Beast Studio

Chapter 371: negotiation

When people decide that they want to leave, they would like their old friends to come and see themselves, and their loved ones can stay with them.

Many people are afraid to die alone.

Javan bison are social animals, their first half of their lives with their companions.

Liu Wei used human thinking to speculate that the Javan bison may really be afraid to leave this world alone.

Javan bison cannot answer Liu Wei’s questions in human language.

Liu Wei turned and walked for more than ten meters, and the bison slowly moved his heels. Liu Wei turned his head and looked at Liu Wei with the same expression.

"Brothers, I seem to understand what it means. It wants someone to accompany it!" Liu Wei reached out and touched the bison's forehead. "I can't stay with you here forever. If you want, follow us, OK?" Also take a look at the environment of your life!"

Bison blinked.

The second tear shed!

In this way, Liu Wei took a step forward, and it followed.

If it did not meet Liu Wei today, it would stay here and wait for the end of life, but when it saw Liu Wei smiling at it, it was about to leave the world and wanted to be close to humans.

It walked into the group of Liu Wei. It found that the whole group was very friendly to it and always smiled at it.

Even the dogs and bears behind him are so kind to it.

It seems to have returned to life in the herd when he was an adult. Many partners accompanied him, and his heart opened slowly, not as sad as he showed.

In the two days of living with Liu Wei, he was really happy. Until the evening two days later, he felt his limbs became weak and tried hard to take a step forward. The limbs were like lead. Can't go out.

Liu Wei is walking forward, feeling something missing behind him? Looking back, the Javan bison stopped and did not move.

He returned the same way, looking at the bison's eyes and asking, "What's wrong?"

The two front legs of the Javan bison bent down and knelt on the ground. Liu Wei's heart tightened suddenly, and there was an ominous hunch, which was completely different from the cow's feeling of kneeling to thank people.

Afterwards, his hind legs also tremble, bending and kneeling on the ground, the whole body pressed its limbs to the ground and could not get up.

Only its neck can stretch forward.


The wheezing sound was very short, very rapid.

Liu Wei squatted in front of it, his knees could feel the heat from the bison's nose.

Gradually, his breathing became unstable, and his nostrils made a "hum~hum~" sound as if he were blocked.

Liu Wei took a live phone and photographed it, gently touching its forehead, "Don't worry, I won't leave, I stay to accompany you through the last journey!"

Bison blinked.

It dropped the third tear after it met Liu Wei.

"It looks so uncomfortable!"

"I think of my grandmother who left last year!"

"My heart is tugging!"

"Brother Niu, we are with you!"

"Don't cry, Brother Niu!"

The audience was also infected and played various barrage of prayers for bison.

Perhaps they did not expect that they often eat beef, and they will one day watch a cow die naturally in front of them.

Liu Wei thought he could accompany the bison safely and let him leave quietly.

I never thought a few roars came from the forest.

It was his very familiar voice-the roar of the Bengal Tiger.

I don't know if the Bengal Tiger smelled the food, or I was following it all the time, waiting for a meal with minimal effort.

The Malay bear standing next to Anna suddenly became tense when he heard the roar. His instinct told him that he must leave this place immediately, and the Bengal Tiger is his biggest natural enemy.

Although it is somewhat reluctant to Liu Wei and Anna.

Malay Xiong stood up and asked Anna for a hug, then quickly slipped away, ending the friendship it had established with Liu Wei for nearly a week.

Anna looked back at Liu Wei, "Is it a tiger?"

Liu Wei nodded, "Don't be nervous, Bengal Tiger and I are old acquaintances, I have dealt with them a long time ago!"

Looking back at the Javan bison, he appeased: "You don't need to be afraid, I'm here, I promise you won't suffer a painful bite before you leave this world!"

Liu Wei got up and asked Chuan to accompany Anna next to the bison, and walked alone in the direction of the voice with the live phone, "Brothers, will you meet an acquaintance again, are you excited?"

"Awei, is this the rhythm of fighting the Bengal Tiger again?"

"Since watching the Siberian tiger, I think the Bengal tiger is a scum!"

"The anchor is not inflated, the fans are inflated!"

Liu Wei looked at the barrage and said with a smile: "I don't want to play against it this time. I guess Java bison can't stand up tonight. I want to chat with it and let the bison leave peacefully. I don't want to let it go too painfully! "

"Awei, I think you are so great!"

"Heart-warming anchor, love it!"

"The bison must also be very scared. It hurts you to think about being torn by a tiger before you die!"

The Bengal Tiger's roar is continuing. It intentionally uses this kind of voice to intimidate Liu Wei and let them leave quickly, but Liu Wei didn't do that, so it didn't immediately make a decision to rush towards humans.

After bypassing a few big trees, Liu Wei found the Bengal tiger and walked to a position of more than ten meters in front of it. This distance has exceeded the defensive bottom line of the Bengal tiger.

However, the Bengal Tiger did not dare to act. It stared at Liu Wei with a grin, although it showed a fierce look, but it was a little afraid of Liu Wei in his eyes, especially Liu Wei's eyes when facing him.

Those eyes felt familiar, as if they had faced it with victorious eyes many times.

Liu Wei stared at it, "I know you are smelling the smell, looking at you eagerly, and haven't eaten in two or three days.

Before you decide to kill bison, I want to talk to you!"

"Roar~ Hmm~"

The Bengal Tiger growled.

"Very good!" Liu Wei smiled. "Since you answered, I will put forward my conditions. Before I leave here, you can't move any people and animals here, otherwise I might be with you. Communicate in depth.

I forgot to tell you, I met your kind, it is much bigger than you, and finally I pressed it on the ground, you can weigh it!"

After Liu Wei finished speaking, he turned away.

"Lying trough, that's it?"

"Nima, can it understand?"

"Laughing and crying, Awei, what are you doing? Do you reason with a tiger?"

The audience expressed confusion and felt very comedy.

In fact, Liu Wei has been observing the expression of the Bengal Tiger. When he spoke to him, he also warned him with his eyes. That look, he used to warn the Siberian Tiger!


Liu Wei didn't look back, he heard a few roars rang through the forest.

Go back to the Javan bison and look at the bison: "Relax! I have reached an agreement with it, you lie down with peace of mind!"

A few minutes later, the Bengal Tiger came over and entered the view of Liu Wei and the audience in the broadcast room.

It stopped at more than thirty meters away, looked at Liu Wei, stood for a while, and then lay on the side on the ground.

It made its own decision-wait!

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