"Impossible, what I said is the truth." Darlene pouted.

This scene made Catherine laughed secretly, but then she lay helplessly on the table and said weakly, "Daliana, how many days will it take to arrive at Xiyang City? My body is very crippled."

"It will probably take four or five days." Darlene sighed, she couldn't stay still.

The cabin was so humid, it smelled musty, and it was cold, and she was afraid that if it went on like this, she would have to get sick.

"I really hope that Xiyang City will be like what Uncle Soro said, so I will stay for a year."

Catherine clasped her hands together and said with a longing, "It's better to come to a white horse rider and offer me a romantic proposal."

"Don't be stupid, it's impossible." Darlene was stunned, her blue eyes narrowed, and she said lightly, "Princess Lucy has made a new work again?"

"Huh? How did you know?" Catherine said in astonishment.

"What about the title of the book?"

"The White Horse Rider Proposal!"

"Good earth's name..."

Chapter 0262 Princess Lucy's concerns.

Yingluo Kingdom City.

In the royal palace, which monopolized one-tenth of the entire city, a violent quarrel was taking place at this time.

"I think the eldest prince is the best candidate for king. His handling of internal affairs has been praised by many great nobles."

"Fart, the second prince is the best candidate. He also quelled the rebellion in the north last time."

"That's clearly an innocent caravan. Last time, because of the collision with the second prince, you recklessly found an excuse to take revenge."

"You old guy? What? Want to practice with me?"


There was a quarrel in the parliamentary hall of the palace, the interior minister who supported the eldest prince, and the great knight who supported the second prince, their eyes widened and their saliva splashed.

Both are the titles of grand dukes, one is in charge of government affairs, the other is in charge of military affairs, completely disregarding the sullen king on the throne.

"I think the fourth prince is also very good. Recently, he has cleaned up the horse thieves wandering around the royal city." The city defense officer of Yingluo Wangcheng said.

The city defense officer was a marquis, the highest supporter among the nobles drawn by the fourth prince.

"Hey! What are you kidding? Do you think you've grown up after killing a few horse thieves?" the big knight said coldly.

"A bunch of idiots with no brains. If you hadn't imposed high taxes, there wouldn't be so many horse thieves." The Home Secretary accused the map cannon.


"Cough cough cough..."

The King of England suddenly coughed violently, causing the noisy people below to shut up embarrassingly. They knew that the king was already dissatisfied.

"Let's all retire!" The British King's old face was full of majesty, and he waved his hand. "This matter will be discussed later."


Everyone present looked at each other in dismay, didn't the king say to discuss the heir to the throne at first? Why have you changed your mind now?

But they didn't dare to say these words. The current British king's mood is fickle. A few years ago, he actually killed a duke for the sake of a female elf. This really scared many nobles.

"Ta Tata..."

Soon all the nobles in the parliament hall withdrew, and the King of England sat on the throne with a gloomy expression on his face.


The King of England kicked the table in front of him with a kick, panting and growling, "A bunch of **** rebels, really think I'm going to die? Can't wait to stand in line now?"


In the next second, the King of England was almost out of breath, slumped down on the ground, and silently looked at the wrinkled skin and age spots on the back of his hands.

"I'm really old!" The King of England lowered his head, his turbid pupils were full of unwillingness, he was no longer in his prime.

He is no longer the king in full bloom, just an old man who has entered old age.

"Lucy, where is she?" the King of England asked slowly.

"His Royal Highness is in her palace at this time." The maid who was standing by the side immediately responded respectfully.

"Go and call her!" said the King of England with a wave of his hand.

He looked at the back of the maid's retreat, silently glanced at the empty hall, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "It's really three idiots who have attracted so many greedy guys. If they can't satisfy them in the future, they should be attacked!"

For the past few years, the King of England has been sitting on this throne, having nightmares every day, for fear that some great nobles will rebel, in order to suppress these ambitious great nobles.

He actually found a lame reason, saying that he was robbing the Grand Duke of elves. All of this was just an excuse. He wanted to kill chickens to show the monkeys and deter the great nobles. He, the King of England, could still swing his sword.

Sure enough, after the grand duke was killed, all the restlessness was suppressed, and those arrogant and domineering nobles did not dare to act too flamboyantly.

"It's only been a while before these people started again." The King of England sighed, "If I hadn't fought for the throne back then, would I have been more..."

"If you talk nonsense, if you don't argue, maybe you're dead now." The King of England thought of his brothers, who were buried with his own hands.

"Ta Tata..."

A burst of hurried footsteps came, and a girl with blond hair and golden eyes trotted in from outside. She was Princess Lucy, the youngest daughter of the King of England.

"Father, why are you sitting on the ground?" Princess Lucy shouted anxiously, reaching out to help the King of England, but she was waved and rejected.

"I'm not old enough to be helped."

The King of England stood up tremblingly, looked at his worried daughter, and said kindly, "What are you researching recently?"

"I, I..." Princess Lucy blushed slightly, turned her head, and whispered, "I want to write a romantic story between the lord and the princess these days."

"Oh? This time the heroine is actually a princess?" The King of England raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "Could it be you? It seems that Lucy is also thinking of getting married."

"That's right, it's not. Father, you are not serious." Princess Lucy was anxious, stomping her feet and shouting, "I just want to write a different story."

"Cough cough cough..."

The King of England was choked by an old rudeness, and shook his head with a wry smile, "Let's go out for a walk, maybe it will give you more ideas."

"Ah?" Princess Lucy stared at her golden eyes and said in astonishment, "Father, did you let me go out there?"

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