Badge in Azure

Chapter 257

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Rex returned to 5-Layer, and Saleen was waiting for her. Seeing Saleen, Rex got angry for no reason. Wasn’t this guy talking to Jason? How could Jason say such a strange request.

“Rex, what did Teacher say?”

He didn’t know that Rex was angry, but it wasn’t the right time to ask, and Rex was angry: “He asked me to marry you and use the Divine Punishment hell as a dowry. You honestly, is this your idea!”

When Rex was angry, his face flushed and his breathing was quick.

“Ah? Did you agree?” Saleen asked before responding.

Rex’s nose was so angry that she looked at Saleen’s expression and knew that it was not his fault. I don’t know why. She looked more angry at Saleen, raised her fist, and hit Saleen’s nose.

Saleen didn’t expect Rex to have such a rude behavior, even more how Rex has practiced some martial skills since childhood, even without sword energy, he is more agile than most Swordsman. This fist came without warning, a snoring sound, hitting Saleen’s nose. Saleen Aiya said, nosebleeds. He covered his nose and squatted down, wondering why Rex hit him.

When Rex finished playing, he felt Saleen was innocent, and threw another Chunlin technique. Green’s breath fell into Saleen’s body, and the nosebleed suddenly disappeared, but the pain in the bridge of the nose was severe, and the tears in Saleen’s eyes were chaotic.

“Why hit me?” Saleen asked mutedly.

Rex raised his fist again, and Saleen hurried back. His strength was not lost to Rex, but his fists and feet were much worse. He covered his nose and stared at Rex. The flushing on Rex’s face faded, he let go of his hate and asked, “It’s okay.”

“It’s okay, let me give you a punch.”

Saleen has been thinking about Rex. He was beaten for no reason, and his heart was depressed. He was negligent for a while and did not see a shyness in Rex’s eyes.

Saleen can’t really hit Rex’s face with his fist, he can only mutter in a low voice: “No reason, it’s not my business, hey …”

Rex heard him mumble, and the dissipated anger came back again, leaving Shaeen’s room with a shake of his hand.

As soon as Rex left, Nelly came out. She took out a silk scarf, wiped the blood off Saleen’s face, and smiled at Hehe: “Saleen, do you know why you can’t be beaten?”

“How do I know, Rex is crazy.”

“Rex is not crazy. You are stupid. Hey, come here and lie down.” Nelly pulled Saleen to lie on the bed, she lay beside and explained to Saleen: “I think Rex must like you, but you said it It has nothing to do with you, how could she not be angry. “

“Nelly, you talk nonsense … huh? You say she likes me?”

“Master, don’t you know? I read a book recently. The book says that human emotions are the most weird. We demons like powerhouses, but humans are different. No matter whether you are strong or weak, whether you have money or not, just look at it. You ca n’t let go anymore. Do n’t look at Rex’s noble background, but there are several people around her who can speak? It ’s either you have a purpose, but it ’s you, I ’m afraid you have to guard against it? ”

“That’s true, but what does this have to do with me?”

Nelly sobbed, buried her face in the pillow, only half a moment before her green eyes were revealed, and she looked at Saleen: “She has been with you for a year in the Divine Punishment hell, do you like her?”

“It seems a little bit, but getting married isn’t it?”

“Master, have you grown up? Let me see!” Nelly said, and it was time to take off Salen’s clothes. Saleen kicked her away, thinking about Rex’s reaction, but still didn’t think Nelly had any sense.

Nelly climbed up from under the bed again, unhurried, and said to Saleen, “Master, if you want to know if Rex likes you, it’s easy.”

“What do you think.”

“Go to her now. No matter what she says, just hold her and kiss her hard. If she likes you, she won’t resist.”

“If she doesn’t like me, will I be burnt to ashes?” Saleen looked fiercely at Nelly.

“This is Master’s Teacher’s Magician Tower, how dare she?” Shika said with wide eyes and surprised. “She can drive you out at most, master, just try it.”

“Why don’t you go?”

“Woo … I’m an adult. It’s impossible to become a male. Master, why aren’t you interested in me?”

“What interest? Oh, you mean mating? You are a demon, I don’t want to have a new breed with you.” Saleen’s answer was a pure Magician teacher’s answer. Nelly listened, and the mood suddenly decreased a lot, it looked has several points of sadness.

“Hey, woman, it’s really troublesome.” Saleen couldn’t figure out how this had anything to do with Rex’s plan. No matter how Rex feels about himself, can’t the Divine Punishment hell be resolved?

“Shika is not troublesome, but you still have the same attitude? Master, you must be sick.” Nelly resentment qi said heavily.

“What is your attitude!”

“Of course it’s the contract creature’s attitude. You don’t want me and don’t allow me to be nice to others. Am I going to be the last?” Nelly’s language is bad. To be fair, there is no such contract creature before her.

“When will I be safe from you and others?”

“This is what you said. When I mate with others, you will be happy together.” Nelly intentionally twisted the five senses and made a terrifying grimace.

Saleen was trembling, and Nelly would be bad luck if she did.

“Nelly, you are not allowed to do this!”

“Is this what you said?”

“We’re talking about Rex. What are you talking about?” Saleen said Nelly, but it felt ridiculous. Contract creatures are obedient, and they have extremely complicated ideas. I also blame myself for having no experience and no reason to sign a Soul Contract.

Nelly was snorted so much that she provoked Saleen to harass Rex. If something goes wrong, Rex won’t hang on Saleen in the future. It’s a pity that Saleen didn’t believe her at all, and this strategy failed.

In Nelly’s opinion, Shika is a much better choice than Rex.

First of all, Shika’s mind is relatively simple. If you are with Saleen, you will not lose yourself in the future. Secondly, Shika’s physical fitness is quite powerful, almost catching up with some creatures on the demon plane. The child born of such a physique will be very strong. As the Soul Contract creature of Saleen, Nelly wants to be unaffected after Saleen’s death, and it is also a good idea to follow his descendants.

This kind of contract transfer on Bloodline is relatively safe. If Saleen gave her to an irrelevant person when she was dying, Nelly would be a bit miserable. Maybe the soul will be hurt, maybe it will be forcibly removed from the plane. If Saleen dies unexpectedly, she doesn’t know what will happen to her.

The demons are cunning, so always leave yourself a safer escape route.

Rex returned to his room and couldn’t even meditate for a while, just looking out the window angry. What is Saleen’s attitude? Although there is nothing said between the two people, at least experience life and death together, should there be some feelings?

Saleen is like a rock, hard, except for Magician, who has no response to anything else. He doesn’t like to discuss art and pursue exquisite life. It doesn’t matter. Fortunately, at this time, he didn’t even have a normal reaction. Has he become ugly in the past 2 years?

Rex, as a Grand Magician, was thinking all the thoughts of a little girl at the moment.

Marry Saleen in support of Sligo Island? Absolutely not! Rex’s fist lay on the bed, angry with himself. For a moment, angry, remembering the death of his father, Rex was sad again. Father passed away. Although he still has the status of county king, he has no foundation like duckweed.

Without the support of Holy Rock City, Kushui County is just a small country with 2 10000 regular troops, just like a hereditary duke. Uncle does not support himself, the younger brother is not sensible, and father’s revenge does not have much hope.

What about Level 6 Magician? You can’t overthrow Holy Church alone.

Sad for a while, Rex cleared his mood and secretly said to himself: Rex, Rex! Father gave you this name in the hope that you are as strong as a man. Isn’t Saleen from nothing to the present? He can do it, why can’t he?

The Holy Church is as powerful as it is, and as is the case with Tianjin City, internal disputes are severe. Otherwise, taking advantage of father’s death, he will attack Garolan in a big way. For their own benefit, those noble armies could not die with Holy Knight’s Knights.

Jason wants his family, Magician inheritance, and gives him a way to get it, anyway, this inheritance is also from Tianjin City. In addition to the Magician and the Family Mystery of the Glucos family, both the Magician and Swordsman can cultivate. If only by a Magician inheritance, the Glucos family could not build such a powerful empire.

Jason wants this inheritance, and he just wants to find a way to become a Tier 1 Magician. If Jason finds it, it will certainly be taught to Saleen. Does Saleen hide from himself?

Figured this out, Rex wasn’t angry. She suddenly understood that Jason was telling her that if the two parties were just a transaction, no one could guarantee what the outcome would be.

The Magician divisions on Glucos were united because of common interests. The common interests between myself and these Magician teachers are very small, and it takes too much time to cultivate a relationship of mutual trust. If you agree to this, then the Magician on the entire island sees a hope.

Saleen’s Teacher is really a very smart person.

Rex figured out Jason’s intentions, and he felt relieved. She was about to go to Jason immediately, and suddenly, a sharp Magician sirens came from outside the Magician Tower. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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