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Chapter 696: Celebration activities

With Lu Huai'an's support, Du Yanshu felt that his progress would definitely be faster.

Just after returning, I don't know how to talk to her mother.

I just said, "Mom, do you still remember... Grandpa Lu?"

Her mother's face changed and she sighed: "Their family... ah, don't mention it."

If it was before, Du Yanshu would definitely forget it.

But now, after thinking about it, she hugged her mother's arm: "Mom, what's the matter, I remember that you and Uncle Lu had a good relationship at the time. Why don't you move around now?"

"Oh, people are prosperous." Du Ma wanted to grit her back teeth when she remembered it. She said that she didn't know if they had just traveled abroad. What's the problem? She looked at people in the sky and offended the people in the circle. Moved over and over again.

After scolding a few words, he looked at her suspiciously: "Did they contact you?"


"Really not?"

"Really do not have."

According to her mother's posture, there is a lot of appearance that she dares to say that she will kill her relatives righteously, how can Du Yanshu dare to mention it.

He hurriedly said something else, pulling the topic abruptly away.

After that, she called Shen Ruyun: "It seems that I can't ask anything from my mother."

"Listening to this, it seems that after the Lu family came back from a trip to the country, their temperament changed greatly and they became bad with everyone?"

Du Yanshu thought for a while, then hummed: "It seems...that's it."

In this case... Shen Ruyun pondered: "I always feel that this matter is not as simple as we think."

Generally speaking, for the neighbors of the hometown, even the old people in the village know that noisily, noisily, no quarrel.

The Lu family knew the book and answered the ceremony, and the old man Lu was in charge. No matter what, it shouldn't be like this.

"Yeah, it can make everyone disgusted... This is how many things have been done."

Turning her head, Shen Ruyun told Lu Huai'an about the matter, saying that this matter might not be investigated for the time being, so he should not worry.

"I'm not in a hurry." Lu Huai'an really wasn't in a hurry, and let them take it slow: "It doesn't matter if you can't find it."

Because he now has more important things to do.

"Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with you."

Shen Ruyun was stunned, and she asked with some doubts, "Is it related to me?"

"Yes." Lu Huai'an laughed and asked her, "Do you still remember Principal Wu?"

The old principal in their county...

At that time, they were still opening a steamed bun shop. After Principal Wu found Shen Ruyun, he pushed her to the city.

It was from then on that their lives changed dramatically...

"Of course I remember." Shen Ruyun thought that Principal Wu was not too young, and was a little nervous: "What happened to Principal Wu?"

"Oh, nothing happened to him." Lu Huai'an told her to take it easy, and said with a smile that it was a good thing: "After we discussed it, didn't we ask some children from the school with good grades to come over to do summer jobs?"

At that time, she was only short of eight cents in tuition fees and was forced to drop out of school.

Comparing her heart to her heart, she didn't want more people to follow in her footsteps, so she decided to give these poor students another way.

Shen Ruyun snorted, she remembered this: "I only brought the front one, is the factory still doing it?"

Although this kind of training class has little effect, after all, they are all students, and what they can teach is limited.

But for some illiterate workers in the factory, it is still more useful.

"Always do it."

Not only the original factory, but also the newly expanded factory and the newly recruited workers will also offer such training courses.

After the workers who had been trained before and had a certain level of education, students were asked to read books and draw some pictures when they came to class.

Everyone is quite interested, and students don't have to worry about having nothing to teach or money to get.

In this way, in the past few years, many students have been sent to the school.

"Especially for students in rural areas, many of them use our method to earn enough for their tuition and living expenses."

When parents heard it, reading not only cost nothing, but also made money, and they all agreed to send their children to school.

The number of children who dropped out of school has been greatly reduced, and Principal Wu no longer has to arrange for teachers to go out for home visits and bring back the children who are about to drop out of school.

This is a positive cycle. Apart from Lu Huai'an and the others paying a lot of salaries, it's a great thing for children, parents, and the school.

"Now, some of these children who have graduated have not been admitted, so they decide to go out to work."

Their first choice was Xin'an Group.

When Lu Huai'an remembered it, he was very happy: "President Wu also called me specially and said that some students who are currently studying in the university also want to come back to work."

The grace of dripping water, these children really want to reciprocate.

Some entered the factory, and some entered the trade city.

"Several classmates speak good English, and I let them go to the Trade City for reception."

After all, there are often many international friends who come to buy things in the trade city. Naturally, the more people who can communicate in English, the better.

When Shen Ruyun did these things in the past, she really didn't expect such a result.

But do good deeds, don't ask about the future, she has always thought so.

"I really didn't expect... I'm so happy..."

Laughing and laughing, she choked again.

very nice.

"So in the past two years, the school's enrollment rate has increased a lot, and the school has won a lot of awards." Lu Huai'an continued to finish his words and said with a smile: "Principal Wu was awarded a provincial honor."

Principal Wu specially called him and said that the school was going to hold a school celebration and wanted to invite the couple to participate.

Although she stayed at the school for a short time, Shen Ruyun quickly agreed: "Yeah! I want to participate!"

Not for the limelight, but because she truly appreciates these teachers, the principal, and this school from the bottom of her heart.

Lu Huai'an smiled, and he knew that she would definitely agree: "Okay, they are still in the preparatory stage. When the time is determined, I will tell you."

"Okay!" Shen Ruyun responded immediately, thinking about it in her heart at the same time.

For example, in this project, she has to speed up.

Then there is Du Yanshu here...

After Lu Huaian returned to President Wu, he also made a suggestion: "I happen to have a company that undertakes such activities. If you need it, feel free to say it."

Although it's a bit far from here, people can be transferred here.

After much consideration, the school finally agreed.

He Chongdu was quite surprised and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you could even get the resources of the school! It's amazing!"

Immediately with people, the wind and fire ran over.

"I didn't bring everyone here!" He Chong smiled and got into Lu Huai'an's car: "I'll come with you, and ask them what they want by the way."

The school is still the same, not much has changed.

If you look closely, many places are a bit shabby.

Now that Lu Huai'an came back to school, he was filled with emotion.

The playground is too small. Compared with the school in Nanping, it is really small and rotten.

"Let's just hit cement." He Chong's brows were furrowed. This would not work. When he jumped up, the dust would hit people's faces.

"That won't work." Lu Huai'an shook his head: "Sometimes there are sports meetings here."

The concrete floor does not grab shoes, and it is easy to fall when it freezes in winter.

He Chong turned around on the playground, his eyes lit up: "How about making a plastic? I've seen it before in many schools in Dingzhou."

People's runway is not slippery when it rains.

This, it is possible.

It's just that Principal Wu was a little hesitant. After all, many of their school's resources are subsidized to students. If they want to rebuild the playground, they have to renovate the teaching building, and if they hold school celebration activities, I am afraid it will be a bit stretched.

Lu Huai'an thought for a while, then looked at He Chong: "It's okay, he knows acquaintances on the runway, and the price is very favorable."

Let people make a cost price, and make a little profit.

"Well, I'll go back and make a budget."

He Chong also didn't expect that he would have to help people with the decoration first for an event.

"Okay." The principal thought for a while, then gritted his teeth: "The best thing is to put the budget on the repair...cough."

As for this school celebration, he doesn't think it's necessary to tidy it up too well. It's fine to let the children perform on stage.

When he came back, He Chong couldn't help but sigh: "This Principal Wu... is really thinking of his Yes." Lu Huai'an turned his head and looked into the distance, but Principal Wu was still standing. At the school gate, full of wind and frost: "He dedicated his life to the school and the students."

Old and old, still thinking about the teaching building.

After listening to his words, He Chong was silent.

Before he came, he thought it was a big business, and there must be a lot of money to be made.

After all, it's the county seat below Nanping, and it's Lu Huaian's alma mater!

I thought I would make a lot of money, but...

After settling in the Xin'an Hotel, he gathered his staff and held several meetings.

In the end, He Chong came up with three budget tables.

Lu Huai'an frowned and opened the first budget sheet.

"This one is made according to high standards." He Chong, with a cigarette in his mouth, explained to him: "School celebration activities, do the best, and the price is not cheap."

The rest of the money is used for decoration, and the playground is cheaper.

"This estimate is not good." Lu Huai'an put aside the report and picked up the second one.

He Chong snorted and pointed it out to him: "This one is five to five."

Reduce the specifications of the school celebration, improve the runway, and decorate it better.

Needless to say, for the third one, the money for school celebrations has been greatly reduced, and I am afraid it is about the same size as a school sports meeting.

But in contrast, the decoration of the runway and the teaching building will not be tight.

"I guess... Principal Wu will choose third."

He Chong snorted and pointed his finger for a second: "I'm going to make this for them."

If the price is reported in the third report, the effect will be the second.

That's fine. Lu Huai'an nodded, "I can make up for the lack of money."

"That won't work." He Chong immediately put away the report and snorted: "Don't do it, I'm going to open a branch in Nanping, and you can't make it up every time."

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