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Chapter 334: .pregnancy

If someone is willing to pick up this hot potato, Qiao Song is of course willing to let it go.

The customer was a little dissatisfied. The design effect was not what she wanted this time, but she didn't know how she felt. She wanted to try it and asked Meng Qingqing, "How long can you get it out"

"I have a few ready-made ones now. Come and see if you like them."

Qiao Song and Wen Jin laughed secretly when they heard that, this Meng Qingqing was too naive, they just wanted to send out this tricky customer. It's so easy to dismiss, and it won't be repeated like this over and over again.

Meng Qingqing opened the renderings of her collection and design on the computer. The customer sat next to them and looked at them one by one. When she saw the last one, she said excitedly, "Yes, that's the effect. I want this design. "

Qiao Song and Wen Jin couldn’t help but run over after hearing it. The scheme designed by Meng Qingqing was nothing special, except that it had a few more small details than Qiao Song’s, plus lighting and a quaint nostalgic curtain adjustment. The whole style is luxurious and low-key, simple and chic.

The customer said excitedly: "Are there any curtains of this kind in the market?"

Meng Qingqing said affirmatively: "Yes, I know where to sell."

In the end, the customers left with satisfaction and everyone continued to work. Meng Qingqing continued to give Qiao Song and Wen Jin their hands, but Qiao Song and Wen Jin were not at peace anymore. They never expected Meng Qingqing to have such a design talent. The design seems plain and unremarkable, but the originality is unique. This is not the result of a mistake. It is a certain foundation and wisdom that can achieve this effect.

Later, because of too much business and too busy, Qiao Song, as the head of the design department, tried to arrange a few designs for Meng Qingqing. The effects Meng Qingqing made were very popular with customers.

Meng Qingqing is not only creative, but the most important thing is to be able to humbly listen to customers' opinions and carefully capture customer needs, so he can accurately show the satisfactory results in the minds of customers.

Gradually, Qiao Song and Wen Jin didn't dare to underestimate Meng Qingqing. She was not someone who came to work to pass the day just because she was idle at home.

That afternoon, when Meng Qingqing went to work, she felt very unwell and had a cold. After returning home, Qin Haonan called and said that he would be socializing tonight and would not come back for dinner. Meng Qingqing supported herself. I got my body temperature and developed a low-grade fever. I didn't want to eat at first, but I was afraid that my father was worried, so I had to eat at my father's place. When I got home, I took some cold medicine and went to bed.

When she woke up the next day, Meng Qingqing felt that everything was back to normal. She ate breakfast as usual and went to work.

The morning was fine. In the afternoon, Meng Qingqing felt the same symptoms as yesterday, fatigue, low-grade fever and headache. And it seems more serious than yesterday.

At this time, Qin Haonan called and said that he could not go home for dinner tonight.

Meng Qingqing was uncomfortable and didn't even want to say a word. Hearing Qin Haonan's words, he only said a word and hung up the phone.

Every time they called before, they had to say a few more words, and there were endless words between each other anyway, Qin Haonan was shocked by Meng Qingqing's cold and abnormal behavior today.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Haonan called again.

"Qingqing, you don't seem to be happy. I haven't been with you these few days, so I'm not happy Qingqing. I'm busy these days. I will be able to go home on time for dinner every day after tomorrow."

"Hao Nan, I'm not upset, don't think too much. Do you work on your own," Meng Qingqing said weakly. She thought, it's just a little cold. Just go back and take a little medicine. Just take it last night and it will be fine today. I committed because I didn't continue taking medicine this morning and noon. So the disease repeated again.

Qin Haonan heard something wrong on the phone, "Qingqing, your voice is very weak, is it uncomfortable?"

"Yes, a little cold, low-grade fever, headache, I will go home and take some medicine later."

"How come I caught a cold suddenly? Is it good in the morning?"

"I don't know why. It was the same yesterday. It was good in the morning, but I felt uncomfortable in the afternoon. I just went home and took the medicine. I thought it was all right, so I didn't continue taking the medicine in the morning. ."

"Qingqing, just stay there and don't move, I'll pick you up to the hospital."

"No, aren't you busy? I can buy some medicine by myself. It's just a little cold, so don't delay your business."

"No, things in the company can be slowed down, your health is important. How can you buy some medicine indiscriminately? For me, your business is the business."

Meng Qingqing couldn't help Qin Haonan, so he could only agree to him.

In a short while, Qin Haonan came to the company where Meng Qingqing was working. Qin Haonan greeted Mr. Qian to ask for leave before he came, so they went directly to the hospital.

The result of the hospital examination surprised Meng Qingqing, she was pregnant. At this time, she discovered that her period had not come for more than ten days. Before, her mother-in-law asked her every day, but now there is no mother-in-law nagging by her side. She directly ignored this matter and was recruited. I feel sick and want to vomit like others, like a cold. I took some cold medicine by myself yesterday."

The doctor explained, “Everyone’s situation is different. Most people have nausea and nausea, accompanied by fever and cold, and some people have no reaction at all.”

Qin Haonan was happy and fortunate. He was happy that he had a baby. Fortunately, he put aside his busy work and went to the hospital with Meng Qingqing, only to know that he was pregnant. Otherwise, Meng Qingqing thought he had a cold and ate. Some drugs that should not be taken have disastrous consequences.

"I took some cold medicine last night. Would it be bad for the child? Meng Qingqing asked worriedly.

"What kind of medicine did you take?" the doctor asked.

"Meng Qingqing, amoxicillin, Radix Isatidis granules." Meng Qingqing said nervously.

"This medicine will not affect the child."

The doctor prescribed some medicine and told some precautions. Qin Haonan took Meng Qingqing back home.

When she got home, Meng Qingqing felt uncomfortable and didn't want to eat. She lay lazily on the sofa without moving.

Qin Haonan asked her what else she would like to eat, Meng Qingqing shook her head, "I don't want to eat anything."

"Eat a little fruit, and nothing will do. Children also need nutrition," Qin Hao said.

"Are you only a child in your heart?" Although Meng Qingqing said so, he still took the grapes Qin Haonan handed over.

"No, of course I care more about you. Seeing you are so uncomfortable, let me ask you a few days off."

"Please three days first, today and Tuesday, please three days plus two days weekend, five days should be fine." To be continued.

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