"It's on Mina." Liu Feng raised his eyebrows and changed the subject, "Did the kitchen cook dinner for the Wolf Warriors?"

"It's ready, they're eating." Nicole's gray eyes flashed with clarity, and they must be tired of being together again.

"Ta Tata..."

Mina was wearing slippers, wiping her hair with a towel, and seeing the fish on the table with her blue eyes, she happily shouted, "There are fish to eat."

"Eat it." Liu Feng said with a chuckle. After taking the first bite, he saw Mao Erniang caught in a food battle, watching others gulp his food, causing him to eat more unconsciously.

Twenty minutes later, the dinner at around ten o'clock was over, and the three of them slumped on the chairs.

After a few minutes of silence, Nicole broke the calm and asked, "Master, was that Amos' notebook just now?"

"Yeah." Liu Feng glanced at the thick parchment book on the table.

"Then..." Nicole opened her mouth, her gray eyes flashed with concern, she lowered her head slightly, and asked in a low voice, "Master, will you go to find the Kingdom of God in the future?"

She had heard from her father since she was a child that there were countless people who went to find the 'God's Kingdom' every year, but most of them never came back, and they all disappeared.

"If it's an expedition, I should go." Liu Feng nodded. After all, there are a few interesting places in Amos' notes.

"Then, can you take me with you?" Nicole looked up, looked at Liu Feng, and said seriously, "I can help the young master cook."

In her perception, there is a half chance of finding the 'God's Kingdom', which means goodbye. Not to mention the danger in the middle, once the 'God's Kingdom' is found, it means that you will never come back.

"I'm going too." Mina raised her hand, she suddenly regretted bringing back Amos's notebook, she knew better to let those people explore the way and compete.

"Okay, everyone will go together then." Liu Feng said gently, but he didn't think so much, after all, it was still a long time ago.

"Hmm." Nicole breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile reappeared on her face.

"..." Liu Feng was helpless, it seemed that the two still believed in the existence of the 'God of Heaven', or rather, they would rather believe it than not believe it.

"Bang bang bang~" There was a knock on the door outside the cabin.

Liu Feng narrowed his eyes and put the Amos pen to Nicole. After hiding it, he called out the door, "Come in."


The door was pushed open, and No. 5 walked in with a person, threw it on the board, and said, "Sir, this person is the one who followed us."

"Huh? Isn't he the one hiding on the beam?" Nicole said in astonishment.

Liu Feng raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "Tell me, who sent you? Why are you following us?"

"..." The tavern clerk was silent, and now there is suffering. The stalker was actually caught. As for why he followed the people in front of him, it was because his intuition told him that the people in front of him must be related to the disappearing Amos notes.

"Don't tell me?" Liu Feng said calmly.

"..." The tavern guy couldn't say anything, otherwise he would just die.

"Take it down and lock it up, and then interrogate it in a few days." Liu Feng waved his hand and said, he could see that the person in front of him was specially trained and needed some time to grind it slowly.

"Yes." No. 5 respectfully said.

Chapter 0374 A whimsical courier plan.

"Go away, we just go up and search, we will leave if we don't see the suspect."

"Damn, you dare, my lord is a noble."

"Hmph, this is the order of our Count."


Early in the morning, Liu Feng was woken up, sat up and looked at the figure of the cat ear girl beside him.

Turned over and got out of bed, ready to go out to see those nobles who were jumping over the wall. This morning, they started making noise.


The door opened, Nicole stepped in, saw Liu Feng's gray eyes brighter, and greeted softly, "Morning, young master."

"Morning." Liu Feng turned to look at Nicole who came forward, stopped his **** hand, and let Nicole serve him, and asked, "Did they not rush to our boat?"

"No, we have left the port and arrived at the center of the river." Nicole said softly, and buckled Liu Feng's belt.

"Whose idea?" Liu Feng was a little surprised, he thought he was going to entangle with those nobles.

"It was Mina's idea, she woke up before it was all day." Nicole said softly, and tied the jade pendant to Liu Feng.

"Go, go out and have a look." Liu Feng stepped out and lost Amos's notebook. The nobles outside were not crazy.

If it was spread out that he got the Amos Note, even if he was really a prince, those nobles would probably kill him.

"Okay." Nicole replied with a smile.

"Ta Tata..."

When Liu Feng came to the board, he saw a riot in the port not far away. A group of knights were rampaging. A piece of cargo on the shore was overturned. He also saw one or two ships on fire.

"They are too much." Nicole clenched her palms and said angrily, "How can you burn other people's boats?"

"It's just a robbery." Liu Feng shook his head. Those knights robbed coins more than they looked for people. I'm afraid it would be even worse in Tengying City.


Suddenly there was a cracking sound from above. Liu Feng looked up and saw Mina jumping off the mast with a hemp rope, and then saw the canvas being lowered.


Mina took two steps in a row with the help of the buffering force, came to Liu Feng, shook off the cat's ears, slapped the cat's tail, and said with a smile, "Morning, young master."

"Morning." The corners of Liu Feng's mouth rose, and he said softly, "Get ready to go, and leave this place of right and wrong early."

"Okay." Mina took brisk steps and went to inform others.

Soon, the people on the boat started to run, the boat moved slowly by the wind, and soon left the range of Teng Ying City.

"Puchi puchi~~" There was a sound of wings flapping in the sky.

Liu Feng looked up at the sky and saw a white-headed weng flying down, and soon landed on the board.

There is a piece of red and yellow cloth attached to the top of the boat pole. Pulsatilla can see the cloth from a distance in the sky and it will fly down. Moreover, the most important thing is that Pulsatilla is looking for the route of Youshui River to fly.

Liu Feng was very surprised how Niu Ben was trained. The Pulsatilla gave him a big surprise. Compared with the carrier pigeons on the other side of the earth, it seemed that the Pulsatilla was a little more powerful, or there were some habits he didn't know about.

"Master, it's the letter from Xiyang City." Nicole took out a piece of paper from the cloth bag at Pulsatilla's ankle, and said happily, "It's the letter from An Li."

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