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Chapter 507: God is not good

  Chapter 507 God is not beautiful

  Here, Xu Chenghou led his grandson to wash the ginseng seeds and spread them out on a fork to dry before eating and resting.

   On the other side, Xu Shiyan and Li Chengrong took two translators and accompanied several foreign merchants to Erdaobaihe Town by train.

  In this year and month, the environmental protection road from the west **** to the north **** has not yet been repaired, and there are only firewood transportation roads between various forest farms.

  The firewood road was built for logging and transporting timber down the mountain.

  In order to facilitate transportation, it is always repaired wherever there is a cutting area, and it is often a big turn.

  The mountain road is rugged, and driving is too troublesome and dangerous. It is more convenient and safer to take the train.

   Erdaobaihe Town is under the jurisdiction of Antu.

  Even though they are two adjacent counties, Erdaobai River is not too far from Songjiang River, but it has a different style.

  This is a place where ethnic minorities live in concentrated areas, most of whom are Korean compatriots.

  Therefore, there is a strong ethnic style here. On the street, especially women, most of them wear brightly colored clothes, with short tops and long skirts underneath.

   Many people do not speak Chinese, but the Korean language.

   Even some newspapers and magazines are written in the Korean language, and even the signboards on both sides of the street are mostly in two languages.

   Although they are all yellow-skinned people, they look similar in appearance, but if you look closely, there are still some differences.

  The foreigner is very curious looking at this place, so he has to ask.

  Li Chengrong has studied foreign languages ​​in the provincial capital for two years, and ordinary conversation is no problem, but it takes a little more effort to answer this kind of question.

   Fortunately, there is a professional translator, so Xu Shiyan talked about the development and changes of the dynasty.

  The foreigner was very interested and asked questions one after another.

  Xu Shiyan said everything he knew and could say, and naturally he would not talk about some sensitive topics.

   It stands to reason that when you come to this kind of ethnic minority settlement, you must experience the special customs of the ethnic minority area, and at least taste the special food.

   There are still a lot of Chao nationality cuisines, such as cakes, rice sausages, sauce muli soup, and cold noodles, but the most famous one is dog meat.

  Xu Shiyan does not eat dog meat, but anyone who hunts does not eat it. Dogs are partners for them.

   And Xu Shiyan is worried that many countries in Europe and the United States prohibit the consumption of dog meat.

  He didn't know whether these people would eat or not, so he didn't dare to decide on his own, so he asked the translator to ask.

   Sure enough, when the foreigners heard about eating dog meat, they all refused.

   I don’t eat dog meat, and there are no western restaurants here, so I can only eat whatever I want.

   Fortunately, those foreigners just don’t eat dog meat, but they can eat other dishes.

  It’s hot, so everyone ordered a cold noodle, roast beef, rice cake, rice sausage, etc., with Korean pickles, and that’s it.

  Cold noodles are made of white flour mixed with corn noodles or buckwheat noodles, starch, etc., pressed out by a machine, cooked in a pot and taken out.

  After cooling with cold water, add the cold and refreshing soup, as well as side dishes such as beef slices, cucumber shreds, tomato slices, eggs, spicy cabbage, and spicy sauce.

  The soup is sweet and sour, cold and refreshing, and the beef slices in sauce are also very tasty. It is really comfortable to eat on a hot day.

  Foreigners are still rare these days, and many people around look at them.

  Xu Shiyan could only smile and nod to those people, signaling that the world should not point and point at those foreigners.

   But this is difficult to prohibit, and Xu Shiyan has no choice.

   After all, this is a remote town, not a big city. This is really unavoidable.

   After eating, I have to find a place to live.

  This is not a county seat. At present, the tourism industry has not developed to the level of later generations. There must be no high-end hotels, only Chao nationality hotels.

  The house here is also very distinctive. The door is a sliding door, and the inside of the house is a floor kang. You take off your shoes when you enter the house.

  Two people share a room, Xu Shiyan and Li Chengrong live together, and sleep on the kang at night, which is not bad.

   "I hope tomorrow will be a sunny day, and we can see Tianchi when we go up."

  Before going to bed, Li Chengrong said so.

  Just now he specifically went to inquire about it, and said that it has been sunny for the past few days, and it was hard to come here, and everyone wanted to go up to see Tianchi.

   But no one expected that when they got up early the next morning, it was gloomy outside. It didn't rain, but there was fog.

  Xu Shiyan could only sigh when he saw the sky outside, probably this time it was for nothing.

   After breakfast, go to the designated place to take the bus.

  Climbing Changbai Mountain this year is different from later generations. There are no eco-friendly cars or reverse cars.

  There are only big passengers, who send people to the climbing point at the bottom of the mountain, and then tourists climb up by themselves.

   Tickets are not expensive, five yuan per person.

  Since we are here, no matter whether it is cloudy or sunny, we must go up and have a look.

  So a group of people got on the bus, walked up the mountain road slowly, and headed for the mountain.

  Sitting in the car, I can only see the continuous mountains and trees coming towards me, and then flashing past the car endlessly.

   People like Xu Shiyan and Li Chengrong, who lived in the mountains and forests since childhood, didn't feel anything at all.

  But those guests from other places felt strange, pointing to the scenery outside the car window from time to time and exclaiming.

   There are also some people who are whispering, hoping that the weather will clear up, at least it will not rain.

  The bus ride point is still dozens of kilometers away from the climbing point. As the car goes higher and higher, the fog outside is getting thicker and thicker.

  When the car drove to the climbing point, the fog had turned into drizzle.

   Near the climbing point, there are hotels and restaurants, as well as a place specializing in hot spring eggs. The construction is not bad.

  At this moment, they are all shrouded in misty rain and fog.

  Looking far ahead, the high-hanging Tianchi Waterfall is also shrouded in rain and fog, and the water vapor below is transpiring, making it even more hazy and mysterious.

  Before coming, Xu Shiyan had prepared raincoats, so he quickly took them out and everyone put them on.

  Climbing at this time, you have to go up the Julong Hot Springs, and walk up the stone-step corridor on the side of the waterfall.

  Go all the way to Chengcha River, go up and down along the river to the edge of Tianchi.

  The stone steps in the corridor next to the waterfall are steep and difficult to walk. There are many places where you can’t wait to use your hands and feet, and you really have to climb up.

  Mountain climbing is very difficult on sunny days, not to mention this rainy day. There are moss on the stone steps, and it is very slippery in rainy days. Mountain climbing is extremely dangerous.

  Many tourists went directly to the hotel, so they refused to take the risk of climbing in such weather.

  Under such circumstances, Xu Shiyan naturally refused to let those foreigners climb the mountain again.

  But they were all stubborn and insisted on going up. In desperation, Xu Shiyan could only go forward with him.

  Just after passing the hot spring, if you walk further, you can hear the sound of the waterfall rushing.

  The water from the waterfall is slightly light blue in color, rolling up foam, and roaring under a small bridge.

   After walking a short distance, it became difficult to walk on my feet.

   At this time, the rain seemed to be much heavier, and several foreigners began to hesitate whether to continue to move forward.

   At this time, on the bare hillside in the distance, a lot of sand and stone rolled down with a whirring sound.

  This Changbai Mountain was originally a dormant volcano, and the main body of the mountain is volcanic ash, which is loose in texture.

  In rainy days, some loose sand and gravel will fall down.

  The foreigners were obviously frightened, and this time they didn’t insist anymore, and hurriedly turned their heads and went down the mountain.

  (end of this chapter)

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