the heroic death knight, the natural disaster lord Tyranus, broke through the hero rank at the last moment and drove the death lord away.

At this point, Dalyan has completed the process from weak to strong, and he has regained the recognition of Stomka, and he has gone further.

"You are here, Dalyan, I heard about your battle in New Hearthglen... Well done, my son!"

Mograine beckoned to Dalyan and Baron, the young soldier also had a smile on his face, and the two were seated separately. Mograine’s attention was not on Dalyan, but instead on Baron. Long body,

" Derieck's nephew? Candidate for Stormwind Kingdom?"

Dalyan nodded and said in a deep voice,

"Marshal Windsor personally recommended Baron to me. He is very good. He is already qualified to participate in the "Trial". Father, is the trial held here?"

The great knight shook his head, his eyes fell on Balong's closed eyes, and he groaned for a moment, then whispered,

"Not here, the final trial will be held in the Dragon Sleep Temple. This is the goodwill of the dragons and the convenience that Dick Knight has won for us. For mortals, this is the supreme glory. As for this... I have to determine whether these candidates are eligible to enter."


When Dalyan heard this, he felt that the old Mograine's tone was a bit too hurtful, but the old knight raised his hand and motioned him not to speak. He looked at Baron and said in a deep voice,

"Marshal Windsor is a respectable veteran, but he always considers issues from the Kingdom of Stormwind. Considering his position, this is understandable, but you have to understand one thing, Baron, this trial is the entire civilization. The world's decisive attack on the Lich King can only win, not fail! I can't allow any guy who has a lot of money to be among them. You must be the strongest, most capable, and least afraid of death in the entire civilized world. "

"Uncle said the same thing to me, Great Knight."

Baron was not angry because of Mograine's blunt tone. He calmly said, "I believe I am ready to dedicate to the expedition of the Holy Light. This is the supreme glory of my generation!"

"Sounds like a fanatic."

Old Mograine smiled, his voice lowered a little, "But I don’t think you understand, the eyes of the whole world will be on you, besides the human world, there are elves and dwarves. There are trolls, and... those **** orcs, you will eventually act separately, the world’s strongest army will cover you, and everything you have in the war will be used as a proof to divide Northrend after the war. ."

"Yes, it is not only glory, but also the game between country and country, power and power. In this battle, the human world must watch and help each other. Whether you can become the ultimate warrior or not, I have only one requirement for you! You can't lose! Giblet to those orcs!"

The expression on Baron’s face became a little harder. Obviously, this young man who had been indulged in the Holy Light Book had never considered the problem from this aspect. Mograine's naked analysis caught him off guard, but Lenovo At Marshal Windsor's parting words, Baron finally understood that there was something in the old marshal's words.

Obviously, he has been kept in the dark.

A few minutes later, Baron breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

"My father died in the battle where Stormwind City was breached. If I can, I don't want to lose to those orcs."

Old Mograine nodded in satisfaction. He patted Dalyan on the shoulder.

"Well, Baron, you can go to the candidate area, and you will soon perform your first mission."


Dalyan asked curiously. Old Mograine chuckled, his eyes flashed with indifference and solemnity.

"Go deep into Azjol Nerub, within 1 day, Baron must bring back the remains of the three high-level spider monsters, um... it can be done by one person, or in a team, but one more person will increase the number of remains. 5. Do you understand?"

"This...but his eyes..."

Dalyan was a little surprised at this demanding requirement. Hunting three high-level spider monsters is indeed not difficult for him, but for a blind person like Baron, going deep into the dungeon of Azjol Nerub, I am afraid it will be somewhat ...

But before the old Mograine could answer, Baron took the initiative to speak.

"It's okay, General Dalyan. Although I have lost my eyes, the benevolent light has given me the ability to see the world more clearly. All I can do is that I need soldiers to take me to Azjol Nerub. ."

The old knight stood up and waved his hand.

"The best scouts will accompany you. They will also be responsible for recording your record and saving you when you are about to be killed. I hope you won't use them. Oh, yes, You can go to the quartermaster to get a new set of equipment. This is the right that all candidates have."

Baron nodded towards the two Paladins, and walked out of the camp with his blind cane, leaving only Dalyan and Mograine, father and son. Dalyan looked at the old knight and coughed solemnly, and said ,

"Father, I have decided. I want to participate in the matter you said last time!"

The old knight who had already sat back at his desk was not surprised by his son’s decision. He just looked up at his son, nodded, took out a document and looked at it. After a while, he drew on it. After a lap, I said to him,

"Yes, you will be included in the team attacking Shadow Dome, and your players will be selected from these candidates."

Dalyan's expression collapsed suddenly.

"Shadow Dome? Not Icecrown Citadel?"

The old knight shook his head, took the pipe from the table, and took a breath of smoke. When the mellow smoke covered his face, he slowly opened his mouth.

"Of course not, Icecrown Citadel, that dark hell, that is the mission of our old bones. We must consider the result of failure. If we fail, your fresh blood will at least be able to bring the army back to the Eastern Continent. Or if we stick to the current line of defense, we can die without worry, but you can't... My son, Dick once said a word, it makes sense."

"This world is yours after all... If you win, everything is fine. If you fail, you will take our banner and re-support the entire human kingdom... Not just you, Bridget, even Varian and their missions are all the same. We are the soldiers who are charging ahead. This time we are going to replace you to fight for the old guys like us."

Dalyan's expression suddenly became serious. From the words of the old Mograine, he heard a different taste. If the "ice-breaking" was only a plan at the beginning, then now, the upper level of the entire civilized world has nothing Doubt has worked out a real plan.

They did not put all their bets on this surprise attack. On the contrary, they formulated a very detailed plan to deal with the consequences of the surprise attack failure.

"Remember, my son, after breaking the Shadow Dome, he immediately returned to the battlefield of Dragonblight with the candidates. After we leave, you have to take over the command, nail it to Angatha like a nail, and wait. Our news!"

The old knight closed his eyes and said like a dream.

"When the four acropolises are broken, the doors of the Dark Cathedral and the Icecrown Citadel will be opened. That is the battle that will determine the fate of the world. The heroes of the whole world will gather together. Light and darkness, justice and evil will be the final battle. The confrontation...well, for the veteran, that is the perfect grave."

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