Xibao had lived with Cheng Baoguo for almost three months when he first started to recognize people. Of course he was very familiar with Cheng Baoguo because he could lift high, so Xibao happily abandoned Lu's father and walked towards Cheng Baoguo staggeringly.

When Cheng Baoguo picked him up, he took out his kit and handed it to Wang Cuilan, who then handed it to Feng Qingxue.

Seeing his grandson going out with Cheng Baoguo without even looking at him, Father Lu suddenly felt sad, "Xibao doesn't want to follow me anymore. It must be because the time he spent with me has been too short recently. Xiaoxue, when will your doctor training end?" ? I'm afraid if you two continue to live together, Xibao will not belong to my Lu family but to the Cheng family. That's not okay, my grandson!"

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, "It's been over for about ten days. I haven't been home long, just in time for the busy farming season."

The three-month training ended in mid-May. Of the thirty people who persisted until the end, only about twenty were left. Those who left had their own reasons, some due to family circumstances, some unable to face the surgical process, and the remaining two. The most outstanding among the dozen or so people were undoubtedly Zhou Chengfeng, Chen Yuwan and Feng Qingxue.

The foundation is solid, the clinical practice is calm and the level is not low.

It can even be said that their level is higher than that of some medical staff in the staff hospital who became monks and came to work in the hospital. Some medical staff did not understand any medical knowledge when they came to work.

The hospital wanted to keep them, and Zhou Chengfeng and Chen Yuwan were very willing. They were not from the countryside.

When asked about Feng Qingxue, Feng Qingxue declined, "I feel that we in the countryside need me more. Although it is indeed an honor to stay in the city to work, I should go back to the countryside when I come from the countryside. I am studying medicine. The original intention was to reduce the shortage of medical treatment in the countryside. They have always supported me. It is impossible for me to abandon them when I am qualified to practice medicine after training. "

She is gentle, careful, and diligent. Dr. Zhao, the pediatrician, really wants to keep her as his assistant so that he can learn step by step and be able to work independently. Now that he heard her words, he was immediately in awe.

Doctors in the countryside are not paid and have to work during busy farming periods. Feng Qingxue is dedicated to returning home, which is worthy of everyone's admiration.

Kind and excellent people are liked wherever they go.

When Feng Qingxue packed her luggage and prepared to go back, Cheng's father, Cheng's mother, and Wang Cuilan were particularly reluctant to leave.

"Why don't you go back by yourself and keep Xibao!" Mother Cheng watched the fat baby hiding behind the chair and squatting to defecate. He put his two fat hands on his knees and pooped so hard that his face turned red. .

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "You have to discuss it with my father and see if he agrees."

"Of course I don't agree!" Lu's father had just sent the mother and daughter's bedding to the mule cart. When he came back and heard the conversation between the mother and daughter, he shook his head and said: "Xibao is Lu Xibao. What's the point of staying here with you? Xibao, right? ?”

Hearing someone calling his name, Xibao raised his head, then moved his crouching legs forward and pushed the chair away.

He is very energetic and can push a chair at just one year old.

Turning his head, Xibao pointed at a pile of shit on the ground and shouted, "Mom! Mom! It stinks!"

Hearing the third word from Xibao's mouth for the first time, Feng Qingxue was surprised and happy, and then she couldn't laugh or cry. While going over to wipe his butt and deal with the grain reincarnation things on the ground, she said: "You also know your Daddy smells bad?”

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