Biquge, the fastest update to return to the last chapter of the last days Tian Luo Jing Yu!

Zombies cannibalize, even higher-level zombies cannibalize, but their method of cannibalism is not the same as lower-level zombies, as if humans had not been enlightened, they ate raw and waited until they developed slowly. With higher wisdom, you not only have to cook it, but also add some spices.

Shen Chi did not guess wrong. The two zombies were F-level zombies. Sister Feng was not injured, but was almost drained by the two zombies.

At this time, instead of rushing directly toward Shen Chi and others, they grabbed Sister Feng and blocked them in front, and a pair of tiny red pupils stared at them. Even though they are extremely similar to humans in appearance, they are still zombies. In their eyes, those opposite are the food, and it is quite delicious food.

"Ah!" Jiang Jia, who was debilitated, couldn't help exclaiming, because she had the best relationship with Sister Feng, and had known each other for several years. Now, watching Sister Feng's head scratched away, The two zombies plucked the spar from her head directly into her mouth, and her heart leaped instantly, not knowing whether it was sad or disgusting.

Shen Chi guessed that these two were seeing so many "delicious" foods in front of them, so it would not make much sense to keep them in hand before they would be disposed of. He stared at the two zombies, the figure disappeared suddenly.

Among them, the zombie who was supposed to be a woman made a sharp whistling sound, and flung fiercely towards her, her body was almost incredible!

It perceives a vague threat, and in its opinion, attack is the best defense!

A large mountain of rocks broke out of the ice, and Lei Hongbo shot. He is a fifth-order soil system power. His defense ability is second to none. Qi Min began to metalize her body. She jumped without hesitation and slammed into the zombie. .


With a loud noise, Qi Min fell to the ground and exhaled a spit of blood. After all, this is an F-level zombie, and she is only a fifth-order ability. Because of her alone, she can't compete with her own. Zombie, even if she is a natural ability. The zombie was about to grab it with a claw. A crossbow had pierced the air and shot fiercely!

This zombie's movement was fast, almost to see only the afterimage in the eyes of everyone.

Cheng Pei felt that if his arrow wanted to hit the zombie, it would not be easy, it was too fast and agile, it was difficult to catch its movements, and the defense of the F-class zombies was self-evident.

But to everyone's surprise, Shen Chi shot this arrow!

They don't know, as long as the level of the game skill is not lower than it, it will be futile to move quickly after being locked, and it will be shot no matter what. Although the F-level zombies are powerful, they have not reached a level higher than Shen Chi, at most they are only about the same level.

It ’s just that this zombie is driving the anti-strange profession. His blood is thick and rough, and a pursuit arrow cannot kill it at all. The “undressed” lady in Ji Jia ’s mouth brought her The harsh howling retreated, and the arrow shot through her half of her head, but she did not die, but not only did she die, but also opened her blood-red eyes and stared fiercely at the appearance of Shen He.

Another zombie also shot, it was just as fast, not only fast, his skin began to exudate a dark green mold-like thing, but also exhaled an unpleasant unpleasant smell, especially the five senses Ding Yan, who was extremely sensitive, was almost fainted. In the end of these years, she was not incapable of smelling the stench from this zombie, but the deliberate smell of this zombie was worse than that rotten smell Several times, Ding Yan's sense of smell was already too keen, and then she felt particularly uncomfortable.

Xu Mengzhi's face changed. "Take that one first! This smell is poisonous. Be careful not to touch him. The toxicity is very strong! Qi Min and Wei Dong will come back soon!"

Ji Jia's puppets are not afraid of poison, but as soon as her rhubarb touched the body of the zombie, she immediately made a zizzy voice, as if burned by fire, her body became black immediately, and it turned into a swift form before everyone A puddle of water.

This is the first time her puppet has been wiped out so thoroughly!

Rhubarb followed her puppet from the beginning. Ji Jia's face was pale and she took a step back.

Shen Chifu jumped up and avoided the sharp talon of the zombies that he had started, and this talon fell on the ice wall above it, and suddenly a large piece of ice was caught by it. The ice here was very firm and hard. Like iron, in its claws, it is easily broken into pieces like tofu. If people are caught, the consequences will be unthinkable.

When Shenliumu threw a wooden rattan whip, countless rattan rods went towards it like a net, but his nails were sharper than a knife. When the rattan rod came, it cut as much as he could, but when the rattan rod came up, Too fast, too fast, it almost drowned it, Liu * smashed a water polo in the head, Tan Yanya was about to freeze the water polo into ice, and then it was wrapped with rattan, and then water polo, and it was formed again. With the ice and blink of an eye, the zombie was wrapped in a huge ice hockey ball, and Shen Liumu's pupils were green. He was letting the vampire vines drill into the body of the zombie.

But his body was too hard. He spent a lot of effort and couldn't break open his skin. Fortunately, Shen Chi had opened a hole in his head before. Shen Liumu ordered countless rattan to scramble from Drill in there. Without the help of Liu * and Tan Yanya, this zombie would have opened the rattan to avoid it. It ’s too fast. With Shenyangmu ’s own strength, he ca n’t trap it. In fact With the power of the three of them, they were not able to completely trap it. For these fifth-order abilities, it is not so easy to kill.

But time is enough, the seed of Cuscuta has entered its body!

The ice hockey was cracked with the broken green vines. This zombie had completely changed into another look. The body was covered with green dodder. These dodders seemed to have life. All the suckers that penetrated into the zombie's body were absorbed crazy. As it absorbs everything in its body, the more it absorbs, the more lush they become. It almost has to completely entangle this magnificent zombie, its color is getting more and more tender, and the bright yellow looks good Extremely, the more beautiful the slender body of Cuscuta crazily grows, the more beautiful the slender body of this grass, the zombie's body is also seeing dry, it howls in pain, using all its means to try to get these things out of its body .

Not to mention this zombies, that is, everyone else looks a bit cold and upright. They are the first to know that this kind of plant that is not eye-catching in the peaceful era is so scary.

Cuscuta is a special plant that is very harmful to other plants in the peaceful era. It can be called a vampire in the plant. Once it is entangled, it is likely to cause the plant to grow poorly. There are also hosts that are entangled with Cuscuta due to malnutrition. What caused the death of the whole plant, now this evolutionary dodder has already broken through the barrier that can only harm plants, and it certainly looks shocking.

But this method can deal with this zombie, but it is not useful for another zombie whose body is all poisonous. The plant cannot touch it at all, and it will wither and die immediately.

Nie Ping's light system was very useful to him and threatened it a lot, so he was keeping an eye on Nie Ping, while Shen Chi, aside, threw a thunder.

With a bang, the zombie just stopped, and was stunned for a moment.

Various assaults, fireballs, ice thorns, hoses, auras, and the long and narrow slashing sword that suddenly appeared in Qi Min's hands, Cheng Pei's one arrow, Ding Yan's double guns, and the deformed person's bottom box method Take it out and pour out towards this poisonous corpse!

Thousands of boxes in Shen Chi's hands bloomed a bright brilliance-the arrow of pursuit!

A group of fifth-order power shots, making the entire ice cave shake, ice debris falling down, Ding Yan's face changed, "Everyone go out, this is going to collapse!"


So he didn't care about the others anymore, and ran out in embarrassment, and there was a group of zombies on top of them.

But compared to the two F-class zombies, these were nothing outside, and they were cleaned up smoothly. When the tide of the zombies receded, there was a movement in the ice hole behind them that made them chill.

"Are they not dead yet?" Tan Yan asked yawningly.

Shen Chi narrowed his eyes, he knew very well that only one had died.

The one that was entangled with the dodder is not dead, but it doesn't matter, one day these dodder will slowly **** it to death.

"Let's go." Xu Mengzhi said, his face was tired and rejoicing, "Here it seems a little quieter from the radiation source, and the magnetic field shows a new change!"

Nie Ping looked around, "Ming Ze, you and Lei Hongbo went around to see if there was any place for us to rest, and we didn't take a good rest in these two days."

Shen Chi heard that his face was slightly hot, coughing, he and Shen Liumu ... theoretical rest ...

Two days after coming out, three have died. It can almost be called an unfavorable start. Everyone was silent for a while, and the atmosphere was a little stagnant.

Of course, they are all fifth-order powers. Everyone can be called an elite among the elites. They can also be handsome when they meet zombies, and they can even be proud of their heroes when they meet other powers. To be honest, they can reach level five in this year. All of them are dragons and phoenixes who are standing at the top of the pyramid. They have made more difficult preparations for this mission, but they did not expect to reach this level. Their sister's death hit them hard.

Under this kind of low pressure, Xu Mengzhi and Nie Ping were discussing the next direction of travel, and he became a chef silently and quietly. This time the food is relatively normal. It is an evolutionary rabbit caught in the forest. It is huge, enough for more than twenty people to eat, and a fish caught by Fang Haixu, who does not know what kind of fish, is also very large.

Shen Chi made roasted rabbit meat and mushroom fish soup. The color of the rabbit meat was crispy and soft inside. The mushroom fish soup was white and delicious. The meal was soothing and greatly comforted everyone. Even though they were a group of high-level abilities, they felt a little overwhelmed. Shen Chi volunteered to take the vigil task, and the others almost fell into a sleeping bag and fell asleep.

The original vigil accompanying Shen Chi was originally Lei Hongbo. Shen Liumu was determined to stay vigil with him. He was severely rejected by him in the name of "young and growing physically and should rest well." Shen Liumu did not dare not listen to Shen Chi Yes, but he will be violent.

Before it was midnight, Lei Hongbo was brought back to sleep by Shen Liumu, and he sat down beside Shen Chi squarely.

"Dad." Shen Liumu called softly.

Shen Chi ignored him.

"You don't get angry with me."

Shit, I'm not angry!

"I'm upset when you get angry."

... Actually, it is not really angry that Shen Chi is not angry with Shenyangmu for this purpose. He does not even think that Shenliumu did something wrong. When things happen, he is sober. If he makes up his mind to refuse, it is not Can't refuse, in fact Shen Chi is just a bit-awkward, maybe a little awkward.

He didn't know how to deal with this situation. He hadn't touched this feeling for too long, and was a little helpless.

To put it bluntly, in terms of love, he has obviously lived for so many years, but he may be much greener than Shen Liumu.

"And I'm upset-I just want to kill."

Shen Chi: "..." What kind of development is this ...

Shen Liumu said earnestly: "Dad, I really want to kill, my heart is restless, and my whole body is twitching. When I was killing zombies today, I felt that there was not enough blood, and I wanted to see more blood ... "

Shen Chi stared at Shen Liumu, **** he was not a psychiatrist, who would tell him how to enlighten a child with mental problems like Shen Liumu?

"Dad, I'm upset." He said, holding his knees and lowering his head.

Shen Chi then said, "I'm not mad at you."

"Really?" Shen Liumu suddenly looked up, his eyes bright.

Shen Chi nodded, "Really." As long as Shun Maoyu, Shen Liumu will become much normal.

The consequence of saying "really" is that Shen Liumu directly hooked Shen Chi's neck and kissed him like this--

Nineteen people are sleeping in the back!

Shen Chi's eyes widened, and she felt Shen Liumu's tongue come in at once, almost the kind of kiss that would take all his breath away!

"... Shen Chi, I love you ..."

Shen Liumu repeated his love affair many times, just hoping that Shen Chi could one day say the same thing to him, even if he knew that in terms of Shen Chi's personality, this possibility was very small.


In the midst of a worm that day, Shen Chi gave a soft reply, but turned his head awkwardly, and Shen Liumu only saw his reddish ears.

Only in this way, Shen Liumu felt that the whole person's blood was going to boil. He especially wanted to overwhelm Shen directly. He wanted to chop his clothes, wanted to feel his gasp, wanted to lick his skin, wanted Into his body, wanting to listen to his moan |

He found out that once he had done it with his father, instead of quenching his thirst, he made him seem to be addicted to drugs, and it killed him.

Almost uncontrollable, his fingertips were shaking with excitement.

He wants to **** in Shen Chi's body | Tide!

There were only two things that he wanted and fascinated in this life, one was blood, and the other was Shen Chi.

The author has something to say: Let me tell you, he is a neuropathy in the woods ... late, untreated type = _ =

Thank you fat fox, fingertips, dell, I'm a tree mine, love you, ╭ (╯3╰) ╮

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