Base 7

Chapter 868

Xu Mo became famous. Although he was defeated in the battle with Lin Xiu, perhaps because of the strength he showed in that battle, his ranking continued to move forward.

Lu Ze, with a record of 500 wins and 1 loss, ranks tenth in the universe virtual battlefield Skywalker.

This battle already attracted a lot of attention. After the defeat, Xu Mo still became famous. The major media on Emperor Star reported one after another, and another top Skywalker was born on Emperor Star.

In fact, they quickly found Xu Mo's residence, and people came to visit him every day, and many media chased and intercepted him.

Xu Mo told the outside media that he hoped not to disturb his cultivation, but there were still many people who blocked him, until he received a newsletter saying that he was already a top-level talent in Emperor Star, and that the Emperor Star government had allocated an independent practice residence, No one will disturb his cultivation.

Xu Mo accepted it calmly. He moved out of the apartment and came to the independent private manor in the core area of ​​Emperor Star. In the central area of ​​Emperor Star, one person owns an independent practice area with very complete supporting facilities.

Even, even the aircraft for travel is prepared for him.

This kind of treatment also made Xu Mo feel that the hierarchical system of Emperor Star is indeed the icing on the cake for top talents. Lin is not stingy with resources, but it is not a good thing for ordinary people.

If a civilized system only pays attention to a very small number of people at the top, then the vast majority of people can only play the role of screws and are very unfriendly to ordinary people.

However, he also understands that there is no absolutely perfect system in the world, and different civilizations choose different paths.

But to Xu Mo's surprise, Lin still hasn't seen him for a long time.

He thought that after that battle, the Lin family would send someone to contact him.

But Xu Mo is not in a hurry, he knows it will happen sooner or later.

The tenth existence of the cosmic virtual battlefield, even on the emperor star, is already at the top of the pyramid, so he didn't have the opportunity to go to Lin Xiu. This position is almost enough and just right.

When Lin didn't come, Xu Mo continued to practice and fight in the virtual universe trial field.

Every time Xu Mo entered the universe virtual battlefield, many people would challenge him, but Xu Mo did not agree, but let the system assign areas to fight. Before he knew it, his record reached 800 wins and 1 loss.

Xu Mo is now ranked tenth, and the first nine people actually don't often appear in the virtual battlefield of the universe. Xu Mo is a freak. He has already reached this point, and he is still constantly tempering himself in battle. From this point of view, it is indeed It is somewhat similar to the first person, Limbaugh.

Limbo is such a monster. With his super hard work, he bloomed late and became the number one person under the Destroyer. But now he is attacking the Destroyer realm, so he rarely appears in the virtual battlefield of the universe.

In the process of Xu Mo's trial, there was also a small episode. The person ranked seventh in the virtual battlefield of the universe also seemed to Xu Mo sent a challenge letter, but Xu Mo did not accept it. Many people speculated that he was not sure yet, In the battle with Lin Xiu, I felt the strength of the top-ranked characters.

Unknowingly, a few months later, Xu Mo finally received the news that someone was coming to visit, and it turned out to be someone from the Lin family, and Lin Xiu contacted him personally.

Of course Xu Mo did not refuse, this was his purpose of coming to Emperor Star.

The next day, Lin's aircraft landed in the manor where Xu Mo lived.

Xu Mo came outside to greet him. Apart from Lin Xiu, there were many other people. Beside Lin Xiu was an old man, full of energy, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He strode forward and looked at Xu Mo with a bold smile: "Mr. Lu Ze, I've heard of you for a long time."

"I'm Lin Tan from the Lin family." The old man stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Xu Mo, and Xu Mo also stretched out his hand in response: "Mr. Lin is welcome."

"Although we have met in the virtual world and have contacted before, but this is the first time we meet in reality. Let me introduce myself again, Lin Xiu." Lin Xiu also stretched out his hand to Xu Mo and smiled. Xu Mo responded, and then said: " please."

The group walked to the rest area in the manor. Lin Qin and Lin Xiu sat down, Xu Mo sat opposite, and the others stood aside.

"Mr. Lu Ze is still used to living here?" Lin Tan asked.

"I didn't thank you in person. I lived very comfortably." Xu Mo nodded.

"That's good. If you have any discomfort, you can bring it up at any time. Mr. Du, you are the future of our Emperor Star." Lin Tan said.

"Mr. Lin is too serious."

"It's not an exaggeration at all." Lin Qin shook his head: "The emperor's star field has a population of trillions, how many skywalkers are there? It's only a few hundred, and this is also the star field with the largest number of skywalkers in the universe. There are even fewer domains, and those that can even exceed a hundred are top forces."

"These people are basically made of resources. Lu Ze, you wandered through the universe, stepped into the realm of Skywalker, and reached the tenth place in the virtual battlefield of the universe. This kind of ability is even more outstanding than Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu They are all accumulated by Lin's resources."

"That's true." Lin Xiudao: "Although we won last time, in fact, we took advantage of it."

"You can't say that. Although people from the Lin family enjoyed a lot of cultivation resources, I also had the opportunity during my space adventure." Xu Mo said, "Otherwise, I wouldn't be here today."

"Opportunity is also talent." Lin Tan said with a smile: "Mr. Lu Ze must have experienced a lot of wandering in the universe for decades."

Lu Ze nodded and said: "I have encountered a gamma starburst, entered the eye of space, and gone to the hand of the stars. I have narrowly escaped death, and I have seen many lives and deaths."

These are all the information Gaia gave him, and the trajectory of Lu Ze's life has been planned.

"There is a great horror between life and death, so Mr. Lu Ze has been accomplished, but now that you are back, the past is in the past. Next, we have to look forward." Lin Qin said: "My Emperor Starfield is the most important place in the universe. Qiangxingyu, how many geniuses have been born in the Emperor Star, and now, Mr. Lu Ze has such a talent for chance, I, Lin, will definitely use my resources to give you the opportunity to step into the realm of destruction and reach the highest point of cultivation."

"I want to ask Mr. Lin a question, but I don't know if it will be rude." Xu Mo said.

"Ask whatever you want," Lin Tan said.

"How many Destroyers are there in the Emperor Starfield, and how difficult is this road?" Xu Mo's eyes were full of determination, as if he had expectations.

Lin Tan looked at Xu Mo, which top Skywalker doesn't want to go to the end of evolution?

This Lu Ze is no exception.

"This is a secret to the outside world, but I can tell you clearly that Emperor Star is the planet with the most destroyers in the universe. Our Lin family once had the most glorious history. It used to be the dominant planet of the universe, with the strongest resources and resources. Evolutionary route, therefore, the number of Destroyers born is also the largest."

Lin Tan also looked serious, and said, "Now, in the Emperor Star Region, the Lin family has seven Destroyers. Besides the Lin family, they have cultivated three Destroyers. No one can match them in the entire universe. Moreover, in the future Destroyers will also be born, Lin Bo, Lin Langya, Lin Xiu, and Lu Ze, you all have opportunities in the future."

"It is very difficult to become a destroyer, but our Lin family also has the strongest resources. Relatively speaking, it is the easiest to cultivate a destroyer-level existence."

Xu Mo's eyes sparkled when he heard Lin Tan's words, and he seemed a little excited, but his heart was also a little turbulent.

As strong as the church, there are only five Destroyer-level existences, but the Emperor Starfield has ten. Even if the former empire is not glorious, it still has a strong foundation. As for the strongest resource mentioned by Lin Tan, This is also the real goal of Xu Mo's coming to Emperor Star.

"Because of the existence of Lin's top combat power, no force dared to move Lin's lightly. The last time the war broke out in the universe, the other party was only harassing in the gaps in space, and did not dare to come to the near-star war." Lin Tan said The voice is extremely confident. In the future, the universe will definitely return to Lin's hands.

"Yeah." Xu Mo nodded, only to hear Lin Tan continue: "Lu Ze, Emperor Star is a planet ruled by the family. Our purpose is to cultivate the top characters and share power and glory together. If you have any needs, you can Just come to us directly."

"Nothing yet." Xu Mo said: "If there is a need, I will."

"Okay, there will be a party in a while, and at that time, many nobles of Emperor Star will attend, I invite you to come, we will also give you the status of a noble, and tailor a set of equipment for you, but you can do anything Say, here, you just need to wait to hit the realm of destruction." Lin Qin's attitude made Xu Mo feel at home, and if he was really Lu Ze, he would be very grateful.

"Okay." Xu Mo didn't even refuse, rejection means distance, acceptance means approach.

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Tan led Lin Xiu and the others away.

After they left, Xu Mo was still thinking.

Dixing's emphasis on top figures was somewhat unexpected. The family standing at the top of the universe pyramid was more powerful than he had imagined, but there were seven family destroyers, and three other destroyers were trained. .

If he is Lu Ze, if he becomes a Destroyer in the future, he can be regarded as being cultivated by the other party.

What's more, he doesn't have any credit yet, so the Lin family will give him whatever he wants, resources, status, and even a noble status.

In this case, if you were indeed born in Emperor Star, it is basically unlikely that you would want to betray.

If you betray, you won't get more than here.

Lin's goal is to have a win-win situation with top transcendents.

At the same time, Lin Tan and Lin Xiu sat opposite each other on the aircraft, looking at the scenery outside.

"How do you feel about this Lu Ze?" Lin Tan asked Lin Xiu.

"Like a transcendent who purely pursues strength, if we give him status, there shouldn't be any problems." Lin Xiudao.

"Consolidate it further. This person is very talented. We can make him our own and control some resources outside. If he can become a destroyer in the future, Lin will help him create a family in Emperor Star." Lin Tan continued.

The previous three Destroyers have already taken this step, spreading their branches in the Emperor Star, and the blood of the Lin family is also flowing among the descendants.

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