He clenched the mobile phone in his hand tightly, his knuckles turning white, he whispered to the driver: Master, please change the address and drive to Lincheng!

The taxi driver looked at him in the rearview mirror and asked hesitantly, Little classmate, are you going alone? It's not too far away, it's more than 200 kilometers away, why don't you ask your family...

Guo Jingyu took a hundred-yuan bill from his pocket and slapped it in front of him, I'll add money, you just drive over there, my family will pick me up over there!

The taxi driver was just worried that he didn't have enough money on him, and immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove to Lincheng.

Guo Jingyu closed his eyes in the car and thought for a while. When he opened his eyes again, bloodshots appeared. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number of numbers. After a few beeps, he was picked up, Hello, Jingyu?

Guo Jingyu said hoarsely, Uncle, I beg you one thing.

Uncle Gu said: There is no need to ask, just say it!

Guo Jingyu said: Can you pick me up in Lincheng? I'll tell you the specifics when we meet. Bring a bank card when you come. I'm in a hurry, and I don't have time to do it anymore... No, Home is fine, it's my own business.

Uncle Gu agreed without thinking, Okay, I'll drive there now. It will take about two hours to get there. Let's keep in touch by phone at any time.

it is good.

Guo Jingyu hung up the phone, closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the seat, the roar of the car in his ears, but it was far less loud than the voice in his heart - what the fuck is his studies, future, he doesn't care about anything No, just Li Tongzhou.

Chapter 57 Rescue

When Uncle Gu received a call for help, his first reaction was that Guo Jingyu was in trouble, and he drove to Lincheng without hesitation. He had done business there before, and he knew where the city center was easier to find, so he asked Guo Jingyu to go there and wait for him, almost on the front and back.

Tanimoto looked for him at the entrance of the downtown shopping mall, and soon found his nephew standing on the steps waiting for him, while he was typing on his mobile phone with his head down, Tanimoto ran over and asked, Jing Yu, what's going on?

Guo Jingyu finished typing the last few words and called out to his uncle, I sent a message to my dad and the others, but they came out in a hurry. I haven't told my family yet.

Gu Benshu asked carefully: Did your father and your mother have a conflict?

Guo Jingyu shook his head and said, No, the family is fine, this time I'm coming over by myself.

It's fine at home. Tanimoto Shu breathed a sigh of relief. He was just such a younger sister, and he was married far away. What he was most worried about was that his younger sister's family wouldn't be able to help in time. What's wrong with you running here all of a sudden?

Guo Jingyu's cell phone rang twice, he looked down at the text message, and asked, Uncle, did you drive here?


Then let's find a place first, sit down and talk and talk. By the way, do you have a bank card with you? I'll ask my friends in Beijing to remit some money. It's too late to apply for a new card, so please help me receive it first. .

Gu Benshu was a little dazed by his series of questions, and took out his bank card to him, Jing Yu, what happened? Is it serious?

Guo Jingyu said: Yes, we will wait and talk when we arrive at the place.

Tanimoto tree puzzled: Wait? Who?

Guo Jingyu said: I asked someone to help me to find out the news. He is also in Lincheng. He will come over in a while. Uncle, please drive me to this hotel.

Tanimotoshu had never seen his nephew look so ugly before, so he agreed and drove him there.

Guo Jingyu sat in the back seat, made two phone calls on the way, reported the bank card number to the other party, and heard that he was going to make a payment. Gu Benshu heard two sentences, and after he hung up the phone, he asked tentatively: Jingyu, what kind of friends do you have in the capital? Why don't you let someone call you money? Use mine.

Guo Jingyu shook his head and said, It's okay, it was the money I earned from doing business with someone before.

He turned his head to look out of the car window, there was a faint shadow of him on the window, and he could see the tight frown.

Usually, the nephew was used to laughing and laughing, but suddenly fell silent, and Gu Benshu was also anxious. Guo Jingyu was brought up by him, and his personality was the exact opposite of his son's. Gu Yu looked like a straight-forward person, but in fact, if he said a few words, it was easy to be led by the people around him; and Guo Jingyu was just the opposite. , I usually like to play and play, but I have my own ideas in my heart, and I will never let go after I decide.

The address sent by the private detective was a hotel in the city center. After Guo Jingyu went to the front desk and reported his name, he took the room card left by the other party in advance and went up with Uncle Gu. After entering the room and the two of them sat down, Guo Jingyu frowned and said, Uncle, this matter is actually not too complicated. The classmate who lived with my grandma's tea garden last time was still there. Remember? It's that Li Tongzhou.

Tanimoto tree thought for a moment, then nodded and said, Oh, isn't that classmate with good grades? I remember him, he's a good guy.

Guo Jingyu said, Something happened to him.

What's wrong?

Guo Jingyu closed his eyes and said slowly, His family wants to send him to a sanatorium for treatment, but he is not sick.

Why did you send it in?

Because he likes men.

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