【Upstairs, not everyone is suitable for driving. 】

  【There is also food delivery. You can earn more than 5,000 yuan a month by delivering food. 】


The rabbit gnawed on the pig's trotters, a little embarrassed, "I don't have a driver's license, and I can't drive. As for delivering food, I'm a road junkie. I've tried it before. Just being familiar with the road conditions is difficult for me. Especially when entering a larger place. In the community, even if I have a navigation system, I still get lost. I have to ask people who live in the community to find the floor and go out of the community. "

  【Well, then you really can only make a fortune by doing your own business. 】

  【But it is really rare for a man to be a road idiot. 】

  【It is also rare for men who cannot drive. Nowadays, young people take the driving license test as soon as they graduate from the college entrance examination. 】


 The rabbit gnawed on the pig's trotters and felt embarrassed again, "I didn't take the college entrance examination, I went to a vocational school."


Qiao Ningxun said seriously: "What do you want to sell when you open a shop?"

  Rabbit nibbling pig's trotters: "They sell barbecue. I heard that barbecue is particularly popular with people in Nancheng, and there is a lot of traffic around the shop I chose."

 Qiao Ningxun calculated with her fingers, "If you open a barbecue restaurant, you can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, but..."

 The rabbit gnawed on the pig's trotters and was stunned, "But what?"

Qiao Ningxun: "But it will be very hard for you and your wife because the day and night are reversed and your body is damaged. It will not be easy to have children in the future."

 The couple was shocked when a rabbit gnawed on a pig's trotters.

"Really? The reason we opened the shop is to save money for a child. If the child doesn't come in the future, what's the use of our business."

Qiao Ningxun: "Don't be too frustrated. What I mean is that the child will come later, and you will eventually have your own child."

The rabbit gnawed on the pig's trotters and breathed a sigh of relief. "It's good that the child can come. I have another question. Will it go smoothly when we open the store? After we open the store, will our life as a couple be happy?"

ˆ˜Qiao Ningxun told the truth, “It won’t go well.”

The rabbit gnawed on the pig's trotters and was stunned: "Is something going to happen?"

Qiao Ningxun: "You must have a younger brother."

 The rabbit gnawed on the pig's trotters and nodded: "Yes, I have a younger brother. Unlike me, he has graduated from college."

Qiao Ningxun: "But even though he graduated from college, he is still very ambitious and has low ambitions. He has been chewing on your parents and your husband at home. In other words, he is a jobless vagrant now, right?"

The rabbit gnawed on the pig's trotters and nodded excitedly: "Yes, anchor, you are really amazing. You can even calculate this."

  【Of course, our anchors are the best in the world. 】

  【Our anchors are really capable. 】

Yu Xiaoxiao asked: "Anchor, you mentioned my brother-in-law. Is it because of him that our business will have problems?"

Qiao Ningxun: "Yes, you don't have enough money now. You also listen to your parents and want to help your brothers."

The rabbit gnawed the pig's trotters: "It's true. My parents said that my brother was idle at home anyway, so they lent money to my brother, and then my brother invested the money in the barbecue restaurant, and my brother can share the dividends in the future. , so that he won’t starve to death after his parents leave.”

“And my brother will still go to the barbecue restaurant to help out if he has nothing to do. Anyway, if the business is good, we and my wife will be too busy, so I agreed.”

Qiao Ningxun: "If you don't want the barbecue restaurant to be robbed in the future, just find the money yourself. Don't use your parents' money, and don't use your brother's money."

Yu Xiaoxiao was stunned: "Anchor, you mean that after we run the barbecue restaurant in a decent way, my brother-in-law will ask me to quit and let him run it?"

Qiao Ningxun: "Yes, he didn't look at the barbecue restaurant at first. He felt that opening a shop to do business is always lower than he graduated from college." "But then you gave him tens of thousands of pieces once a few months. He He changed his mind and thought that if he ran the barbecue restaurant, all the income from the barbecue restaurant would be his, and he could earn more than 20,000 yuan a month. "

“Of course, if he tells you directly that he wants a barbecue restaurant, you will definitely not agree.”

"But he was your parents' favorite son, and he threatened your parents with death. Your parents had no choice but to ask you to give the shop to him. You didn't agree, and your parents threatened you with death again. In the end, they still gave the shop to him. Your brother."

   This is too disgusting. 】

  【I hate the kind of people who plant trees without any effort and pick the fruits as soon as they grow. 】

  【Yes, people who directly rob others of the fruits of their labor are the most annoying. 】

[There are many people like this, and I was overtaken by others. The two of us worked together to do the homework. I did it seriously, while she went to have fun for two days. When it was time to hand in the homework, she looked like she was doing it in front of the teacher. , making me hate her to death all my life. 】

I agree with you above. I met this kind of person when I was a student, and I also have this kind of person among my colleagues at work. I will never let go of it in my life. 】

The rabbit gnawed on the pig's trotters and said anxiously: "Anchor, if you don't give him shares, I think he will still come to rob me. If my parents force me to die, I really can't help but give them."

Yu Xiaoxiao is also very uneasy. She has seen clearly what kind of temper her brother-in-law is in the past few years. He is indeed the kind of person who cannot support the wall with mud and is not practical in doing anything and only wants to take shortcuts.

 If the store is really going to be robbed by someone in the end, it is better to go to work yourself.

Qiao Ningxun: "Your concerns are correct. There is a way to solve this problem."

 The rabbit gnawed on the pig's trotters and asked urgently: "What can I do?"

Qiao Ningxun: "Let your parents know your brother's nature. As long as they are disappointed in your brother, they will not help your brother and steal the fruits of your labor."

  Rabbit gnawing on pig's trotters: "What is my brother's nature? In front of my parents, he can't find anything wrong except being lazy."

  Qiao Ningxun: "Wait for me for five minutes, and I will find evidence for you."


Qiao Ningxun quickly left the live broadcast room.

  【How does the anchor find evidence? 】

  【Is she looking for videos online again? 】

  【Maybe, I have to say that the anchor's computer skills are really good, and she can find many videos. 】

  【Of course, if she had no skills, how could she have tens of millions of fans now? 】

 After a while, Qiao Ningxun came back and privately messaged all the videos to Rabbit Chewing Pig's Trotters.

 She did not announce it this time.

Humizens have been waiting on her homepage for a long time, but they haven’t seen the video yet.

  【Anchor, we want to watch it too. 】

  【Yes, let us see it too. 】

  【Anchor, please, I want to watch it too. 】

Qiao Ningxun: “I won’t watch it this time, everyone be good.”

  If the anchor doesn't give it, the fans have no choice but to watch the expression of the rabbit chewing the pig's trotters.

 The rabbit chewed the pig's trotters for a while, sent the link to his wife's mobile phone, and then opened the first video.

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