The next day, early morning.

As soon as Chu Bei opened the door, he noticed the strangeness on the street.

Today's streets, without the excitement they should have, have become extremely depressed.

Looking ahead, the shops that were full of people in the past are hurriedly closing their doors.

The pedestrians on the street looked terrified, as if they were afraid of something.

Among them, there are also allow some, like Chu Bei, who don't know anything, are asking anxiously.

"What's wrong with all of you? Panicked!"

"Go home, there is a major event!"

"But Everyone in Xiao Family’s city has been poisoned. The terrifying thing is that the poison will spread to people!"

"Moreover, the death rate is not low! The first poisoned person was discovered in the early morning. , It’s only a few hours, and 9 people have died. The other poisoned people are almost gone."

"As far as I know, these poisoned people first turned black between the eyebrows. , Short of breath, and then the whole body is weak, can only collapse on the bed, dying."

"Because of the extremely contagious nature, not only Xiao Family people, but many people who have been to Fangshi are also poisoned. Now."

"For safety's sake, all Xiao Family squares are now closed, no one is allowed to approach!"

"Stop talking, go home and hide Staying outside for a moment at this juncture will increase the risk of infection."


Listening to the hasty words on the street, Chu Bei understood the reason. .

The other side.

Xiao Family, great hall for discussion.

At this moment, there are no empty seats in the hall, and the main ones are naturally Xiao Zhan and Three Elders.

The rest of the seats are mostly the elders of Xiao Family. Some outstanding younger generations of innate talents are among them, including Xiao Yan.

"Damn it! This must be done by the other two! Otherwise, how could all the problematic shops belong to our Xiao Family? Without exception!"

"Aoba Pa is not very ambitious. It is more likely to be Jiaalie Bi."

"Don’t guess, he must have made this poison! In the early years, he showed that he wanted to annex my Xiao Family market. , Especially in recent days, he has frequently visited the mansion to show his intentions."

"It's just that he didn't expect that he would use this kind of indiscriminate means! It's despicable!"

"Clan Leader, let's go to Jiaalie's mansion for an antidote now!"


In the great hall, a group of Xiao Family people are angry and fists clenched. grip.

"If Jiaalie Bi really did it, do you think he would admit it? Will it give us an antidote?"

Xiao Zhan said, his face extremely solemn: "Now What's the situation in Fangshi?"

"All Fangshi has been closed, and all the poisoned people are quarantined." Third Elder responded.

"How about the performance of the residents in the city?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"We complained, especially the family members of those who were poisoned, began to denounce our Xiao Family, and even threatened to let us Xiao Family get out of Wu Tan City." Third Elder's face was extremely ugly.

"Our top priority must be in order to detoxify these poisoned people and prevent them from infecting more people! If we let the situation continue, I am afraid this Wu Tan City will really not be able to accommodate our Xiao Family Now."

Second Elder looked towards Xiao Zhan and continued: "I have invited a doctor from Qingshan Town Myriad Medicines House."

"Doctor?" Great Elder Condensed eyebrows.

Physicians, in terms of status, are far behind Alchemist, because they can't really make Medicinal Pill, they can only use some common flame to mix medicinal ingredients together to achieve the effect of treating people.

But there are also a few more experienced doctors who are respected by the world and have a very high status.

"Where is the other person? Hurry up, please." Xiao Zhan looked towards Second Elder and immediately spoke.

Just as Xiao Zhan's voice fell, a woman in a white dress walked into the hall.

The woman is wearing a pale white dress. Although her appearance is not stunning, she is also a rarely seen beauty.

The indifferently smiling cheeks reveal a fresh and ethereal temperament. This distinctive temperament greatly increases its charm.

"The doctor that Second Elder invited was actually a woman!"

"I seem to have seen her somewhere! Xiao Yixian, she is Xiao Yixian!"

"In Qingshan Town, her reputation is not small. More than half of the mercenaries there have been treated by her."

"It turned out to be her! I also heard about it."

"The entire Qingshan Town, I don’t know how many people like her. Every time I go to Magic Beast Mountain Range to collect medicine, if Xiao Yixian goes with him, those mercenary groups will keep the price to the lowest level, and for the remaining places , And often almost fight."

"In this way, those poisoned people can be saved, and the crisis of my Xiao Family can also be resolved."


The eyes of all the people in the hall were instantly attracted by the white skirt woman, especially the younger generation, each of them with admiration on their faces.

"I have seen Xiao Patriarch." Xiao Yixian moved towards Xiao Zhan bowed slightly.

"Medical immortal, please come to your seat."

Xiao Zhan is very polite: "I wonder if the medical immortal knows about this poison?"

Xiao Yixian shook the head : "You have to read it to know."

"Okay, I will take you there." Xiao Zhan responded.


Jialie Mansion.

Wu Tan City, one of the Three Large Clans.

In a luxurious hall, an all-in-one tall middle-aged man sits on a sandalwood chair, holding a delicate teacup in his hand, and smiling at the corners of his mouth.

Behind him, standing a luxuriously dressed youth, pinching his shoulders.

Youth is about twenty years old. Although his appearance is fair, his face is a little paler, and he is obviously overwhelmed by the battlefield.

Apart from this, there are eight people in the hall, all of whom are in the Jiaalie Mansion.

"With this poisoning incident, all the residents of Wu Tan City are afraid to avoid Xiao Family Fang City."

"haha, especially those infected Residents and their relatives hate Xiao Family even more."

"It won’t be long before Wu Tan City will have a foothold for Xiao Family, and all of them will be owned by us. ."


In the lobby, everyone laughed.

"Jialie Ao, what happened to Xiao Family?" Jialie Bi put down the tea in her hand and asked the youth who was behind.

"Back to father, Xiao Family Square has all been closed. The relatives of those poisoned residents are gathering in front of Xiao Mansion, asking for an explanation." Jialie Ao responded immediately, with a look of joy on his face .

"It's amazing!"

Jialie Ao was very satisfied and nodded, and then looked towards a thin and thin man not far away: "This time we are most grateful to the non-Brother Liu is none other than that, if it weren’t for you to find a poison that can still be transmitted, Xiao Family would not be in such a dilemma."

Speaking, Jialie Ao changed a glass of spirits: "Brother Liu, my respect You have a drink!"

"Brother, it is my honor to be able to serve you."

Liu Xi responded with a drink and said: "But don’t forget to add brother You promised me."

"Of course! Three days, at most three days, I will send Xiao Xun'er to your house." Jiaalie Ao laughed.

"It's so good!" Liu Xi licked his lips, his expression seemed to be dreaming about a happy life.

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