After breakfast, Feng Qingxue helped him organize his stationery and expressed his admiration. With such a wide network of contacts, it was no wonder he made such an arrangement.

"What's your reason for trading supplies with them?" she suddenly asked.

No matter what happens, there must be a suitable reason, right?

Lu Jiang stretched out, "Isn't there a ready-made reason right in front of me? What other reasons do I need to find?"

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "Ready-made?"

Why didn't she see it?

"My wife is pregnant and needs nutritional supplements, and my family is short of supplies, so I can only ask them for help."

After Lu Jiang finished writing a letter to the last comrade he could contact, he put down the pen, folded the letter paper, turned sideways and touched the back of Feng Qingxue's hand. The smooth and tender touch made him love it so much that he couldn't help but touch it again and again. touch.

Feng Qingxue looked at him sideways and slapped his hand away.

"Asking for help and trading are two different things, okay? A Jiang, your confusion last night is not over yet? Asking for help means asking them to get us some supplies, but trading is bartering. We have agreed to trade with them and borrow them To explain the source of space materials, but not to take advantage of them, but also to try to help them. If you write to ask for help, then what reason do we have to send them things? I won’t take advantage of them. You said it yourself. It’s hard for everyone.”

"Oh, my wife is so smart!"

After hearing Lu Jiang's full of praise, Feng Qingxue's squinting eyes became even more squinting, "Say it quickly!"

"Actually, it's very simple. Let me just say that the food harvest in our hometown is quite good. I can save part of the military food stamps every month, so I can buy some food and exchange it with them for local specialties to supplement your nutrition. To put it bluntly, non-staple food is of course Everyone covets it, and the most lacking thing is food, so it is most suitable to trade food with them for special products. "

At the same time, he was afraid that using non-staple food and other materials in exchange would arouse their suspicion.

Food is different. Those who need fine grains can be sent a few kilograms of fine grains, and those who need coarse grains can be sent more coarse grains. This will not only allow them to feed themselves or their families, but Feng Qingxue can also take space supplies calmly without making other excuses. .

Lu Jiang was very attentive. He knew each of the comrades he contacted, but they did not know each other.

As long as they were familiar with each other, Lu Jiang would not contact them, fearing that they might have something in common with each other.

Feng Qingxue thought for a while and smiled: "That's right, we don't care at all what they can send. All we need is an excuse for them to send things. One or two transactions a month is enough."

"That's right! Just rest in the house and I'll cook the mutton."

"I'm fine and not tired, why should I rest? I'll be with you."

The mutton has been soaked in well water since last night, and the water has been changed three or four times. Now the blood is gone. After washing it, peel off the white layer of mutton oil on it. Cut the rest into large pieces and throw in the meat with the bones. Pour water into a large pot, bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam on top, then add ginger slices, peppercorns, star anise and other ingredients, turn to a simmer and simmer.

Feng Qingxue cut the dried pork suet into small pieces, boiled the oil in a small pot, and finally fished out the golden and slightly burnt oil residue, then scooped the oil into the oil can, filling two and a half cans.

Feng Qingyun and Guan Yu, who were playing in the yard, smelled the fragrance and came over, "Sister (aunt), have you cooked before noon?"

"The greedy cat has a sharp nose!" Feng Qingxue picked up the chopsticks, picked up a few pieces of hot oil residue, dipped it in some sugar and fed it to them, "We have mutton at noon, it is being cooked now, don't worry!"

"I know!" They are looking forward to lunch!

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