Chapter 102: Someone Else’s “Christmas War” Li Wan’s…

Early the next morning, Li Wan was woken up by the biological clock.

The guy was still asleep.

Last night, the three of them were chatting on the sofa, and suddenly wanted to go to the “chicken” layer to care about the “workers” who were still on the front line on Christmas Eve, so they put on their coats and went out.

It seems that the “condolences” work is going well.

Li Wan didn’t wake them up, went home to wash up, and changed his clothes again.

In the United States, both men and women who wear the same dress for two consecutive days will be considered “not coming home last night.”

The “Christmas War” may not necessarily be won, so Li Wan does not want to cause unnecessary trouble for himself.

The mountain rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building!

On the way here, Li Wan bought two newspapers, both looking forward to this “Christmas war”.

This season, the West has seen two teams rise, one is the New Orleans Hornets led by Chris Paul, who climbed from tenth place in the West last season to second place in the West; The other is the Lakers, who climbed from seventh in the West last season to first place in the West!

They didn’t rise much differently …

All are new members of the team, as well as core players returning from injury!

On the Eastern side, there is also a team that has made a comeback this season – it is the Boston Celtics.

It’s just that its revival method is only very different from the West, compared to the Lakers and Hornets, the Boston Celtics are more like “nouveau riche”.

After several years of dormancy, Anji “became a god in World War I” this summer!

Before this summer, he was the general manager that the media considered the most inactive, and since several years in Boston, there have been calls for him to leave class, and each year it has become more intense.

But after Angie got Kevin Garnett and then Ray Allen, these calls all turned into admiration for him.

The alliance also opened the era of superstar huddles.

And 3 years later, “Decision One” from Cleveland pushed to the climax, officially opening the era of “peak player huddles”!

The two giants of the NBA rose at the same time in different ways in the 07~08 season, and ESPN believes that this “Christmas War” will re-make the “Lake Kai Battle” the main theme of the league after 17 years.

Witnessing the historic moment, it is also destined that this match will be a duel that everyone is looking forward to!

After 10 a.m., Li Wandu finished a round of practice, and the rest of the Lakers came to the locker room with their respective families.

Bryant brought Vanessa and his two daughters. The eldest daughter Natasha is 4 years old, and the second daughter Gigi can now hold it normally, lying on Kobe’s shoulder, her black eyes looking around curiously.

“Old Fish” brought his wife, and Li Wan specially observed Fisher’s eyes, and found that he glanced at Vanessa three times in less than three seconds, and pouted without surprise.

Yours, Fisher!

Today for this goods, it can be regarded as a holiday…

The wives he could see, not one, not two, not three four…

I don’t know if this excitement will make him explode tonight.

Interestingly, Fisher’s wife came over at this time and said coquettishly: “Li, can I take a photo with you?” ”

Li Wan subconsciously glanced at Fisher.

His expression was also a little unnatural.

But Li Wan was not good to refuse, so he let Fisher’s wife take a few photos in the way of “eating tofu”.

How is this not an NTR…

Li Wan suddenly reacted, it seems that tonight they all brought female companions over, and he was alone. But at this time, it was too late to find it now, and Li Wan could only comfort himself: I have cats, and if I have cats, I can have many female companions…

Of course, when Odom came, he would no longer be so lonely.

Kohler Kardashian, who had a cat face, followed him into the house, and her plump figure was seen in a khaki one-piece wrapped skirt.

And behind Kohler Kardashian, Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner followed.

Kim Kardashian is dressed like Kohler tonight, both are tight dresses, only her color is much darker, and with her freshly tanned skin, she looks like a sexy old wildcat…

At this time, Kim Kardashian’s appearance is the same as Kevin Garnett’s ability, entering the final peak, far from the 20-year-old her, this old wild cat is good once.

The first time Kim Kardashian entered the house, the rest of the Lakers’ teammates and their family and female companions all brushed and looked towards Li Wan.

They all read the news and naturally thought that Kim Kardashian was coming for Li Wan.

Kim Kardashian’s expression staring directly at Li Wan seems to illustrate this point.

Li Wan did not react much, he thought that his skills were good, but it was not to the point of letting Kim Kardashian such an “old driver” linger, he did not have such a great charm, the only explanation was that this woman had not “rubbed” enough.

It wasn’t until Kim Kardashian walked up to him and greeted him with a smile that he stood up and smiled politely, as if nothing had happened.

His appearance made Kim Kardashian grit his teeth secretly, the expression in his eyes changed, and after a little hesitation, he pushed Li Wan to let him sit down, bent down slightly, and whispered affectionately: “You are such a bad dad…”

I lean, play this trick?

Li Wan was stunned, and at Kim Kardashian’s gaze, her eyes were a little more cunning, and the shadow of her 20 years old was faintly visible.


Pack up his 27-year-old “eldest daughter” again?

Before Li Wan could react further, the Lakers’ public relations manager walked in the door.

Next will be the time for media interviews, and today is the “Christmas War”, so the Lakers opened the locker room.

Kim Kardashian just made Li Wan react a little, when he heard this, he could only regret leaving, but before leaving, he secretly put Li Wan’s hand on her big belly and patted it, and then came to Li Wan, and then left.

My sister is a lot of people who take the initiative!

The family leaves, and Kobe automatically recovers his gloomy face and switches to “fighting state”.

The Lakers are currently ranked first in the West, according to the record, they are the favorites to win the championship, but in fact, everyone knows that there is only one team in favorites this year, that is, the Boston Celtics!

The gap from this team is the gap between the Lakers and the championship…

Facing the media, Kobe said bluntly: “We will not treat this as a regular season game or a Christmas exhibition game, our goal is to win!” ”

Bynum also made a bold statement: “I will prove that the Lakers have a fierce new shark!” ”

At the same time, in the makeshift arena where the Celtics practiced, the crowd that ended the interview was gathering to listen to “River Docs” Doug Rivers, well, mostly listening to Thibodeau lay out the defense.

“Rajan, that Huaxia newcomer will be handed over to you! ”

With his roll call, a pitch-black “poker face” slowly nodded.

“Then Kobe, Paul, you come to defend him, try to consume as much as possible, Kevin help make up the defense!” ”

“Bynum’s words, I’m sure Kendrick alone can handle him! ”


After all the arrangements, Thibodeau very consciously gave up the C position to Rivers.

“Guys, it’s time to test if we can win the championship! ”

“The Los Angeles Lakers are the number one in the West right now, and as long as we can beat them, then we will be the most likely team to win this season!” ”

“Don’t forget what we are coming together for, we have only one goal, the O’Brien Cup! ”

Rivers’ voice was low and thick, and the eyes of the “Big Three” were bright, especially Kevin Garnett, and the whole look was like a wild wolf who had found its prey.

It’s good that Rivers didn’t continue, or maybe a disco!

Around 3 p.m., fans began to enter the stadium.

“Christmas Wars” started a little earlier than usual, which is also to give the players participating in “Christmas Wars” time to spend Christmas night with their families.

As for the away players…

Then you can only say sorry, who let their team not be in a big city like Los Angeles and New York.

“Voice of the Lakers” Hern introduced the situation of the Celtics when the team entered.

When the names of Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen were pronounced by him, the Lakers live audience of Los Angeles secretly spoke, can these really appear in the same team of three names?

Some fans showed regret.

Before the Timberwolves and the Celtics finalized the deal for Kevin Garnett to Boston, the closest team to Kevin Garnett was the Lakers!

I don’t know if it’s the general manager of the Timberwolves, Celtics star McHale dreamed of Auerbach the night before the signing, and he finally chose to send Kevin Garnett to the Green Army!

Popovich therefore believes that it is “Auerbach’s soul that guides the Celtics that Kevin Garnett joined”.

From the perspective of latecomers, his transfer was undoubtedly a success, and they won the coveted championship in their first season forming the “Big Three”.

If it weren’t for Kevin Garnett’s injury, they might even have reached the Finals three times.

Tonight’s sidelines are even brighter than usual.

In addition to Snoop Dogg, Jack Nicholson, Lakers die-hard fans, Stan Lee, who is second only to Nicholson, also came to the scene.

There are also some A-list stars who are gradually emerging, such as “Mildew” Taylor Swift, who has just been nominated for the “Grammy Award for Best Newcomer”, “Black Widow” Scarlett, who has just become the heroine of the Hollywood movie “Midnight in Barcelona”, Sharapova, the first beauty in the tennis world…

Plus the Kim Kardashian family “three sisters”.

I don’t know if the Lakers fans have seen it, anyway, the director of the live big screen is almost dizzy. This is Los Angeles, a sign smashed down 10 people, including 8 mixed entertainment circles, 2 big stars.

Li Wan wanted to die a little.


Someone else’s “Christmas War”, his “Asura Field”, right?

It was also at this time that Li Wancai reacted, when the fans welcomed him just now, why was the cheers much louder than usual!

I thought they were excited, but now it seems…

Excitement indeed.

It’s just not excited about the “Christmas War”, but excited about his off-court affairs.

When the lights turned on, Taylor Swift was stunned for a moment.

Isn’t this the same neighborhood as me, my fans?

Is he actually a Lakers player?

Taylor has not been to the Lakers to watch the game before, but this season because of the preparation of a new album, this is the first time. She belongs to the kind of “pseudo-fan” who barely knows the basic gameplay of basketball, just watching a hilarious game, and even the Lakers she only knows one Kobe…

Naturally, he won’t care about the newcomers to the Lakers.

But because I care about whether those entertainment newspapers will write about her indiscriminately, and often pay attention to gossip newspapers in the entertainment industry, I know that not long ago, Scarlett and Kim Kardashian had a scandal with a newcomer to the Lakers at the same time, or a Chinese newcomer.


That’s not…

Taylor Swift’s face was a little more stunned.

But now, her doubts about why she, a Chinese fan, are so good at picking up are gone.

Scarlett saw Li Wan enter, her eyes were a little more complicated, she had just turned around a week ago, thinking that she would definitely forget her heart for Li Wan, but as a result, she still couldn’t bear to come to Staples Arena on Christmas afternoon.

I’m here to see the game!

It’s okay with him!



After collecting her mood, she looked up and just saw Sharapova pulling Li Wan and wanting to take a photo.


It was not only her who secretly cursed in her heart, but also Kim Kardashian.

Sharapova, who is 1.88 meters tall, stands next to Li Wan, and has the feeling of “golden boy and jade girl in the sports world”.

Scarlett looked at Li Wan and smiled like a root grass, and couldn’t help but slander her stomach: Why don’t you feel that people are old now?

She just checked Sharapova’s age, 87 years old, a full year older than Li Wan!

Is there a difference between being three years older than her?

Bah, scumbag!

After finishing the photoshoot, Li Wan glanced at Scarlett and walked next to her.

The two gossip girlfriends, Kim Kardashian and Scarlett, Li Wan’s attitude towards the two is still very different, at least in Scarlett, he can feel the latter’s affection for him.

Kim Kardashian simply wanted to take advantage of his fame during this time.

Therefore, in the face of Scarlett, he is still willing to take the initiative, even if he has rejected the latter, but he does not feel that Scarlett really came to watch the ball.

She knows a ball!

“Shouldn’t you be on the crew at this time? Li Wan came to her and chatted with her like no one.

Scarlett deliberately rolled her eyes to express her dissatisfaction before she spoke: “Do you think everyone is like you, and they still need to work for Christmas?” ”

Li Wan nodded thoughtfully: “So can you help me write a letter of complaint complaining that the alliance has violated my rest time, so that I don’t have to stand on the sidelines and talk to you who are sitting…”

Scarlett smiled and was successfully amused.

Kim Kardashian: Bitch!

Li Wan walked towards Auden and them again, just looking at their lewd looks, and reached out an international greeting gesture from far away.

Who knows that at this time, the big screen just cut to his shot, or a close-up.

His gesture was unobstructed, the scene was in an uproar, and the director hurriedly showed his hand speed.

Li Wan walked up to them with some chagrin, and said to this brother angrily: “If I am fined, you will pay for it!” ”

The main point was Auden.

This buddy’s annual salary in his first season is more than 4 million, which is bigger than his fourth year of contract!

Auden smiled cheekily, before this game started, he watched a big drama of Li Wan’s “Asura Field”, for him, just what happened before the game, it was already in vain that he ran from Portland.

Li Wan originally planned to say hello to Taylor Swift, but think that they are also on the same side, or don’t cause trouble to others.

Taking off his jacket, Li Wan officially began training.

Kim Kardashian’s expression was embarrassed.

Li Wan said hello to another gossip girlfriend, but did not come to say hello to her.

This person is really ruthless!

Kim Kardashian once again recognized the degree of “scumbag” of Li Wan!

Obviously three or four hours ago, she just called her father, and turned her head as if it hadn’t happened…

You ask Scarlett, does she call daddy?

Never mind……

Or don’t rub it off!

Kim Kardashian felt Li Wan’s repeated refusal, and her heart was a little retreated.

She has posted it all like this, and this man still can’t take the initiative a little. With her current fame, there is no need to do this at all!

Otherwise, forget it?

This thought was born and gradually became stronger.

Pierce sat on the bench and said in Rajan-Rondo’s ear: “Rajan, give that Chinese rookie a little color later!” ”

He and Li Wan have no personal grudges, it’s just…

Li Wan is too dashing!

Another photo with Sharapova, another chatting with Scarlett on the sidelines, and even a Kim Kardashian watching him from afar!

As a kid growing up in Los Angeles, this is simply his dream life!

Fate played a joke on him, let him grow up in Los Angeles, but became the core of the Celtics, every time he came to Los Angeles, he heard boos!

“Okay, rookie, what did you do on the sidelines just now, I’ll watch it, if you can’t win this game…” Kobe Bryant didn’t finish speaking, so he walked to the court first, but his eyes kept looking at him, that look was meaningful.

Is it really appropriate to say these words before playing?

No wonder you can’t always be a qualified locker room leader!

Li Wan complained in his heart, and was also ready to play, Vujasich secretly came over: “The game is over, can you help me introduce and get to know Sharapova?” ”


Dare to love the two of you for the moon is always me?

Li Wan didn’t answer, but just patted him the shoulder in response.

Vujasić thought he agreed.

Half-time cheers and half-court boos, players from both sides officially stepped onto the field.

The Lakers starters remain unchanged.

The Celtics’ starting lineup is No. 1 Rajon Rondo, No. 2 Ray Allen, No. 3 Paul Pierce, No. 4 Kevin Garnett, No. 5 Kendrick Perkins;

It is the Celtics, with these five people at the core, who have become veritable “big devils” this season!

As of this game, the Celtics have averaged 12 points per game!

For reference, the Lakers, who are also the first in the West, have averaged only 8 points per game so far, which is already very good, but the dominance of the opposite side is more terrifying!

It was Kevin Garnett and Bynum who jumped the ball.

The two men stood opposite each other, and Kevin Garnett stared fiercely at Bynum.

This kid’s pre-game rhetoric, he has already heard.

“Then come on, let me see what your new shark is capable of! ”

Bynum was about to answer, but the referee blew the whistle at this time, the ball flew to the highest point, and Kevin Garnett’s attention was all on the ball, and he took the lead in dialing the ball to the Celtics’ camp.

Rajan Rondo holds the ball forward.

Looking at the green army’s majestic and vigorous appearance, in the CCTV-5 studio that explained this game, Director Zhang, who must arrive at the live broadcast of the Lakers’ game, frowned slightly: “This Celtics is recognized as the favorite to win the championship, and it is not easy for the Lakers to pass this time.” ”

Next to him today is not Su Qun, but Sun Zhengping, the “founder of nonsense flow explanation” who is good at cheering for him.

Seeing his words fall, Sun Zhengping held up his small glasses and replied, “Director Zhang, what you said!” ”


Director Zhang actually doesn’t like to cooperate with Sun Zhengping very much, this product licks him too much, and sometimes he has to deepen his understanding for him…

Rajon Rondo held the ball for half the court, habitually looking for the three big guys in the team, but his eyes swept over Li Wan in front of him, and suddenly found that something was wrong, this guy defended me, and it seemed to be a little away… Far away, right?

Rajan-Rondo had to take at least two steps to get close to Li Wan.

This means…

Cast off?

How despising my shots are!

Mike Conley turned to look at the two college teammates sitting next to him, they were also a little confused, what kind of defense is this?

Especially Conley, yesterday he asked Li Wan to be careful to pull Jane Rondo, and this product nodded solemnly.

Is this called being careful?

Rajan Rondo’s calm brain was slightly hot because of Li Wan’s opening move. He glanced at Pierce, you should have just said, let me teach this rookie a good lesson, right?

Pierce, who had come to catch the ball, noticed this scene and slipped back to the flank.

Rajan Rondo raised his hand and threw it.

“Bang” sounded.

“Oh, I really dare not enter! Director Zhang smiled, “Li Wandu put it like that, this Rajan-Rondo, it’s really no basket!” ”

Kevin Garnett successfully got the offensive rebound, separated Odom, and scored on the second offense!

Sun Zhengping shouted: “Good ball, the first goal of the Celtics team was by Garnett, no, it seems to be, no, oh, it was Garnett who scored, the score was 2-0!” ”

The backcourt ball was given to Li Wan’s hands.

Watching him hold the ball, the live director got busy again, and came a quick trifecta, and the camera slid past Scarlett, Kim Kardashian, and Sharapova, who had just looked for a photo with Li Wan.

A flash of ruthlessness flashed on Rondo’s “poker face”.

Li Wangang’s defense was undoubtedly a humiliation for him. It’s just that before he could figure out how to defend Li Wan, the ball had been thrown by Li Wan to Kobe.

Paul Pierce vs. Kobe Bryant.

After a rough observation, Kobe Bryant half-turned, carried Pierce to the high post, noticed that Kevin Garnett wanted to fill the defense, he immediately hit the ground, accurately from Kevin Garnett’s side to the basket.

Garnett intended to make a steal with his foot, but unfortunately it didn’t work out.

Odom turned around and scored the basket!

2-2 draw!

“Good ball! Sun Zhengping’s voice in the studio became louder again, “Kobe Bryant passed the ball from the three-point line, and Bryant on the bottom line received the ball and turned around to complete the layup!”

Guidance Zhang: …

This is the second reason why he does not want to partner with Sun Zhengping, with him, Director Zhang is really, there is no room to play at all.

Back on, the Celtics attacked.

Li Wan still had the same defensive style, and put two steps away.

It’s no wonder he “looks down” on Rondo so much, it’s really that this guy’s shooting ability is too urgent.

Compared with his shooting ability, Li Wan is more afraid of this kid’s breakthrough ability.

His speed, combined with terrifying reach, and big hands, makes it easy to trick defenders into scoring with passing feints.

The “fake fax breakthrough” in the breakthrough was originally Allen Iverson’s signature, and Rajon Rondo used this trick, and the effect was no worse than him.

This round, Rondo regained his composure and dealt the card to Paul Pierce.

Paul Pierce vs Kobe Bryant, this offensive and defensive switch, he attack, Kobe defends.

This season has definitely been a year of fame for Pierce, and before this summer, when it comes to the league’s great small forward, his name is usually the one that is forgotten.

But this year, with the arrival of Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen, the Celtics’ record has improved, and everyone has discovered that there is such a skilled flanker in the league.

It was also at this time that Paul Pierce shared the title of “offensive kaleidoscope” with Anthony.

“You can’t stop me! ”

“I know, you can’t stop me! ”

“I will beat you! ”

“I can definitely beat you! ”

Paul Pierce keeps repeating in his mouth, which is characteristic of his trash talk, repeating a sentence back and forth.

After the observation, he leaned on his big belly and slowly crushed inside, and when Kobe turned around, his hand was almost on his eyes, and the ball still went into the basket.


Kobe Bryant is a very good defender, but judging from several times in his career against Paul Pierce, he has not been successful in defending the latter, which he later mentioned in his autobiography, Paul Pierce is a really difficult guy to defend.

This is perhaps the biggest gap between him and Michael Jordan.

You must know that Jordan came back in 01, at the age of 38, he still put Paul Pierce’s doubtful life.

This may be why Kobe Bryant entered the All-Defensive First Team 9 times, but did not win the “Best Defensive Player Award”, and he is indeed a little short of the top outside defender.

This gap, or maybe it’s all in the size of the hand…

There are only a few outside players who have won the “Best Defensive Player Award”, and they all have a pair of big hands without exception!

Li Wan did not give the ball to Kobe Bryant this time, in the first two rounds, he was attacking and defending, Li Wan had to help him calculate his physical fitness, and he couldn’t use too much force at the beginning, which is also the duty of the No. 1 position.

Kobe Bryant doesn’t know if he acquiesced to all the commands of Li Wan when he was in the No. 1 position, anyway, now Li Wan didn’t mean to give the ball, he honestly stayed on the flank.


Run over, but also let Li Wan wave his hand, “live broadcast in the United States”, he should show his belly as the boss!

Bynum stuck inside and Lee Wan gave him the ball.

At the same time that he had the ball, Perkins also began to exert his strength.

03 The “Platinum Generation” is full of talent, and few people know that Perkins is also the second-round show of the 03 generation.

At the same time, he, like Bynum, was a high school student in the draft.

Confrontation is his strength.

2.08 meters tall, but 122 kg!

The whole one “soybean oil barrel” …

However, he is facing the statically talented Bynum, and the 2.13-meter-tall “little shark” weighs 129kg!

His advantage also happens to be Bynum’s advantage.

The “little shark” carried Perkins and went to the basket, then twisted and jumped, only to bump into Kevin Garnett’s big hand.

“Snap! ”

Fierce big hat, a slap ball fan flew outside the three-point line.


Kevin Garnett was excited and excited, but he just put on a pose, just out of his mouth, a purple and gold robe into the basket, he was so scared that his throat was split, and he hurried back to the basket.

But he can only watch the Lakers No. 91, who has jumped, complete the attack.

4-4 draws!

“Oh, Li Wan, this dunk, oh no, sorry, this layup, it’s so fast!” ”

Sun Zhengping shouted “good ball” again!

Director Zhang just wanted to say something, but when he heard him say “good ball”, he licked his lips and stopped talking.

It was Celtic’s turn again, and Rajon Rondo’s dealings were given to Ray Allen this time, and although the two men had contradictions behind, the cooperation at the moment was quite friendly.

Ray Allen faced the belated Luke Wharton and hit a three-pointer!


The Celtics’ “Big Three” packed the first seven points of the game.

Phil Jackson looked solemnly at the field.

The appearance of the Lakers’ first three attacks is three words: can’t be prevented!

Kobe Bryant couldn’t keep Pierce, he didn’t have rebounding inside, and Walker Wharton couldn’t keep up with Ray Allen.

It’s just about offense to win…

“Bang! ”

Watching Bynum turn around and bounce out of the frame under the interference of Kevin Garnett, Phil Jackson felt also hanging.

In the studio, the knowledgeable Sun Zhengping watched Kevin Garnett once again use his defensive achievements and began to introduce the player: “Garnett has been selected to the All-Star team several times, won the MVP, and has appeared in the All-Star Game. ”

Rondo again gave the ball to Ray Allen, who was observed to be the easiest of the “Big Three” to get rid of, and he was also the easiest to score at this time.

Wharton was thrown away again, but fortunately Li Wan made up for it, Ray Allen had his feet off the ground, and in the face of Li Wan’s hand that was almost in front of him, he could only move his wrist and raise the arc of the ball flying out.

This ball is a bit difficult.

But still flew into the basket.


Phil Jackson immediately called out a timeout.

Today’s second change, 8,000 words, today is also an update of 10,000

(End of chapter)

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