"Okay, everything is arranged by the teacher." Chen Xuan smiled.

Lu Xiaojia was very satisfied with Chen Xuan's attitude, and couldn't help but have a little more confidence in Chen Xuan. She was late and delayed Chen Xuan's course time. Instead of being dissatisfied or complaining at all, Chen Xuan looked serious.

This learning attitude is really rare.

Unfortunately, it can be seen from his choice of exercises that his brain circuit is a bit strange, and his future achievements are destined to not be too high.

"The first exam for freshmen is very important. When you were in elementary schools, you only learned about physical fitness and some basic things. The road of martial arts, training qualifications and foundations do not mean everything. If you have any other aspects. Talent makes it easier to achieve something. So these courses are very important, it allows you to understand what talent you have.”

"If you are talented in crafting, then you can get a high score in the crafting course, and the school will focus on cultivating you in this area; if you are more talented in the training of pets, then after just a few days of the course , your grades will be far better than others.”

"It makes sense for the academy to select talented students in this way. After all, martial artists who can cultivate pets of war, or are good at planting spiritual plants, and are good at refining weapons, alchemy, and even mind power, are definitely better than those who know nothing. The advantages will go further in the future.”

"Excellent candidates will enter the attention of some high-level teachers, and the tutors will also plan the future path for him based on the performance of his students."

"I understand!" Chen Xuan said.

It is the same routine to select various talents through examinations.

No wonder there are thousands of courses in colleges, just to identify individual talents.

Lu Xiaojia added: "Don't worry, although we only have two days left, the teacher will definitely teach each other. The teacher has won the first place in these two courses before, and he has not fallen behind. Two days is enough to teach you."

Speaking of this, she was a little embarrassed and said: "Actually, teachers are also selfish, students have good grades, and teachers naturally have face, and the school also has performance appraisals, salaries, and job promotions for teachers. The grades of the students are determined. Therefore, Chen Xuan, your excellent teacher can also follow."

She didn't say one thing, that is, she didn't bring students well last time. The senior management of the university has already had an opinion on her, and even plans to punish her. If she can't bring Chen Xuan this time, she is afraid that she will not be qualified to bring students in the future, and the treatment will be the same. down.

Moreover, this time, she has not contacted Chen Xuan for a long time, and other tutors have already made small reports with the senior management of the school. In this assessment, she must make a comeback.

Even if you don't eat or sleep, you must teach Chen Xuan well.

Chen Xuan's face was solemn: "Teacher Lu, don't worry, I will not embarrass you. I will give you the first test this time."

What else to say with such a good mentor, Chen Xuan has to come back first if he doesn't eat or sleep.

Hearing that Chen Xuan is so confident, Lu Xiaojia finds Chen Xuan more pleasing to the eye, but, of course, it is good to have confidence, but it must also be combined with the actual situation, so don't boast.

She smiled and said: "Don't set such high goals, we have a short time, and we are very happy to be able to get middle and upper teachers."

There are only two days, she is not very demanding, as long as it is not the countdown, it is not ashamed.

She cleared her throat and said, "Let's start right away. Let's start with the course of pet training."

Chen Xuan immediately sat upright, but out of the corner of his eyes he caught sight of the alarm clock hanging on the wall.

"It's lunch time, Mr. Lu, sit down first, I'll cook, let's just take a few bites, and it's not too late for tutoring after dinner."

How could he make the teacher hungry when such a good teacher came to tutor him? He must be entertained.

Lu Xiaojia was about to be polite, but after thinking about it, she still felt that she didn't want to spoil the kindness of the students, so she could just take two bites.

What good meals can boys make? It's good to fry it!

But no matter how unpalatable it is, it’s worth trying it out.

This is what a good teacher should do.

She wants to be a good teacher, this time seriously.

She nodded and said, "Well, that's fine, then I will trouble classmate Chen Xuan."

Chen Xuan cooks very fast, and in a short time, four dishes and one soup are placed on the table.

Dried beans, mixed with shredded lettuce, lettuce with garlic, braised fish, and a crucian carp tofu soup!

With meat and vegetables, there are cold dishes and a thick fish soup.

Lu Xiaojia glanced at Chen Xuan in surprise, this kid's cooking skills are good, just from the color and luster, these dishes greatly increase the appetite.

As for the taste, the strong fragrance floated in her nose, and she couldn't help taking a few deep breaths.

"Mr. Lu, you're welcome." Chen Xuan said hospitable.

The food is all on the table, and if you don't eat it, you will lose face. Besides, although the dishes on this table are simple, most of them are home-cooked dishes, but the appearance is not bad.

"This student of my own is a bit skilled. Maybe the dishes he cooks are delicious."

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaojia was no longer polite, and lightly picked up a dried bean sprout and put it in her mouth, savoring it carefully.

She looked so good-looking when she was eating, Chen Xuan couldn't help but take another look.

As soon as the beans entered, her face suddenly changed: "Huh?"

Chen Xuan hurriedly asked, "Is the food not to the teacher's taste?"

Lu Xiaojia shook her head and said, "The dishes are delicious, but I am surprised that the spiritual energy in the beans is so rich."

She tasted the taste carefully: "The richness of this spiritual energy must exceed that of high-grade spiritual vegetables."

Top-grade spirit vegetables are the vegetables with the most spiritual energy. In a restaurant specializing in spirit food, a single plate will cost hundreds of millions.

Lu Xiaojia is a Venerable Realm Martial Artist. He has eaten countless high-grade spiritual foods, but he does not often eat high-grade spiritual vegetables. The main reason is that restaurants cannot often find high-grade spiritual ingredients and often cut off offerings.

"Chen Xuan, you have something. Do you usually eat such extravagant meals?" she asked curiously.

A low-level warrior of Nayuan Realm can eat such high-grade spiritual vegetables every day. She must not believe it. Could it be that this is specially prepared for herself?

"No, no, this is the first time I have eaten this kind of spiritual vegetable!" Chen Xuan answered honestly.

It is indeed the first time for him to eat this kind of spiritual vegetables. Although there are many spiritual vegetables in the Canggu World Botanical Garden, he has not had time to harvest them. He just went there the day before yesterday and harvested a few tons. Vegetables are all there, put them in the storage space, and plan to eat them often in the future.

This is the first time cooking these spirit vegetables.

"Sure enough, he spent a lot of money and bought it in advance to entertain me."

As he had guessed, Lu Xiaojia was very moved.

Where can I find such a good student? In the future, I must do my best to teach him. Even if Chen Xuan is full of brains, she will try her best to make him a talent.

"You have a heart, classmate Chen Xuan!"

"Chen Xuan, you eat more, these spiritual foods are very helpful for your cultivation." Lu Xiaojia said.

"Okay, Mr. Lu, you're welcome, try this."

"Wow, these shredded bamboo shoots and lettuce are top-quality spiritual foods. The key is that you still cook so deliciously, and you didn't waste such good ingredients."

"Wow, the spirit carp meat of the Venerable Realm is too rare. These two large portions cost a lot of money, right?"

"Student Chen Xuan, the teacher is so moved, but the teacher is also a little angry. Don't waste money like this in the future."

Lu Xiaojia tutted while tasting it, and even persuaded Chen Xuan to eat more.

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