105 – Good Change, Bad Change

The meeting with Archduke Littorio ended in a very satisfying way.

‘… Is not it. Maybe it was just me who was satisfied?’

When I think about it now, there is no feeling that I went a little overboard.

It is not only the size of the gym, that is, the size of the gym, but the equipment inside is also important.

A shower room should also be installed. You should also install better cooling and heating enchantments, and whatnot.

In less than 5 minutes, they literally poured out opinions like demands.

In front of the person who said that he would make a donation, he told me to spend a lot of money.

Even so, Archduke Littorio accepted everything without showing anything.

I’m really grateful, so did you listen to everything or do you have other ideas?

I’m not sure, but the most important thing was that I accepted and listened.

‘A more spacious gym. Gym with more equipment. A gym with showers right next door.’

Only those thoughts filled Kyle’s mind as he sat in front of the balloon after returning to the gymnasium.

It’s still wide enough, but a gym even bigger than this. A new instrument is coming!

I still have about an hour to spare before I go to see the saintess.

I was going to do some light upper body work, but I can’t concentrate.

‘They told me to order the equipment from the north. The bottom allows for ground dead. The shower room should be made as wide as possible to reduce uncomfortable elements. That way, people who exercise are also comfortable.’

Because I only think about it, all I am doing is barbell curls.

I tried to do other movements, but when I am lost in thought, I am only doing barbell curls again.

It wasn’t long before I realized that I was in no condition to exercise.

Keep, Kyle spat out and fell into trouble.

Time is running out. But she can’t concentrate when you exercise.

After thinking for a moment, Kyle nods her head as if she remembered something.

Then she immediately took her clothes and moved her steps somewhere.

‘I heard that there was a sorcery club. Shall we go take a look?’

Is it because the university in the real world was used as a motif?

In the academy, there was a group called a club.

And according to what I heard, after the last academy raid incident, witchcraft was re-examined, and as a result, a witchcraft club was established. Of course, the head of the club was Tisha.

“Excuse me.”

When you open the door to the sorcery club room and enter, some students greet Kyle.

Two freshmen, two sophomores. And one for each of the 3rd and 4th graders.

The one thing they had in common was that they were all commoner students.

“Uh, uh uh! Kyle! Kyle John Nassen!”

“This is the real Kyle John Nassen!!”

Yes, Kyle John Nassen. So, can you put away your eyes like you’re looking at the main character of a special show?

“Hello. This is a shaman club, right?”

“Yes. Oh, did you come to see Miss Tisha by any chance?”

I didn’t even mention the story of Tisha, but suddenly the story of Tisha comes up.

To that, Kyle answered, ‘Ah, yes’ without even realizing it.

“Miss Tisha went to the library a while ago. The shaman club activity ended a little while ago. The rest of us were sorting out books. Please go to the library.”

“Ah… Yes. Okay. I’m rooting for you.”

Originally, I came to see the shaman club. Now that I think about it, it’s a little like that without Tisha.

It’s a bit burdensome to laugh and talk in front of people you don’t know at all.

I don’t know if it’s a famous supporting actor, but it’s not that either.

I accidentally headed to the library this time to see Tisha.

That’s where she is. Of course, it’s on the 5th floor where her witchcraft books are.

Climbing the stairs and reaching the 5th floor, Kyle tilted his head.

‘As interest in witchcraft increases, I thought more students would come….’

There is nothing different from before. It was a floor with no one but the librarian. Very quiet

Seeing even the librarian dozed off, it seems that there is no traffic at all.

It was popular for a short while, but it seems to have subsided again.

Isn’t it a waste to spend more time on magic when there is already a great tool called magic?

Actually, I expected that to happen. Isn’t there more certain magic than uncertain magic?

It seems to have potential, but so far magic is far above it.

Perhaps Tisha also acknowledges that part.

‘Maybe that’s why Tisha is focusing more on witchcraft.’

How much did she grow with the book she found?

I want to ask, but I want to confirm, but I am a stranger to witchcraft.

Even if I hear it, I can’t understand it, so I’ll ask.


Call the name with the lowest possible voice. But no answer comes back.

I go around her and look for her who will be immersed in her witchcraft today.

Soon after, Kyle was able to find the tooth he was looking for.


Are you trying to take out the book at the top of the bookshelf?

Tisha reaching out as she climbs her ladder. She is, but she looks a bit dangerous that way.

‘How can I get over it… I’m not going to do that!!’

Did she say words become seeds? Did she say her mouth was square?

The moment Tisha reached out her hand a little more, her ladder swayed violently.

As a result, Tisha, who was at the top of her body, was shaken, and it was only natural for Tisha to fall as her weight shifted.

If you fall like this, you could be seriously injured.

She may injure her muscles or bones if she lands on the wrong bump.

Since the floor is marble, it would be a big deal if she fell head first.

Fortunately, Kyle belonged to an axis that had a faster body than expected.




The sound of a ladder falling and the sound of books falling are heard together.

Tisha blinked her eyes and wondered what had happened to her now.

“What are you doing?”

“Car, Kyle?”

She realized that she was in Kyle’s arms.

Since we were idly hugged, a slightly stern look and a voice flew in.

“It’s not even comfortable clothes, even wearing high-heeled shoes. And then you climb her ladder, are you crazy?”

Only then did Tisha realize that as her ladder fell over, she fell herself.

At that moment, she even knew that Kyle had quickly accepted her.

“I almost got into trouble.”

Kyle clicked her tongue and reached out to her side.

And then, Tisha shook the black shoes she was wearing.

Her heels are quite high, which is definitely not what she normally wears.

“Don’t ever climb a ladder wearing something like this.”

“Yes, yes. Sorry. Kyle.”

“The same goes for clothes. Wearing such baggy clothes… Ha. Really, you almost got hurt.”

Tisha is wearing a black dress that is not what she normally wears.

It’s not even a regular dress. It is the kind that shows off the charm of a woman in great quality fabric.

There was so much flesh to be seen that all the male students looked at her with disdainful eyes.

“Aren’t you hurt anywhere?”

“Yes. Thanks What about Kyle?”

“It’s fine. Except I was a little surprised.”

Kyle pokes her side as if to ask her to step out of the way now.

Startled, Tisha hurried away without even putting on her shoes.

“Thank you. Kyle.”

“No big deal.”

Kyle’s voice is a bit chilly when he replies.

An extremely helpless response as Jon Nassen, who values her body.

But from Tisha’s point of view, since she doesn’t know that, she has no choice but to know what to do.

With a timid gesture, he picks up the fallen books.

She puts her ladder right next to her and whimpers inwardly, ‘Huh!’.

“Your clothes are pretty.”

Did she even notice that she had a cold voice?

Tisha turns her head as Kyle passes by behind her.

“Yes… ?”

“The clothes are pretty.”

“Ah, ah….”

“Did anything happen today?”

Tisha shook her head at Kyle’s question.

“With the sudden increase in interest in witchcraft, more people are watching me. But if I wear it the way I usually do, will I be ridiculed for being a commoner? .”

So, will there be a lot of ridicule in proportion to the attention and attention pouring out?

So she was saying that she was paying attention to the clothes she had been neglecting.

After listening to Tisha, I understood why she was wearing such a fancy dress and shoes.

“… Still, this is a bit excessive. First of all, the dress is too revealing and too profuse. Just wear it the way you usually wear it. Tisha is still pretty enough.”

“Oh, yes. Yes. I will let you do that.”

Tisha frantically nodded at Kyle’s words.

Actually, there is one more. Why did you dress like this?

The second reason she couldn’t bear to tell Kyle that she was wearing such an embarrassing outfit.

It was because she was awake after the women’s meeting not long ago.

‘My closest friend. Good till there But if we remain friends until the end….’

That sounds a little, no, a little too sad. And it seems to be very difficult.

In order not to be like that, I realized that something had to change.

So she looked at the clothes of the aristocratic students attending the party, and also looked at various books.

What is the look that can capture men’s hearts, no, Kyle’s? Do.

‘She said she was pretty enough even if she was normal.’

From Kyle’s point of view, I said it in the sense that you shouldn’t climb the ladder in that outfit.

However, there were plenty of omissions in the situation and words, so there was plenty of misunderstanding.

Above all, it’s not that Kyle himself doesn’t have feelings for Tisha.

Unbeknownst to me, words containing a bit of sincerity had to come out.

“… Me, Kyle.”

And in line with that trend, Tisha also decided to show some courage.

“Maybe. So, really. One in a million I’m really asking just in case.”

“Yes, Tisha. What if, if, what?”

“… Therefore. That….”


Tisha closed her eyes as she grabbed the book she was holding.

And she unconditionally brought out her words that she had decided she would do first.

“Girlfriend… Any thoughts?”

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