147 – When are you going to do it?

Looks too weak, doesn’t it? If you stroke your forearm once, it seems like it will break, right?

Yes, that’s right. The saintess is weak. She never even exercised properly.

Oh my God, this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone try to pass out on a push-up?!

But! We are filling that gap with hard work!

Even though the saintess’s body is weak, her heart is stronger than anyone else’s.

How much effort do you put in? The person who couldn’t do a single push-up is in the right posture! Yeah?!

Without missing a single day, without being a nuisance, taking time apart!

This was Kyle’s message to his father.

And the message went in, just as expected.


Where does that cold impression from a while ago go, and the softly sunken eyes take their place?

Then it was Baron John Nassen, who looked back at Kyle and asked a question.

“… If I had learned exercise from you, it would have been three months at the longest.”


“But in that short period of time, it got better.”

“So that’s what I’m telling you. What a wonderful person. Although he has a weak body by nature, his mindset is several times stronger than that of most people. He is a really kind and good person.”

Then, Baron John Nassen’s expression, which had been hardened a moment ago, was completely relaxed.

A typical northerner who treats the strong and rejects the weak.

However, just because you are unconditionally weak doesn’t mean you reject your opponent.

The important thing is ‘effort’. It is the effort to become strong, not to succumb to one’s weakness.

It doesn’t matter if it’s slow or slow. It is important to move on. That’s the effort

The people of Jon Nassen give the effort second only to overwhelming strength.

Even if they are not strong, they are people who love people who work hard.

“Is what Kyle said is true, saintess?”

“Yes? Ah… Yes Yes. Thanks to Brother Kyle, I am much better than before.”

“Is that so? Okay. The saintess is a really nice person.”

Continuing the words from Kyle, this time the same words came from the mouth of Baron John Nassen.

Good minute. Good people. I’ve heard it a lot, but strangely, today it stays stronger.

The words are stuck in a corner of the heart and it tickles the heart.

I can’t get a sense of why I feel so good.

The saintess barely held back her laughter, which kept trying to squeeze her lips out.

“Thank you. Baron!”

The cold eyes she had been looking at herself suddenly changed to warm.

While the saintess was relieved at that change, she looked at Kyle who was beside her.

Yes. She knew this Kyle was just trying to take care of himself.

Thank you so much for stepping out for yourself like that.

‘It’s warm.’

Kyle’s smile as she smiles at herself is so warm.

Good minute. Such a good person She is the kind of person that makes you want to be around her.

“By the way.”

Baron John Nassen suddenly rose from his seat.

Then he approaches the saintess and grabs her arm.

Looking around is like a swordsman.

“Your arms are too thin. The thighs are also too thin. It is very nice to see that you are working hard. But there are things that can’t be done with effort. Your body should be able to follow. Unfortunately, the saintess’s body is not in a very good condition for exercising.”

Afterwards, Baron John Nassen continued to preach sermons while looking around the saintess’ body.

If another man had done this, nine out of ten paladins would have vomited.

How dare you say something rude to the saint? Where is she putting her hand?

But now none of the paladins opened their mouths.

The biggest reason is that he got tired of Baron John Nassen’s overwhelming momentum.

Other than that, one of the reasons was that the baron was not showing disrespectful feelings toward the saintess, but was just saying things like exercise, effort, or her muscles and bones.

“Do you know? Effort is effort, but physical condition is also important. That’s why diet is also important by itself. From what I’ve heard, members of the denomination don’t eat that much, but their bodies can’t stand it. Of course, my son will lead me well, but there is nothing more unfair and regrettable than having my body break down while exercising.”

“Joe, thanks for the advice. Baron!”

The saintess literally has a dumbfounded expression.

The baron, who had been taciturn until now, seemed surprised to suddenly become more talkative.

Even after that, Baron John Nassen continued to talk about exercise methods, diet, and other parts.

Seeing that scene, even the John Nassen kids open their eyes wide and exclaim, “Hey!”

In the end, Kyle said, “Father. Please stop.’ I had to say.

“Kuhm. Hmm.”

I wonder if he realized that he talked too much.

After clearing his throat a few times, the baron finished by saying, ‘May you proceed well.’

“Are you done?”

Old man Neil, who had been watching from the sidelines, slightly parted his lips.

And then heh heh! I look at the saintess with a smile.

“The baron spoke a little differently than usual. It seems that the efforts the saintess showed were very impressive.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Originally, most people tend to give in to their limitations and settle for complacency. Especially for those who don’t need to make a lot of effort, like the saintess. That’s why the baron likes it so much.”


Baron John Nassen calls out to old Neil in a low, subdued voice.

It means to stop saying useless things that make you feel hot just by looking at them.

At that, old man Neil smiled and stepped back.


Priscilla cautiously came to her side and called her.

A while ago, a knight from the Empire approached and whispered something, but something seems to be happening.

“The corps commander wants to express his gratitude to the saintess. I think she can go to the command barracks.”

“I’m fine. At that time, I would rather visit the injured and comfort them….”

“They have already done that. They say that the wounded have repeatedly emphasized that they want to say thank you for making the stories of the saintess and her priests dry up.”

‘Then… It would be nice to see you,’ the saintess nodded her head.

Before taking her steps into her command barracks, she bows her head once more, looking at her Baron.

“It was great to meet you. I hope to see you next time, Father.”

With those words, the saintess and Priscilla disappear first.

Baron John Nassen, who was staring at the two women, opened his mouth.

“Kyle. Is it really not okay? Even if you don’t use one hand….”

“Please, please. Father. Why are you like this?”

I wonder if the problem was that I showed a little sincerity to the drug ogre yesterday.

Since that stern person keeps begging me, I can’t get used to it from Kyle’s point of view.

The curse of John Nassen is to turn a blind eye to a fight with the strong.

He thought his father would put up with that much, though.

“Isn’t he the leader of the Order of the Holy Knights?”

“So, what my father said was, ‘I won’t move for too long, and if I don’t, I might not be able to fight if it’s not now, so I want to compete right away.’ Isn’t that right?”



“Yes, Kyle.”

“Be patient.”

It was Baron John Nassen who drool at Kyle’s cold words.

An existence that literally changes the arc, making the fairly strong out of things.

However, he was also a father who secretly had weak attributes to his children.

After barely drying Baron John Nassen, let his children cling.

Once the kids stick together, those thoughts will disappear in an instant.

‘More than that… If I’m not mistaken, didn’t I say father?’

She’s not a princess, and I didn’t expect her saintess to say something like that.

When I first heard it, I unknowingly flinched and my body trembled.

Neil’s old man also reacted a little, but clearly. My father… I don’t know.

‘Isn’t it? Kyle’s father, he must have meant something like this because he was just getting to know you better?’

hahahaha! Yes! That’s just what he meant!

The saintess’ father simply meant Kyle’s father….

‘Does that make sense, you asshole?’

Unfortunately, he is not the typical male lead in romance novels.

Read at readwn.com

Just looking at it, can’t you see the reason why he secretly called him father?

If you look at her coy words and actions that the saintess had shown before, there is only one meaning.

‘It’s a war. It was a four-way battle, not a three-way battle.’

His own karma has increased by one more.

My favorite character is participating in the war. Should I be happy about this or not?

Wouldn’t it be better for a saintess to remain as her own saintess?

If you jump into her battle, you will find that she is a little different from the saintess you have known so far.

I shouldn’t even open my eyes to strange things because I look like a princess.

‘Come to think of it, didn’t they even say they were friends?’

No doubt. Different ages, different personalities, all different.

Weirdly, we became close again, so we said we were friends now.

‘Princess. Please. Don’t inject strange things into our saintess.’

It was Kyle whose ominousness was doubling.


“You looked happy.”


At Priscilla’s words, her saintess looked at her.

She noticed that she didn’t quite understand what I was talking about.

She said, “It looked fun. I mean, when I saw Baron John Nassen.”

“Ah… Yes. It was fun. He’s the first person I’ve met, and he’s Brother Kyle’s father. I was a little worried because it was often expressed as a strange existence in the world, but it wasn’t. Rather, he was a very good person. So it feels good. I am one of the few who know the truth.”

At the saintess’ answer, Priscilla suddenly smiled.


“Ah. No. Holy Maiden.”

“Why? Why did you laugh tell me.”

“It’s really nothing.”

That’s not all that makes me feel good.

Are you pretending not to know, or are you unconsciously avoiding it?

Priscilla just laughed at the saintess’ cute answer.

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