Beast Studio

Chapter 509: Dry up

The helicopter wing rubbing the air produced a huge cyclone and noisy sound.

When Liu Wei woke up, the Bey team had packed his luggage and was ready to leave.

"Good morning! Liu!" Bell walked in front of Liu Wei, patted his shoulder and smiled, "Goodbye, man!"

Liu Wei gently pressed Bell's chest with his fist, "There is still a chance to see you again!"

"OK, Liu, I wish you all the best!"

Bell finally gave Liu Wei a palm and climbed the helicopter rope ladder.

Liu Wei narrowed his eyes and waved at Bell.

The cooperation between the two ended.

After sending away the Bell team, the first thing he did was put the fat out of the space in the black tech backpack and endure the desertedness after the bustle.

Chubby came out to run around, finished his activities, and had breakfast with Liu Wei.

Open the live room.

"OK, brothers~"

Liu Wei pouted with a smile, "I'm sorry, under the influence of Lord Bei, the tone has changed. Okay, brothers, from today, we will officially open the last stop of our trip to Southeast Asia, Indonesia!"

"Gkd, I want to see the Komodo dragon!"

"The magic dragon is finally coming!"

"To tell you the truth, I dreamed of fighting the Komodo dragon last night!"

"Why am I still dreaming of fighting dinosaurs!"

"You are all big brothers, you can't afford it!"

While looking at the barrage, Liu Wei looked for the location provided by the police station staff on the satellite map-a forested area thirty kilometers away.

On the way to that place, I met many residents who were plowing in the fields. Liu Wei asked them about the Komodo dragon.

Some residents mentioned that he had personally seen Komodo dragons eating human bodies. According to his description, Liu Wei’s speculation was confirmed that Komodo dragons are gathering in this border village in Indonesia.

In the eastern part of Kalimantan, Indonesia has a large area, so there is no such thing as the existence of a giant lizard island.

Naturally, there are many monitor lizards living and breeding on this land, and this family is gradually growing.

Liu Wei's expectations were even higher.

It must have been easy to find the Komodo dragon.

With the blessing of various medicines provided by the system, he has maintained a relatively fast travel speed.

Just after noon, I have walked nearly thirty kilometers.

The vegetation growth characteristics in front of us are also changing, with herbaceous vegetation decreasing and bushes growing.

The temperature is gradually increasing.

Dust from the soles of the feet lifted in the air while walking.

Liu Wei observed and analyzed: "Brothers, we have reached a place. Komodo dragons like to live in open areas. The low-lying shrubbery in front of us is a good living environment.

But now that the dry season has entered, the Komodo dragon generally likes to stay in two places, one is the edge of the pond, because there is a gathering place for many animals in the dry season, they all need water to replenish body water, Komodo dragon Keep hunting at any time, you can have a meal.

The other place is a place where it can be shaded. After all, it is a cold-blooded animal and does not like hot sun.

Let's go one by one!"

Liu Wei wandered around twice, took out the engineer's shovel and cut off a branch, cut off the extra branches and leaves, left a branch, and tried his hands.

"Very good, brothers, I made a simple defense tool. The news of Komodo dragon attacking people is already a well-known thing for women and children. Affected by this bad weather, I don’t think it will be too good. mood!"

"this one?"

"A branch has chicken feathers?"

"Anchor, are you teasing me? I don't think it's as practical as the engineer shovel, just one size fits all!"

"Before the beggar Hong Qigong founded the dog cudgel method, now Nandi Awei pioneered the whip stick method!"

"Brother, you should write a novel!"

Liu Wei looked at the barrage and smiled, but did not respond to the audience's questions for a while. When he met the monitor lizard, it was clear at a glance.

According to the two points of living habits just analyzed, Liu Wei first looked for a cooler place after entering the bush.

Unexpectedly, it encountered an accident.

After walking for a while, I stopped, squatted down, flipped the lens, and pulled into focus. Two Komodo dragons appeared in the lens. They did not stay quiet in a cool place like Liu Wei described. After this noon.

But lying on the ground under direct sunlight, the two are less than five meters apart. Except for constantly sticking out the tongue to distinguish the smell, there is no movement in the body.

"So big two!"

"Lying trough, goose bumps all over, it looks so nasty!"

"I'm afraid to watch this animal!"

"It looks ugly, but it looks comfortable!"

"Awei, come closer!"

Liu Wei: "Brothers, through my observation, their emotions should not be very good at this moment, noon, no habit of sunbathing.

I found that their eyes are staring at each other, maybe they are getting angry!"

Just finished.

The two monitor lizards swayed their bodies suddenly while crawling forward quickly, raising dust.

The two monitor lizards quickly collided together, relying on their thick and powerful tails to support their bodies at the same time.

The two monitor lizards in the standing position started a cruel fight.

Attack your opponent with your mouth and claws.

"Nima, just do it if you don't agree!"

"I like this grumpy!"

"Fuck it, bite hard!"

"The strength is not much different!"

"Awei, go and persuade, don't let them bite!"

Liu Wei looked at the barrage and shook his head. "I don't want to get involved. The emotions of the two of them are extremely unstable. They treat each other's body as a vent object. From a distance, the two monitor lizards are more than two meters in size. Now going to equal the sheep into the tiger's mouth, give it to bite.

The bite was bitten by the Komodo dragon, and the taste was uncomfortable.

In the life of Komodo dragons, there are countless fights like this. They will even transfer their emotions to the opponent's children, kill the opponent's children, and then eat them.

Brothers, although Komodo dragons sometimes appear in groups, they have no team meaning, and in their world, they have only their own interests.

In a rude language: Laozi is invincible!"

"Ha ha ha ha, this description is in place!"

"This character is so cool!"

"Lying trough, grabbed the neck with a paw!"

"Is this a slap game?"

"Bite, isn't your teeth so powerful?"

"Dry dry!"

The audience listened to Liu Wei's explanation, while frantically brushing the barrage, eyes staring at the scene where the two monitor lizards were fighting.

The two Komodo dragons are equal, this kind of hard-to-handle contest, no one can get the benefits unless the difference in size is too large.

After a while, Liu Wei noticed that the physical strength of the two monitor lizards had decreased. Except for similar fights, the Komodo monitor usually showed lazy status even when it preyed. It's a listless look.

It has no long-term habit of violent physical exertion.

So the two monitor lizards found that they could not win or lose, and their physical strength was also declining, hugged together, and gently danced their paws to deter before the end of the battle.

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