161 – Prince has already been decided?


Two men and women, Kyle and Elgar, are silently walking down the aisle.

Whether it was a coincidence or an intention, the two rooms were located in similar places.

Thanks to that, the way back to the room overlapped exactly.

Ttogak Ttogak-.

The Princess of Litto Rio quietly follows right behind her.

Several times Kyle resisted the desire to turn around and take her luck.

‘He must have something to say.’

If she was the Elgar she knew, she should have opened her mouth already.

But until this very moment when she left the banquet hall and walked down the aisle, Elgar hadn’t said a word.

She just goes back to her room with her lips tightly shut.

In the meantime, I reached the room that Littorio gave me.

She hesitated to talk about it now, but as expected, she didn’t say anything.

“Let’s go in first.”

The other Kyle held onto her doorknob in front of her own room and said that.

She meant to say something quickly, but Elgar didn’t answer.

All I could do was look at Kyle in front of me with strange eyes.

I feel awkward for no reason, so I open the door and enter, clearing my throat.

And just as he was about to close the door with a good night greeting.


Suddenly, the door swung open, and Elgar came inside before he could block it.

“Mr. Elga?”

Kyle is flustered by the sudden situation and calls Elgar.

But she went inside as if she didn’t care about Kyle’s calling.

She hurriedly followed her and Elgar had her ass pinned to the sofa in the middle of her room.

Not anywhere else, but inside the Grand Duchess of Littorio.

There are people from Littorio everywhere.

There’s nothing good about useless words, so it’s right to send them out quickly.

It could be a disadvantage in the fight for the successor.

“Elga-sama. If you say anything useless, you can lose money, so hurry up….”

“What did you mean by that?”

Elgar asks a question with sparkling eyes reminiscent of fireworks.

She must have caught her guess too. She just wants to confirm.

She seemed to want to gain confidence from Kyle’s own mouth, not from anyone else’s.

“If you say something like that….”

“The words that you will always be by my side.”

At Elgar’s question, Kyle looks at her without saying anything.

“If I am not mistaken, your answer. I guess that’s what I wanted.”

What I wanted. Kyle knows exactly what that means.

No need to hide. She has no reason to back down. She just really needs to move on now.

“I am not mistaken. Elgar is right.”

“I am right.”

“The feelings that Elgar has for me. I feel like I’m just at the starting line. So, I came to the conclusion to start the election properly at the starting line.”

After hearing her answer, Elgar slightly narrowed her eyes.

She then looked at Kyle, who was sitting across from her, and parted her lips.

“… More than I imagined… How to say It doesn’t feel right.”

I think I can roughly understand what I imagined without explaining it.

A pure heart, even if it’s not the affectionate feelings between a man and a woman that stem from it.

Did you at least know how to whisper your love while holding on to your beating heart?

In a very rigid atmosphere like now, it’s only natural.

“Perhaps so, Elgar-sama. Right now, I’m worried that you’ll let go of something else, more than anything else, so I deliberately held your hand.”

“What do you mean? Do you think it’s because of you that I’m trying to become a grand duke?”

“Isn’t that so?”

Of course not. I also have what I want. I have a dream. That’s why I want to become a grand duke. I want to say

Confidently, but something gets caught in my chin or neck and won’t come out.

I instinctively figured it out. That’s what the woman’s intuition said.

If I hide my heart here again, the opportunity will never come.

I have to keep that person’s heart by my side somehow at this moment.

“… All, not all One… half. Yes! About half?!”

An honest answer from Elgar. Kyle gave him a small smile.

Then she sits down next to Elgar and gently holds her hand.

“Elga-sama. I really wanted to ask you before. Why am I good?”

“Yes? That’s it, you’re the only one for me… Ah! Wait a minute! Tea, don’t get me wrong! You see, I joined hands with you for political reasons as well!”

“I see.”

“Wow! All, you too! You are just like me. Because she is the princess of the grand duchess. Because Littorio bumped into John Nassen. You’re sticking with me to use those parts, right?!”

“That’s true, but even if Elgar-sama hadn’t been a princess of the Grand Duchess of Littorio, I think he would have tried to stay close to you for some other reason.”

Then, Elgar looked at Kyle with a surprised expression on her face.

The meaning of what you just said is sincere is clearly visible.

“No way, because I am the Princess of Littorio, would you hold my hand? Would you have stayed by my side because you wanted the Grand Duke? I’m not a kid who’s crazy about power. It’s because your opponent is you. Because you, Elga-sama. That’s why I was there.”

There are obviously many gaps, many parts that need to be fixed, and there are some stupid aspects.

Despite all that, Elgar is definitely a good woman. She has reasons to be loved.

She has her own charm. The charm of Elgar is the coexistence of sharpness and stupidity. She is there

She’s strong-willed, smart, and has the courage to execute.

At the same time, I still have a weak part, so I want to rely on it.

To give a shoulder to someone who is looking for someone to rely on.

I thought it wouldn’t be too bad since I first met Elgar.

“I like Elgar. So I want you to rise to the grand duke. She wanted to become a Grand Duke, so I’m sorry for you and Grand Duke Littorio, but she completely suppressed Young master.”

Anyway, the successor who will take over the Grand Duke must be determined as soon as possible.

If that’s the case, I’ll have to decide who I am. It’s good if my woman becomes a grand duke.

I am not greedy for politics. It’s just that Elgar wants to become a grand duke.

She pushes her as hard as she can because she wants to.

Is this called foreign aid? Anyway, there is a saying that good is good.

And wouldn’t it be nice to make the harem a little bigger as John Nassen!

“I do whatever I want to do. I will do my best to help you. You wanted to be a grand duke, right? There must have been things I wanted to do as a grand duke. Try everything. I will help you.”

At Kyle’s words, Elgar smiled, meaning he couldn’t stop it. She

She Then she says, ‘I think I’m using you to the end because I want to be a grand duke,’ she murmurs.

So what? Kyle tilted her head and opened her mouth with a smile.

“That is not entirely wrong. You meant to use it in the first place, right?”

“Chuck, it was only the first time! Not anymore!”

“Really? Can’t you believe it?”

“No! Really! Not really!”

Kong-kong, Elgar patted Kyle on the shoulder.

Of course, it was a half-joking, half-charming fluff with no power at all.

“By the way, Miss Elgar. Has she made up her mind?”

“What are you determined to do?”

“You know. That her line of competitors is formidable.”

At Kyle’s words, Elgar sighs and says, “Ah.”

The princess, the saint, and even the witch. The women I have met so far come to mind in order.

Tisha, whom she considered the most easy opponent, realized that she was not an easy opponent.

It should be, but the princess and the saint will be twice as difficult opponents.

To be honest, I think it would be a bit difficult even if I were to become a grand duke.

Elgar, who was whining in the middle of it, woo! She does and she lashes out.

“I’ll think about that later. I don’t need anything right now, I just want to think of you and me.”

Having said that, Elgar climbed onto Kyle’s lap before he could react.

Anyone can see that this is a very strange attitude. It’s not enough to rush onto the bed right now.

Of course, the lights in the room are not even turned on properly, leading to a dark atmosphere.

“I wonder if you’re going to hug me right now?”

If Archduke Littorio saw this scene, wouldn’t he immediately raise his fist?

While saying that he could not have meant this by continuing to help by his side.

“I’m fine. Kyle, as long as I like you.”

This princess is real. You’re trying to slow down too much.

Arthur. Because this is something that even the action faction among the action faction, the princess, couldn’t do.

And we’re not even married, so we’re both buried.

“Stop it. You are just at the starting line, so is it possible to win a trophy?”

“That is also true. Then… For now, I will be satisfied with this.”

A soft yet warm energy that touches your cheeks.

With her face dyed in a nice red light, Elgar smiled her eyes.

“Don’t be too late. Because I don’t like waiting. If you’re late, I’ll run over and forcefully drag you through the finish line. You know what I mean?”

With that said, Elgar tried to stand up from her seat.

This is enough. Now that she’s heard the answer, she thinks she’s a little relieved.


Until all of a sudden, Kyle grabbed her hand and she made her sit back.

The woman sighed again and sat next to the man.

She must have been a little surprised, but Elgar, who blinked her eyes, carefully opened her mouth.


“Let’s wait a little longer.”

Elgar’s face turns red at the unexpected words.

Even though you’ve already received a clear refusal? The thought raises her head….

“To talk, and also to do some simple bare-body exercises.”

“No, hey? The story is good, but why is there a movement in between!”

For some reason, the best rivals are not reckless princesses, pure saints, or opportunistic witches.

Couldn’t it be that John Nassen who pops up all the time and throws it all away?

Suddenly, such a thought came to Elgar.

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