Lu Jiang got out of bed angrily, got dressed, opened the door, and went to make breakfast.

The little fat man refused to leave his mother's arms. Wherever he looked, he saw Lu Jiang's black face and burst into tears. He cried so loudly that his tears flowed into rivers, and his nose burst into big bubbles.

The children, who always go to bed early and get up early, were alarmed and accused: "Uncle (brother-in-law), how can you make Xibao cry?"

right! The little fat man hiccupped.

"Yes, yes, yes, he is my ancestor! My little ancestor!" Lu Jiang said angrily, and he also directed his two eldest nephews to the kitchen to help him wash rice, wash vegetables, and cook pots. Dried sweet potatoes and brown rice were added to cook porridge. Add cornmeal and white flour to the rolls, then stir-fry some pickle dumplings with red pepper.

"Uncle, don't forget to steam eggs for Xibao! Xibao has to eat egg custard every morning." Lu Tianjun reminded.

Guancheng quickly handed Xibao's special white-backed colored porcelain covered bowl to Lu Jiang, and at the same time took out an egg and taught him how to crack the egg into the bowl, add as much water as possible, without adding any salt or condiments, and then cover it. Cover and place on grate.

"With such a small bowl, just one egg. Can Xibao be full? He is so fat, and his appetite is very good."

Lu Tianjun stuffed a few corn cobs into the stove and looked up at him, "Uncle, don't think that Xibao is a big eater like you. He is so small, so of course he eats less!"

"Yes, yes, you are all right!" Lu Jiang admitted defeat, "I will fetch water, and you guys watch the rice in the pot and make sure it doesn't overflow."

"Go!" Lu Tianjun and Guan Cheng waved at the same time.

Lu Jiang filled two jars of water, boiled a pot of hot water and washed Xibao's clothes, diapers and his own clothes. After washing, he hung them to dry on the hemp rope in the house, then stepped on the snow to fetch water, preparing to go again. Fill the large water tank.

On the way back, I met Wang Zhengguo who had gotten up early and walked around. I squinted at him for a while before I recognized him, "I said who is this person coming out of Qingxue's house? It turns out to be you. Lu Jiang, why are you so thin? Isn’t it okay? Hei is still thin, as thin as a stick. Doesn’t your Qingxue feel bad when she sees you? "

"Uncle!" Lu Jiang smiled and put down the carrying pole, dug into his pocket, took out a pack of large cigarettes, and handed a cigarette to Wang Zhengguo.

At the same time, he took out a box of matches and lit Wang Zhengguo's fire.

Wang Zhengguo took two puffs of cigarette and said, "When did you come back? You just came off the battlefield, right? Otherwise, your army will take care of food and shelter. No matter how hard you train, you will never be so thin, with your face covered with wounds."

Lu Jiang did not deny it, "I just got home yesterday. When I was not at home, my father and Qingxue were taken care of by my uncle."

"Hey! You've been on the front line through life and death. If I can't even protect the lives of your family, I, the party secretary and captain, will just wait to step down and make way for someone more worthy!" Wang Zhengguo didn't want to take credit and quickly changed the subject, "I'll go ahead. I visited the commune and heard that recruitment will start again next spring. Do you know about this? "

Lu Jiang smiled, "I just came back from the border defense and went straight to my house. I really haven't heard about the recruitment, but it starts on March 1st every year. My uncle asked about this because he wanted to get some help for our production brigade. A quota for recruitment?”

The living conditions of Wanglou Brigade are good, and the possibility of passing the physical examination is very high.

Wang Zhengguo shook his head and said, "Let nature take its course. I will accept a few of the quotas assigned by the above. Besides, some young men are willing to serve as soldiers, but some are not."

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