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Chapter 410: .difficult

When I returned home, when I opened the door, a smell of dust came over my face. This house was the first house Lu Zhiling bought. It contained many stories about him and Hu Yeting together. Later, their house became bigger and bigger. He said that he would sell the house, but she disagreed, saying that there were memories of them here, she couldn't bear it, and said that if the house is kept, it will be useful someday. Sure enough, this house is his only property, and he has returned to the starting point.

The house has been empty for many years, but every time it comes, it is clean and clean. But now only half a year has passed, it is in a mess, full of things moved from elsewhere, and the house is full of dust.

Lu Zhiling looked at the dust in the house, and had to roll up his sleeves to clean up. Fortunately, there was no water or electricity cut in the house, and everything at home was also readily available. His clothes and some common daily necessities were changed from the original ones. The house has moved here.

Lu Zhiling hadn't done housework for many years. After his business was good and making money, he once persuaded Hu Yeting to ask a nanny to come to the house to do housework. Hu Yeting said that he was idle when he was idle, and he was doing housework to exercise.

Everything is right, and you can basically live, Lu Zhiling's tired back pain is lying on the sofa and does not want to get up. Doing housework is really good exercise.

But he couldn't get up. He hadn't eaten anything all day long, and his stomach was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

Holding only one thousand yuan, Lu Zhiling went downstairs and bought a few packs of instant noodles and some daily necessities. He went home to eat instant noodles by himself. Maybe it was too hot or too hungry. He ate and ate, but his tears stopped. Keep going down. I have eaten countless delicacies of mountains and seas and delicious delicacies. I once thought that tears would never belong to him. Life is such an impermanence. Looking at other people's changes and ups and downs, it is just a story, and it is a complete accident when interpreted to oneself.

Lu Zhiling knew that no matter how unwilling to be angry, no matter how frustrated, nothing can change. Only starting again is the only right way.

When he got up the next day, Lu Zhiling embarked on a long way to borrow money, but those friends before him all seemed to have changed their faces to him overnight, and they all avoided him like a plague. He was perfunctory for a variety of reasons, and even a friend who used to eat, drink and play together before saw him and said, "Are you here to borrow money? I have no money to lend you."

Lu Zhiling said angrily: "I used to invite you to dinner. Sometimes a meal was several thousand. Now I am in a loss. Even if I borrow a little from you, I haven't spoken yet. You just say no. Don’t even have a thousand dollars.”

That human said: "Before was before, and now is now, don't you still have not realized your current situation?"

He took out a few hundred yuan, "I lent it to you, no, for the sake of a previous meeting, I will give you a few hundred yuan to buy a box lunch."

That day the friend offered him 1,000 yuan and hurried away. He even scolded him in his heart. Thinking about it now, that friend’s move was the most benevolent.

Lu Zhiling did not accept the hundreds of dollars, but only squeezed a word from the press, "If you are in trouble, you can't make friends with wine and meat."

After speaking, he left angrily.

The man put away the money, "These days, the world is getting worse, and the people who ask for money are too small to give it, and because of this, they justifyly curse. As if I owe him."

The person next to him asked: "What's the matter with this person"

The man said loudly: "He was raising a woman outside and was discovered by his wife. The wife and his daughter took him in the pot. He spent half a year in jail. After returning, he had nothing. The wife and daughter sold all his property and went abroad. Up."

"This has to make his wife and daughter hate him so much that he can do such a terrible thing to his wife, and his daughter is so cruel"

"The woman he raised outside gave birth to a son. Not only was his wife’s position in jeopardy, but the property that should have belonged to his daughter could also be taken away by that son. As a result, the mother and daughter negotiated and formed an alliance for common interests. The mother and daughter first acted first, and designed them together."

"This man is stupid enough to play with a woman and he not only goes to jail, but also ruins his family."

"That pair of mothers and daughters is enough."

"He's over forty years old, and he has planted such a big somersault. Just like this, he has been wanted to stand up again in his life."

"People's good luck is limited, but bad luck is one after another. When you are with someone who is unlucky, you will get caught up, so it's better for such people to stay as far away as possible."

Lu Zhiling hurried away from the harsh comments.

He understood that many people in the world are icing on the cake, and there are very few people who don't fall into trouble, and they are already people with a little conscience.

Lu Zhiling thought of Meng Qingqing and his son.

My son, Lu Zhiling, closed his eyes and hoped that his son who had been hoping for most of his life finally got it, but he fell into this end.

Is it like someone else did the calculations for him? He would never have his son’s life forcibly obtained in this life. After all, he was perverted and worked hard to stay with Bangsar Sa. Bangsar Sa was even pregnant with two children and was a daughter. After all the setbacks, Meng Qingqing finally gave birth to a son for him. Before he could feel the joy of getting his son, he was imprisoned, and then lost everything he had struggled for twenty years.

Now I don’t know how Meng Qingqing’s mother and son are doing. He just wants to see him, but now he is hard to protect himself. He went to see and can’t give them anything. What happened after he went, he can imagine, Meng Qingqing knows After knowing his situation, in addition to crying, he will be forced to take money and will not help him. He couldn't get the money, so there was no need to contact her again.

Lu Zhiling, who was hitting the wall everywhere, found that the road to borrowing money was not working, and desperately selling his only house, and then opened a small supermarket.

When Lu Zhiling started, he opened a small supermarket. He is good at this, so he can do it with confidence, but after all, his supermarket is too small and his business is not bad, that is, he can barely make ends meet.

Days passed so plainly. Lu Zhiling was sitting in a small supermarket, often in a trance. Everything before that seemed like a dream. Hu Yeting, daughter Lu Lu, and Meng Sha and Meng Qingqing, these people are just him. It's just a fragment of a dream.

But when Meng Qingqing suddenly appeared in front of him that day with her son in her arms, Lu Zhiling rubbed her eyes and couldn't believe it was true. He thought he had an illusion.

It wasn't until Meng Qingqing cried with tears that Lu Zhiling woke up. To be continued.

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