Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 109: Mr. Luo's glorious years

"So just watching others get rich!"


   Hey, so sad!


   Why can't this Mr. Ba Zi just show it to his family?


   is really a missed opportunity to make money!


   Speaking of Luo Xiaohua's grandfather, that old man can be regarded as a legend, and what he eats and drinks in his entire life is different from them.


   When he was young, the old man never drank boiled water and said he wanted to absorb the aura of heaven and earth. As for eating meat, you have to eat it until it smells bad. What you eat is the smelly taste.


   This little old man with weird habits doesn't get any better in his temper. No one in the family is afraid of him. Grandchildren don’t even kiss him when they are young.


   This old man is also holding his own, and under the stick he sends out a dutiful son to educate his children. Others say that they are separated from each other, but this old man treats his grandchildren equally harshly. When they are usually asked to do something, if no one comes to do it, they will be beaten and scolded. Regarding this, those daughter-in-laws also have complaints, but unfortunately, what if there are complaints? It was her father-in-law who beat her own child, what can she say?


   However, Luo Xiaohua's fifth brother and sister have not been beaten except the fourth, because their brothers and sisters are very diligent, only the fourth is delicious and lazy all day, and often goes to his grandfather's house to get food.


Don’t look at the old man’s weird habits. He is the most famous chef in the village. Every family in the village holds banquets. They all come to invite him and make an appointment with him a month in advance. Otherwise, he will be called by others. , After all, the good days are only a few days, if you miss it, you will miss it.


   Therefore, the old man is very good at eating. Especially in May and June, when the green pepper and mountain pepper come out, the old man will always add garlic to the two, and put them in the nest (equivalent to the current mixer), and then use a round head. Wooden sticks, mash all of them.


   The taste that is made like that is really fragrant. It may be that all the essence is squeezed out. It is incomparable with the current pulverizer.


   Don’t think that it’s fine, because there is no refrigerator in the countryside, so the old man will fry these with vegetable oil, and then put them in a bottle. As long as they don’t touch raw water, they will be fine for ten and a half months.


   Don’t think that it will last a long time to make it once. This morning, make some noodles when you eat noodles, and make some when you stir-fry at noon. Besides, Luo Lao goes to make some from time to time, usually a large bottle is gone for a week.


  Luo Xiaohua feels a little hungry when he thinks of the food that grandpa cooked.


What makes Luo Xiaohua's memory still fresh is that every time the fourth brother goes to his grandfather's house for condiment, he will always be caught by his grandfather, and his grandfather will shout from the ground: "Lao Luo, what are you stealing from my house? thing?"


   In fact, Grandpa knew what the fourth brother was doing, but he would ask this every time.


   "What silly thing to say, your grandpa is doing this to not harm us."


   Luo Dasheng didn't believe this at first, but after hearing too much, he had to believe it.


   This fortune-teller knows all about astronomy and geography, and he still knows the prophet. However, what they rely on is luck. The more they see, the more they hurt their luck, and they are likely to harm their children. Therefore, Luo Dasheng disagrees with this, and does not want him to continue watching.


  Many people do this, but they have no back. He doesn't worry about other things, but is afraid that something will happen to his child.


   For this, the old man also promised to watch one in a year, and his family would not watch it. Sometimes it is the same to make a fortune by muffled voice.


   However, he also had to admire his father, he was really accurate.


   "Yes, yes, I know."


   This sentence is coming again.




   Knowing that his daughter doesn't like listening, Luo Dasheng stopped talking, and started to help clean up the garbage in the store. He also hopes that the decoration will be done soon, so that the youngest shop can open earlier.


   "By the way, don't let your grandpa know your attitude."


   "You know, you're just like Grandpa, you're just a worry."


   Luo Xiaohua said happily.


   "You guys, you can talk about your grandfather, but don't say anything, your grandfather is really amazing, don't underestimate him."


   His dad's mouth is very powerful. Although he thinks it is harmful to future generations and does not like his fortune telling, he thinks that his father is still very powerful when his fortune telling can save others' lives.


   A few years ago, someone in the village was going out, and happened to pass by the old man’s house with his luggage on his back. As a result, the old man persuaded him not to go, otherwise his eyes would have trouble.


   As it turned out, something happened, and it took less than five days.


   However, that time, his family said that he was really stopping his son.


   Later, it was the young baby who called his family back. He also felt that if he had listened to him at the beginning, would something happen to him?


   I thought that I would be blind if I was injured. After more than half a year of treatment, it was finally cured, but it was not as clear as before.


   The old man is very good at fortune-telling, and he is also very good at drawing symbols. This symbol of his is not the kind of symbol that puts chicken blood on yellow paper, but points to something, and then mutters the terminology, and draws symbols according to what needs to be used in his hand.


   The most famous is "Hualong Water". This water is famous for hundreds of miles. No matter who gets stuck by anything, as long as the father goes out, it will be done for you immediately.


   "Your grandfather, what a talent!" After hearing what they said, Xiao San couldn't help but admire him. The old man didn't visit his house all day long. Now that he is getting older, he is just the things that toss him. Therefore, Xiao San sent his daughter-in-law home several times, and never saw the old man.


   "Of course, his brilliant deeds, I can publish a book, and then my grandpa will be a demon, and then I will make a TV series, let my grandpa see."


   Legendary characters, they have a lot of experience, and chatting with people like them can be admired.


   "I think it can, you can try it."




   It's night Luo Xiaohua continued to walk around the middle of the box where the crayfish was placed. As he read more and more frequently, Luo Xiaohua was no longer as tired as before.


   Looking at the beautiful crayfish, she seemed to have picked up money.


   However, she doesn't make all the crayfish sold in Nancheng. She is afraid that others will be suspicious, so they come in all sizes.


   and they were given to Lao Gu and Lao Wang. They were all shipped to other places. No one was suspicious at all. Anyway, she said that she would maintain the quality and quantity and sell the best to them.


"Meow meow meow……"


   After finishing all the frames, after Luo Xiaohua sat on the stool, a black cat found a comfortable position directly in front of Luo Xiaohua.


   "Oh, you're still running on me, don't you and I don't know each other?"



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