Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 397: 397: Ten black disasters (7) [two in one]

  Chapter 397 Chapter 397: Ten black disasters (7) [two in one]


   "Mother! Father!"

  The tragic and shrill screams almost pierced the sky, and there was even a woman holding the horse bandit's thigh with both hands, just begging the other party to let go of the child who snatched it by force. Weeping and crying: "Please let him go, he's still a child—"

  The horse bandit seemed to be unable to bear it for a moment.

  But he still broke free from the woman's shackles, and kicked her **** the shoulder. As the woman screamed in pain, the child was also thrown heavily on the ground. When it landed on the ground, its head hit the ground with a crisp sound from its neck. Finally, its body and head were at a strange angle. The woman lost control and went crazy when she saw it.

  I wanted to fight the horse bandit desperately but was subdued.

  The youngest and most beautiful women were **** and thrown on horseback. The older ones were not treated this way, but were tied and strung together with ropes by the gang of horse bandits. As for the men in the village, they were all killed regardless of their age. Every corpse was brutally stabbed several times by the horse bandit with a weapon, and some of them were so damaged that they couldn't see their original appearance.

   After another half an hour, I returned with a full load.

   This group of horse bandits are herdsmen of the Shiwu tribe.

  Since the sheriff of Longwu County was brutally murdered, the border wall and fortress checkpoint are just a low wall with little effect for them, and similar looting will happen every now and then. Their group came relatively late, and the brothers from the neighboring tribes had already made a fortune. Every time I return with a full load, gold, silver, treasures, food, women, everything!

  How can they not be tempted?

  Then asked the women in the tribe to help prepare dry food, warm clothes, arrows, and simple defensive armor, and then fed the horses to make them fat and strong.

   This first vote earned a lot of money.

   Food, much.

   Gold and silver treasures, many.

  Women, more.

  The medical technology of the Shiwu tribe is backward, and the diet structure is relatively simple. Women have a high chance of dystocia, and the infant mortality rate in the tribe is also high. Every generation of the Shiwu tribe has to face an embarrassing problem——

  There are too few women of the right age for marriage.

  Even if there is a custom within the tribe that "the father's wife succeeds, and the elder brother marries his wife after death", or even brothers share a single wife, there are still a large number of men who are single. Women, in Shiwu, are more precious resources than gold, silver, jewelry, cattle, sheep and horses.

  A similar situation is also happening in Beimo.

  However, Bei Mo is not very comfortable right now.

  The most typical, this group of horse bandits is all made up of small tribes with relatively close blood.

   Don't say that such a bumper harvest, as soon as you break through the border barrier or the border wall, you will be targeted.

   Xin Guo’s method of engaging horse bandits is no more benevolent than that of horse bandits engaging the common people on the border, or even worse.

  The horse bandit was caught, and he was lucky to be beheaded and killed on the spot. Unlucky, he was captured alive and brought near the border. The hemp rope passed through the neck and underarms, tied firmly, and dragged on horseback, dragging the person until only a skeleton remained, in order to deter the ten black spies who were about to move around the border.

  The father and grandfather of the leader of the horse bandits were unlucky. One was dragged to death, the other was stoned to death, and hung near the gate of the border city for public display. The corpse was covered with maggots, so it was put down and discarded casually, and then secretly picked up.

  The operation went well this time, and everyone was satisfied.

  I don’t feel that this process is as dangerous as the predecessors said. From the preparation stage to the smuggling into the country, and then to the point of entry, everything went smoothly and successfully. It's getting dark now, and I can stop to cook a jerky.

  An elderly horse bandit laughed, but the other horse bandits dared not refute. Because this old horse bandit is also a well-known old man in their tribe, and he is also the planner and leader of this operation: "It's naive."

  The young leader said: "It's really simple."

The old horse bandit took a sip of the tasteless broth, chewed the dry and hard meat, and said, "Longwu County is no longer in charge, but who knows when another hard bone will come? It's easy to lose your life if you are careless! "

  The young leader smiled.

  Although the tribe he belongs to is not big, the news is not too closed. I have heard more or less about the current situation.

  If Longwu County is really managed by someone, the defense will not be so loose in the past two or three months. The remaining troops in Longwu County now have to worry about the defense of the checkpoints, patrol the border city walls, and clean up the horse bandits that keep popping up. Now they can't even take care of their scale. The location of their looting was getting closer and closer to the center of Longwu County.

  Plus the immediate boss of Longwu County—

  The man named Zheng Qiao is an ally of Shiwu. Especially in the past two or three years, the defense of Longwu County has become more and more loose, and the chances of horse bandits coming out to rob are also increasing.

  Hey, they are not afraid now.

  The old horse bandit frowned upon hearing this.

  He scratched the hair that hadn't been washed for two months.

   exhorted: "In short, be careful."

  The young horse bandits don't take this at ease.

   Eat and drink enough, and arrange patrols and vigils.

  The rest of the horse bandits had no work. Looking at the more than 30 shivering women, their minds became active. In the past, enjoying the loot was a process after returning to a safe range, but now, it is okay to take advantage of it.

  These horse bandits, except for a few older ones with robbery experience, most of them are between eighteen and nineteen to twenty-four or five. They are willing to come out to do this, isn't it because they want to find a woman? It is too difficult to find a woman through the tribe channel, they are not a big tribe, and those who fall into their hands are either too old or have some physical problems...

  How can it compare to the juicy tenderness of Longwu County?

   Among them, the youngest horse bandit, no more than twelve or three years old, couldn't sit still when he saw several brothers from the same tribe exchanging meaningful glances, he jumped up and said, "I want a wife too!"

   "Go, go, go, you're still thinking about your mother-in-law before your hair grows? Compared with your brothers, you are still too young."

   "Hey, let's learn on the side first."

  For a while, all the bandits laughed.

  The youngest horse bandit was not convinced.

  Why is he so young?

   They haven't done it themselves yet!

  Talking about the village just now, several times they were not decisive in their strikes, but he himself was a little warrior praised by everyone in the tribe. I can still be the leader of the tribe in two years, so what if I choose a wife first?

  Most of the common people in Longwu County can speak a few Ukrainian languages, and they trembled when they heard their conversations. However, they were all **** tightly, unable to escape if they wanted to, or die if they wanted to.

  I can almost imagine the near future.

   Someone closed their eyes in despair.

  The evening wind carried the lingering warmth of the setting sun, but when it blew on people's faces, it hurt like a knife scrape, and they numbly watched the horse bandits walking towards them.

  The horse bandits didn't care about their reactions, and what they needed was not a docile and considerate woman.

   All they need is a woman who can give birth. If the woman is good-looking, that's even better.

  The old horse bandit frowned: "Don't make too much noise."

"Uncle, it's rare for them to be happy. We will continue our journey back after dark, and we will never delay." The young leader didn't move, not because he didn't want these women, but because he already had a wife in the tribe, and she was very fierce. Capable, strong and strong, gave birth to two children, and still has one in her belly, if she knows that she ate it this time...

   There is nothing clean when I go back.

  The old horse bandit moved his lips when he saw this.

  Just heard a woman screaming "Don't touch me", the old horse bandit saw two figures approaching from a distance.

  Other young horse bandits also noticed, and stopped their movements one after another, ready to fight. Until you see what the two of you look like.

  The leader of the horse bandit secretly made a gesture.

  A group of horse bandits put down their weapons, but they were still aggressive, staring at the two young men viciously.

  One of them was riding a snow-white mule, and the other was wearing a colorful outfit, with a pigtail in his hair, and an immature face but a rather stalwart body. The leader of the horse bandit stopped the two and scolded: "Stop!"

  The teenagers stopped one after another.

  The mule boy said angrily: "Wrong again!"

  Another person was also upset: "Can this be my fault?"

   "Don't blame you, blame me?"

   "...OK, blame me!"

  After speaking, the gaudy young man with braids turned his attention to the leader of the horse bandit. He rode on a tall horse, lowered his head slightly, and caught everyone in his eyes.

  He said: "Who are you? What are you calling us to stop?"

   At this time, the night was already dark.

  The light of the moon was not clear, and the line of sight was blocked. The bonfire for cooking broth was also extinguished by the horse bandits, and dozens of horse bandits hid in the grass. The young man didn't seem to see the scale of this gang of horse bandits, seeing their large and small bags, he mistook them for a caravan.

  The leader of the horse bandit asked: "Who are you?"

  The braided boy rode on the horse, sneered and said, "Who are the young masters, do I need to report to you? Have you guys seen a nest of mice running this way?"

  The leader of the horse bandit naturally didn't see any mice.

  The braided boy was cursing.

  From what he said, it seemed that a nest of mice had harmed their grain storehouse, and the two of them were so angry that they wanted to catch the nest of mice and scald them to death with boiling water.

   Unexpectedly, halfway through the chase, there were no traces to be found.

   The two got lost nearby for a while.

   I vaguely saw a bonfire here, so I approached to inquire.

  The leader of the horse bandit was silent for a moment when he heard the words.

  In the bushes, there was already a horse bandit who secretly bent his bow and set an arrow, following the sound, aimed the arrow at the two teenagers' vitals.

   Regardless of whether the two teenagers came for a big mouse or a chipmunk, they couldn't get away alive. Although the two teenagers don't look very smart, once they go far away and find something is wrong, bringing people back to encircle them will cause some trouble.

"Did you see that nest of mice?" The little braided boy was very dissatisfied with the silence of the leader of the bandit, took out a big silver bead from the money bag hanging on his waist, and said defiantly, "Seeing this big piece of silver Are you done? Tell me the whereabouts of that damned, stinking dead mouse, and this is yours. Not enough, I still have a bag!"

  He said and patted the money bag.

  The dull sound of the smashed silver hitting was very pleasant, but the young man's condescending tone made the leader of the horse bandit even more annoyed. Seeing that no one answered, the little braided boy muttered.

   "Didn't everyone say, 'There must be a brave man under a great reward'?"

  The mule boy beside him said indifferently: "What does this mean? It only means that you still gave too little."

  The young man with braids said airily, "Is this still called young?"

"is it a lot?"

  The young man with braids snorted: "You have searched out your money bag, can you collect half of my bag?"

  The mule boy didn't say anything else, he just sneered and threatened: "...I want to write to your cousin."

  Tell parents, tried and tested.

  Little braided boy: "..."

  After the two of them spoke a few words, the evening wind blew the blades of grass and made a slight rustling sound, and under the cover of this rustling sound, an extremely slight bowstring humming sounded. The mule boy tilted his head lightly, letting the arrow brush past his hair.

   Sneered: "Ah, the mouse has appeared."


  The leader of the horse bandit had no experience after all, so he was stunned for a moment, but the old horse bandit reacted and immediately realized that something was wrong. He ordered an ambush to take the two teenagers away one after another.

  However, they never expected—

  The smile of the young man with braids instantly turned into a cold murderous intent, and the strong cold light spread upward from the horse's hoof, and instantly turned into a well-armed horse armor, and the boy was also armored.

   Shoot down all the arrows aimed at your companions in twos and threes.

   As for the one that shot on him?

   As for the arrows made of stones, animal bones, or rusty metal, you still want to break his armor?

  In the words of the lord—

  Slip the world's great joke!

  The mule boy looked cold, and he only said: "Protect the robbed women and children, and capture them alive!"

   There are quite a lot of requirements!

  The braided boy didn't dare to neglect.

  Because this protagonist really doesn't talk about martial arts! Speaking of writing a letter to sue, I really know how to write a letter to sue, I wrote one before, and the boy was scolded by his cousin for a full eighteen pages!

  I can't scold and scold myself, and I can't beat myself.

  Yes, but _(:з)∠)_

  He was not convinced, anger came from his heart, evil came to his guts, he couldn't help but uttered a strange sentence, and he was rewarded and beaten. In the end, I got ridiculed: [Gong Xiqiu came and only got beaten up, are you still proud of me? 】

  Xu Quan, who doubts life: [? ? ? 】

   Isn’t Mr. Shen a literary scholar? ? ?

  Yes, the mule boy was Shen Tang who rushed to Longwu County day and night, but when he was about to arrive at the Longwu County seat, he encountered a tragedy that happened not too long ago.

   It is expected that the horse bandit did not run too far, so she and Xu Quan went first.

  Large troops go to the government office first.

  The remaining small group of people followed them.

  The two of them were unlucky, and Xu Quan was full of confidence and said that he was good at tracking and tracing. Good guy, he almost lost his way with Shen Tang in an unfamiliar wilderness. It wasn't until the bonfire led the way that I realized that it didn't take much effort.

   This nest of horse bandits is also interesting.

   Did not launch a sneak attack when the two were close.

   gave them a golden opportunity to approach.

  Xu Quan didn't want to lose a "rat", so he summoned hundreds of martial arts soldiers, half of them to protect the women and children who were **** and looted, and half to deal with these horse bandits.

   If you want to capture alive, you must not die too much.

  Shen Tang used a sword and a cold light to deal with several desperadoes who were trying to use their lives to win opportunities for their fellow tribe members.

   Didn't kill people, just cut off their tendons with precision.

   There are also brave warriors among the horse bandits, such as the leader of the horse bandit and the youngest horse bandit, but the strength of the two is not strong, one is second-class and the other is third-class. In front of the two of Shen Tang, they didn't even have a chance to break through.

   Soon his leg was crushed by Xu Quan's war horse.

  The crisp bone cracking sound is so pleasant.

  In the ears of horse bandits, it seems like the king of Hades seduces the soul.

in the dark-

  There is a riot, but there is no riot.


   Looking for a monthly ticket.

   The exemption will end tomorrow afternoon, hehe.

   PS: Some time ago, I saw a comment saying that the male-male plot in romance novels is not comfortable. In fact, the male-friendly and male-favorite plot in the article is completely different from the corruption we think.

The essence of Danmei lies in the fact that the protagonists are all male, and they are very beautiful, and they are very eye-catching together. They have a beautiful love, but in the ancient feudal background where women's education is restricted and their thoughts are imprisoned, it is not surprising that there are many spiritual confidants in men. They are men, because they have also been educated, they can resonate spiritually, and the relationship is naturally good. In today's words, it is a rotten eye to see people, and men were indeed prevalent in ancient times. The emperor of the Han Dynasty... cough, understands everything.

   Whether it’s masculinity or all kinds of strong tastes in the background of war and chaos, there are traces in themselves, and they are also small embellishments that constitute the chapters of troubled times. In essence, they are the exploitation of the weak by the strong. As long as they are weak, men and women are playthings, no one is more noble than the other, and it has nothing to do with gender.

   Just exploiting the strong and exploiting the weak.

   If you focus on gender, it will deviate from the original intention of the story.

   If there is any discomfort, it is really not that mushrooms deliberately fabricated these (it is also very tiring to check them).



  (end of this chapter)

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