While Lu Jiang was busy in the kitchen, Feng Qingxue did not really go to rest. Instead, she went into the west side room to sort out the wild vegetables and Chinese herbal medicines that the children had picked today, sorting them one by one and cleaning them from soil and impurities.

Lu Tianzhi, Guan Yu and Feng Qingyun stepped forward to help.

Although they are young, they recognize dandelions, mugwort, and gray vegetables, and they pick them out one by one.

Feng Qingyun sat on the domino stool, her tender little hands carefully picked out the dead leaves from the roots of the dandelions, and then put them into the basket beside her, "Sister, when are we going to have a meal of mother-in-law's dices? Just like you That’s what we did before.”

"Auntie, isn't it bitter? I don't like eating it! It's so bitter." Guan Yu's little face wrinkled into a ball.

When he was a kid, he had to eat wild vegetables that were really hard to eat!

"It's not bitter!" Feng Qingyun replied, "My sister makes it so delicious, I can drink two big bowls in one sitting!"

As she spoke, she raised two fingers towards Guan Yu.

"Is it really delicious?"

"Really!" Feng Qingyun nodded her little head vigorously, "Sister put peanuts in the paste and added frangipani."

After hearing this, Guan Yu bit his lower lip with his white teeth and looked struggling. After a while, the desire in his heart finally took over. He turned to look at Feng Qingxue and murmured: "Aunt, I will dig a lot tomorrow. My mother-in-law, I also want to drink the paste with peanuts and egg flowers, it tastes so good!”

"Count me in!" Lu Tianzhi said immediately, "Auntie, I want to have a taste too!"

The result of being hungry is that several children have an extremely strong desire to eat.

Because they have a very close relationship with Feng Qingxue, compared to the older Lu Tianjuan and Lu Tianzhi who seldom made demands on Feng Qingxue, the two younger ones did not have so many scruples when speaking and often expressed their true thoughts.

Feng Qingxue couldn't help but laugh after listening to their childlike words. In fact, it would not taste good if her mother-in-law cooked it with water, and it would be bitter and astringent. However, it was a good medicine for clearing away heat and detoxifying. How many ingredients did she use to make the paste? Oil, salt, peanuts, eggs, and flour are what make the delicious vegetable paste in my sister's mouth. This is the way to make it in the 21st century when supplies are abundant.

"Okay, tomorrow when you come back from poaching the mother-in-law, I will make paste for you."

"Hmm!" The three little heads nodded like chickens pecking at rice, "We must dig up Grandma Ding!"

Feng Qingxue was secretly glad that she brought back twenty eggs today.

The Lu family does not raise chickens. She plans to raise a group of chickens. She needs to wait until next spring when the hens from the neighbors have a nest.

Only when the hen is in a nest can the eggs be hatched and the chicks be born.

The road from the city to the Wanglou Brigade was very bumpy. Six of the twenty or so eggs he brought back were broken. Lu Jiang picked them out alone, beat them into a bowl, and prepared to fry green pepper eggs. Eighteen others were intact. Put away the egg basket in the cupboard.

Lu Jiang was aware of Feng Qingxue's situation. After his nephew carried the bamboo basket into the kitchen, he found an excuse to send them out.

Seeing the supplies in the bamboo basket clearly, Lu Jiang secretly congratulated himself on his foresight.

The so-called large piece of mutton is a small half fan of bone-in lamb. That much pork suet can produce two large cans of oil, two air-dried pheasants, two pieces of air-dried meat, two strips of smoked meat, more than twenty sausages, one ham, A large bag of spiced peanut beans, a can of peanut oil, a large bag of fruits, in addition to about twenty eggs, there are also thirty salted duck eggs wrapped in red mud!

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