Huo Beiting found no useful information about Aunt Xu, her daughter-in-law, mother and son, and others. Naturally, Lu Jiang didn't know their whereabouts. He only heard Huo Beiting tell him that they left together after Xu Lei's wife divorced Xu Lei. When I left Chang'an, the official letter of introduction was to visit relatives in the southeast region, but I never came back.

As long as the ingredients are not too bad, family leave is within the regulations.

"Perhaps, as Xu Jingying said, they smuggled themselves into Hong Kong." After hearing what Lu Jiang said, Aunt Xu sighed and was very worried, "Hong Kong is a colony, so how can it be easy to get along? I only hope that they, mother and son, A few are safe.”

Lu Jiang thought for a while, "I heard from Xiaoxue that Yunyun will go to the United States to perform with the group next month and will transfer from Hong Kong. She has some connections in Hong Kong. I will ask her to ask someone to help you find out about your daughter-in-law and grandchildren later. What is your name?"

Aunt Xu hurriedly said: "My daughter-in-law is called Liu Mingxiang, my eldest baby is named Xu Changan, my second baby is named Xu Changsheng, and my granddaughter is named Xu Changxia. They are forty-eight, twenty-two, twenty, and nineteen years old respectively. My eldest grandson is very old. It’s easy to recognize him. He has a mole right under his chin. It was a black mole and was about the size of a sesame seed when he was born. I wonder if it has grown up now.”

Lu Jiang wrote it down.

After Aunt Xu hung up the phone, she said to her husband: "My only hope now is that Dabao will be smarter, and I hope she still has the little gold I brought her."

Gold is hard currency and easy to carry. When the eldest son and the second son left home, she gave each of her daughters-in-law a large yellow croaker.

In their family, men have always been in charge of outside affairs and women have been in charge of domestic affairs, with women in charge of the family's income and expenditure.

As for the youngest son and daughter, there was no chance of bringing gold to them, because the two elders' lives were under surveillance at that time, and their every move was watched.

Uncle Xu sighed: "Dabao's mother has always been very smart, otherwise she would not have left Northwest after the divorce."

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Xu family was also carefully selected by the couple. Her mind and ability were not inferior to Xu Lei's. Staying in the northwest meant staying under the eyes of Xu Lei and his new family. Her future life would be difficult. Choosing to leave would be a waste of time. It was a wise move. Their mother and son had both hands and feet, and the children were not too young. No matter where they made a living, they would be better off than in the northwest.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue didn't know the private conversation between the two elders. They only knew that Zhao Anbang caught Xu Lei and Xu Jingying who had no intention of escaping with a vigorous and resolute manner, and contacted the cadres in charge of this matter in Chang'an City in the northwest region. The rest happened. It is no longer suitable for them to interfere or inquire.

Based on the loving hearts of the two elders, Feng Qingxue called her sister and said something.

Feng Qingyun agreed wholeheartedly, "It won't bother me. Just tell my friends over there in Hong Kong. The security there is worse than in our country. Those without any background can't get along at all. Most of the record companies and film companies are big capital companies." Or maybe people in the industry are controlling it. The company that released my records had this kind of background. I was helped by my British classmates, so it was a bit respectable. However, there was a mixed bag there. Sister, don’t take it too seriously. There is no hope that many stowaways will be killed there.”

"Do your best and obey fate." Living in this era, many things are unavoidable.

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