Feng Qingxue wiped her tears, turned the book to the first few pages, and read all the records about Lu Jiang carefully.

She wanted to find the cause of Lu Jiang's death, she wanted to help Lu Jiang avoid shrapnel damage, and she didn't want his hero to leave this wonderful world at the age of sixty-five.

He has been fighting on the front line all his life. He has been thinking about the country and the army all his life. He has been fighting for the country's territory all his life.

He has not yet seen the return of Hong Kong and Macao, and he has not yet seen the country's rapid development.

Isn't it just shrapnel? Wasn't it just the shrapnel that pierced the heart? She has a body armor, a high-tech body armor, and there are more than a dozen pieces of body armor in the space. She wants to change the body armor and let Lu Jiang wear it secretly. She will wear a body armor whenever he goes to the battlefield. She does not believe that Lu Jiang Jiang will be hit by dozens more shrapnel in his body and will not be able to get them out!

Her hero, the country's hero, did not die on the battlefield, but lay on the cold operating table and stopped breathing.

She couldn't imagine how painful and regretful he must have been at that time!


Feng Qingxue rubbed her eyes. The book said that the most deadly shrapnel in Lu Jiang's body was on the battlefield in 1961. In order to cover the retreat of his comrades, he was hit by more than thirty shrapnel in total, and one shrapnel cut an artery. He was bleeding heavily and almost died. After being rushed to the military hospital, several doctors worked together to remove some of the shrapnel, but some of it could not be removed. Most of it was located between the chest and abdomen. It was also at that time that fatal hidden injuries were left. Whenever it rains on cloudy days, It will be extremely painful.

Wasn't 1961 the year before last? Wasn't it the year she went to visit Lu Jiang? Wasn't it the year they got married?

In other words, the bulletproof vest she gave to Lu Jiang was a meritorious service! Lu Jiang now has no fatal injuries, no residual shrapnel, and the hidden injuries have been cured with Wu Zheng's help. With the protection of body armor in the future, he should not suffer such fatal injuries again!

Feng Qingxue was immediately elated, and the crying and pain before seemed as if it never happened.

She didn't believe her own conjecture, so she read it carefully again and finally determined that the shrapnel that hit Lujiang and died in her previous life was left over from the war in 1961!

This is really great news!

She didn't know how bright the smile on her face was, shining like a diamond in the light.

Lu Jiang will no longer die from injuries like he did in his previous life, and she doesn't have to carry any psychological baggage.

Lu Jiang was not married in his previous life, but he married her in this life.

She is Lu Jiang's only wife, and she has never wronged any woman. She gave birth to a lovely and lively Xibao for Lu Jiang. Maybe she traveled through time just for Lu Jiang, to prevent the country's hero from being without a wife and children all his life, and to prevent him from ever having a wife or children again. Repeat the path of the previous life, in order to prevent Lu’s father from giving away his last son!

This... is probably because God cannot bear it, and the Lu family, who is doing good and good deeds, always has all kinds of tragedies happening to them.

"You are my man, my hero, and the father of our child, Lu Jiang. I will love you forever and always, be good to you forever and forever, and will not let you live alone in the loneliness of a hero."

Feng Qingxue gently stroked the photo of sixty-year-old Lu Jiang in the book. In the photo, he had a gray beard and desolate eyes. He was no longer tall and powerful. He looked like an ordinary little old man. He might have been stationed at the border. I have frostbite, and my wrinkled face is covered with pimples and indelible scars.

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