Base 7

Chapter 197 The Secret of the Shen Brothers

In Steel Dome City, countless people in front of the screen were stunned.

Only then did they know that Lin Qingze, the executive dean of Noah College, was killed in this disaster.

In the past few days, urban public opinion has been busy shaping heroes, and rarely mentions the tragedy of the city, let alone individuals. In the face of a catastrophe, no one pays attention to the life and death of individuals.

However, Noah College was concerned about Lin Qingze's death.

The old dean questioned angrily, and many people in Noah College resigned collectively. They suspected that it was a murder.

Moreover, the last sentence seemed to point to something. The day after Lin Qingze was killed, the new dean of Noah College came to power.

Normally, this is not a trivial matter, but because the disaster was covered up, there was not much movement.

This interview spread in Steel Dome City at a frightening speed, and there were naturally academics contributing to it.

For a time, the Steel Dome City Government and the Public Security Bureau were under enormous pressure.

Meanwhile, conspiracy theories began to spread.

Before, when the Eight Extraordinary Academies were fighting with the Southern Military Region, there were mutated genetic warriors who wanted to kill Xu Mo.

Now, is this monster really a genetic warrior as the old dean suspected?

Its purpose is to attack the academy?

Moreover, when the new dean came to power, the acting dean Lin Qingze was killed. There is indeed something strange about this matter.

Coupled with the collective resignation of the veterans of Noah College, Noah College was pushed to the forefront for a while, especially the new dean Tie Rong, who instantly became the focus.

The city government and the Public Security Bureau reacted quickly, and publicly announced that the Public Security Bureau attached great importance to Dean Lin's death. There are videos and autopsies to prove that it was indeed the work of a monster. However, the old dean's suspicion is not impossible. They Will continue to follow up the investigation.

At the same time, remind the old dean to pay attention to his body and not to be too sad, and call on the veterans of Noah College to return to the college and not to be emotional.

Afterwards, Tie Rong, the new dean of Noah College, also held a press conference, which was broadcast live just like the old dean.

Everyone in Steel Dome City is paying attention to this matter.

In the screen, Tie Rong first played a video about what happened at Lin Qingze's funeral, which caused a burst of sighs.

Later, Tie Rong said that Dean Lin has made great contributions to Noah College. As the new dean of the college, he is very grateful for the contribution made by Dean Lin, and he can also understand that the death of Dean Lin has given to the old dean and all the promises. The grief brought by the people of the Asian Academy.

However, a disaster is a disaster. Don't fall into unreasonable suspicion because of grief, or even vent your anger on other people.

In the face of the disaster, countless families in Gangqiong City were broken, and countless people died in the disaster. Dean Lin was not the only one. They were also members of Steelqiong City just like Dean Lin. Videos, autopsy reports are not enough, but conspiracy theories.

So, if the Steel Dome City government and the Public Security Bureau will send everyone to investigate the specific cause of death of each person one by one, how will Steel Dome City still operate?

Tie Rong suggested that the city government mourn all the people who died in the disaster, but also hope that everyone can control their emotions, not to question randomly without any evidence, use a lot of manpower and material resources, and waste public resources. The dean's colleagues can get out of grief as soon as possible, and return to their lives and their posts. Noah College still needs them.

Great righteousness!

This is the interview content of the new dean Tie Rong.

Although it seems that they have been understanding and thanking, in fact, they are accusing the old dean and the people of Noah College of doubting for no reason and wasting public resources.

Many people died in this disaster, and Lin Qingze was not alone. If everyone investigated and suspected, there would indeed not be that many people.

Tie Rong, while thanking Lin Qingze for his contribution to Noah College, proceeded from righteousness and put Lin Qingze on an equal footing with all the people, thinking that he should not have privileges.

That is to say, the old dean and the others are using their privileges.

There is a knife hidden in the words, very ruthless.

Moreover, as evidenced by the video, Fatty Sun beat people and trampled on the shooting equipment.

For a time, public opinion was pushed to the forefront again.

There are also two factions of opinion among the public.

Some people support the old dean.

There are also people who think that Tie Rong is right. The old director is really old. When the disaster happened, he was still thinking about the people around him instead of paying attention to the disaster itself.

However, the old dean did not respond to this.

In the manor.

The two mechs are breaking out at high speed, fighting.

The reaction speed of these two mechas was terrifying. Ye Qingdie and the others were enjoying the duel next to them, as if they were not watching the battle of mechas, but the battle of humans themselves.

"Bang..." With a loud noise, the black mecha was hit and flew out.

The mecha climbed up, and then opened the hatch, Xu Mo walked out, and the old dean also walked out of another mecha.

There was a lot of commotion outside, but the old dean was still teaching Xu Mo's mecha.

"That's right." The old director said, "As for low-level mecha piloting skills, you are not much worse than me. The gap is still in the coordination of the body. You should always remember that the machine is an extension of the human body. When driving a mecha, don't treat him as a machine, just like yourself, only when man and machine are integrated can we exert the strongest combat effect."

Before, the old dean never recognized that Xu Mo was great, but now it was different, he did not hesitate to praise him.

Xu Mo's progress was indeed terrifying.

The operation of the mecha is not difficult, but a slight difference in the operation will lead to an obvious gap in strength, or even an insurmountable gap.

There are very few truly top mech masters.

Of course Xu Mo has this kind of talent. His control level, computing power, and neural response speed are all top-notch, and he is a natural mech master.

It's just that his own strength is not enough, otherwise, he will be perfect in controlling the top mechs.

"En." Xu Mo nodded.

"Take a rest." The old dean said, the old man who had been decadent for two days seemed to have regained his former spirit.

Even, it seems to be more energetic than before.

He can't go down, and right now, he has a lot to do.

The communicator vibrated, and the old dean connected.

"Have you read the news released by Tie Rong?" the old dean Nanming asked.

"No." The old man shook his head.

"You are very interested." Old Nanming said: "He accused you of using public resources and engaging in privileges. This is beginning to ruin your reputation and reduce your influence."

"Do you think I care about my reputation?" Old Dean Tantai said.

This step is also expected.

"Of course I know you don't care, but it will also be a talisman. Once they ruin your reputation, they may force you to take action, and finally attack you. At that time..." Old Dean Nanming pointed directly at the vital point, as if seeing things in the future.

"Qingze was murdered, they have already resorted to unscrupulous means, do they still expect me to be a good person?" the old dean sarcastically said.

He never cared about fame.


"It's impossible for the other party to give you any explanation. If you don't give it, what do you want to do?" Nanming old dean said seriously.

"I didn't pin my hopes on the confession, I just informed them." The old dean said.

"Hu Lai, even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about the academic school. This is not for you alone." Dean Nanming's voice was a little louder.

"Take care of your own granddaughter." The old dean said, and then hung up the communicator.

He was obviously not happy about the matter between Nanming Huowu and the young man surnamed Li.

The young man surnamed Li is using Nanming College and Nanming Huowu to create momentum for himself and shape his personality.

People from the Nanming family can't understand?


The old dean is waiting, as are the veterans of Noah College, waiting for an explanation from the city government and the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Of course, they knew there might be no explanation.

Then, the media conference that day was regarded as an announcement.

He solves it in his own way.

Xu Mo was also waiting.

While waiting, he was cultivating crazily.

Source power level B minus, mental power level B minus, it's still too weak.

If he can reach level B, maybe he will be more proficient in controlling mechas, and he will be able to control top-level mechas more easily.

Xu Mo built an extremely rich source force training room at home. Apart from cultivating source force in it, he spent the rest of his time practicing in the ruined world and tempered by battles.

Xu Mo found that after the last disaster day battle, his mental strength was exhausted and he was very tired, but after recovering, his mental strength seemed to be stronger.

After intense consumption, it is helpful for you to hit your limit and practice in retrospect.

Xu Mo also went to the Super God Arena to kill, but he didn't meet the female devil.

On this day, Xu Mo finally received a communication from the alien.

"Find it?" Xu Mo asked after connecting.

"Don't be so snobbish, let me share a beautiful thing with you first." The alien said.

"What's the matter?" Xu Mo asked.

"I'm in love!" the alien said.

"Not interested." Xu Mo replied.

"This is my big business, young master. You are not interested." The alien said depressedly, "This time, I am serious."

"So, you weren't serious before?" Xu Mo asked.

"It was serious at the time." The alien said shamelessly: "But it's different this time. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. Moreover, she is still a cold beauty. I must catch up with her."


Haven't caught up yet?

"So, you are trying to attack yourself?" Xu Mo said.

"Forget it, you don't understand." The alien didn't continue.

How could Xu Mo understand? He had never seen himself before, so he didn't know how pretty that face was.

Silver-haired, noble, cold and arrogant, enrolled in a class with a mysterious identity.

It is said that the source power fusion level is SS, and the source force level is B. On the first day of admission, he completed the college SS level test.

The female devil or something, so weak!

"The matter you want to investigate has been found. Let me remind you, be careful of the two people you want to investigate." The alien said.

"Why?" Xu Mo asked.

"They have indeed been to the capital, and more than once, but there is no account funds, but they have undergone several body modifications."

"What do you mean?" Xu Mo asked.

"Completely transform the body." The alien said: "Heart source power plant system, have you heard of it?"

"No." Xu Mo replied.

"It's right if you haven't heard of it. The technology brought by real aliens was not available on Byron Star before. Now on Byron Star, only the capital can complete this kind of transformation. The heart source power device system, simply put , is to transplant a source power system into the body, provide source power, and transform the body, which is equivalent to a humanoid machine." The alien said: "Is that clear?"

"In other words, they are equivalent to mechanical bodies?" Xu Mo said.

"It can be said like this." The alien said: "These two brothers are ruthless people. The Li family helped them operate. In your Steel Qiong City, they must be the upper-level combat power, so be careful."

"Understood." Xu Mo said, "Thank you."

"Remember what you owe me. I haven't figured out the terms yet." The alien said, and then hung up the communicator.

Xu Mo frowned, the Shen family brothers hid deeply enough.

That day, the teacher's mecha rushed in front of Shen Qianzhong, and the energy knife was placed on his neck, Shen Qianzhong didn't move.

Only now did Xu Mo realize that he was not incapable of resisting.

However, the high technology only available in the capital must be sky-high. If the public knows that the Shen brothers have done this kind of transformation, the so-called common people's design will collapse directly.

Therefore, the Shen brothers are not looking for money.

Xu Mo glanced at the communicator, and then dialed another number.

The other party connected, but did not speak, and there was no sound from the other side.

"I'm a hunter." Xu Mo said.

Still silent.

"I'm sorry about what happened that day. I was in a bad mood because I encountered some things, so I hung up your communication." Xu Mo said, "I went to the Chaoshen Arena these days, but I didn't find you."

"Understood." A crisp voice came from the opposite side.

"So cold?" Xu Mo thought to himself, he was really not polite that day, he gave the other party an explanation, since the other party didn't want to say anything, he had nothing else to say.

"En." Xu Mo replied, "Then I'll hang up."

"I've advanced." A voice came from the opposite side again, still cherishing words like gold.

Xu Mo was stunned.

So, this is the reason why the opponent did not appear in the Super God Arena?

Female devil, the source power level has broken through, so even if you go to the Super God Arena, you will still be at the B level.

This cultivation talent is terrifying!

If there is another fight, he is afraid that he will be dealt with badly.

"Hurry up, too." The female devil hung up the communicator after speaking, causing Xu Mo to show a strange look.

Reminding him to hurry up, do you want to continue to fight with him?

He is already unworthy of the reduced source power level B?


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