Beast Studio

Chapter 610: Fatal?

"Awei, I seem to hear that I'm scolding you!"

"Funny, it's impossible to rub powder, and spit fragrant!"

"According to this quality, we can also do live broadcasting!"

"It's not a little bit worse than Aweibi!"

"Awei, **** him, it's crazy!"

Liu Wei packed up the delicious boxes and smiled slightly, "You only care about kindness, and the rest is left to God!"

The forced thief slipped.

After chatting with the audience for a while, I got into the tent and watched the phone for a while.

At 10:30 in the evening, Liu Wei was ready to take a break, sat up and turned off the lights, and heard a loud noise from outside.

Opening the tent, several doctors in white coats hurriedly passed by, and one of the doctors looked at Liu Wei, "Is it your emergency call?"

Liu Wei shook his head, a little ignorant.

The doctor did not talk to Liu Weiduo and took his colleagues to the woods.

This scene reminded Liu Wei of those rumors about the rainforest.

Did it happen again?

Since you can call the emergency number, it means that the person calling for help has not disappeared. This should be a thankful thing.

Liu Wei did not follow up, did not immediately rest, sitting outside the tent and waiting to see what happened?

It has a warning effect for him to enter the rainforest, and he can make corresponding preparations in advance.

It has been more than forty minutes.

There was only light shining in the woods, Liu Wei got up and looked over, and several doctors panicked and ran out from inside with a stretcher.

When Liu Wei bypassed, Liu Wei saw the young man lying on the stretcher.


Isn’t it William?

With a terrible look, a sweaty face, and shortness of breath, he looked very uncomfortable.

His companion followed the doctor, his face panicked.

Liu Wei stretched out his arm and he shook his body in fright. Obviously they had encountered something terrifying, and William should now be struggling with a heavy injury.

"What's going on?" Liu Wei asked with concern.

"Snake! William was bitten by a viper!" the companion said nervously.

"Have you not been here several times? It's common sense that there are poisonous snakes in the rain forest. Didn't you prepare in advance?" Liu Wei asked.

"Yes, we know, but that venomous snake is different. I have never seen such a powerful venomous snake. No matter how you chase it, it will not go, but it will be more fierce. William will catch it and be bitten by it!" It was not easy to put his throat in his throat and to tell the whole story in his current state.

"Hopefully he is fine!" Liu Wei reached out and patted William's companion's shoulder as comfort.

"Thank you!" The companion's eyes remained in a state of absent-mindedness, nodded at Liu Wei, and caught up.

After clarifying things, Liu Wei got into the tent and shook his head. If William listened to his own advice, maybe he would not be bitten by a snake when he entered the rainforest during the day?

If he is sincere and invites himself as a companion, he will not be attacked by viper!

Is it really a providence?

Liu Wei smiled slightly.

There is nothing bad about being a kind person!

Closing his eyes, he began to analyze the information provided by William's companion.

The only known information is the temperament of the poisonous snake, which can be said to be quite irritable.

The spleen nature of viper is generally divided into three types.

One is defensive attack. Simply put, you don’t mess with it, and it doesn’t come to mess with you. You are safe with each other, such as the inland Taipan snake encountered in the Victorian desert.

The second type is venomous snakes that actively avoid threats. It can be said that most venomous snakes in the world are like this. In addition to hunting to meet their own food needs, they will actively escape when they encounter threats.

The third type is the active aggressive viper. The most famous of this type of viper is the king cobra, and there are two big names beginning with the word "black", the black mamba and the black tiger snake.

They are all virulent vipers.

Tasmania does not belong to the distribution area of ​​King Cobra and Black Mamba. Black Mamba dominates the African continent. King Cobra is mostly distributed in Asia.

Liu Wei used the simple information provided by William's companions to roughly determine the species of venomous snake that bit William. Eight out of nine are the Tasmanian black tiger snake-the eighth largest in the world venomous snake ranking.

Although the toxicity ranks lower, the lethal rate of this venomous snake is ridiculously high. If it is not treated promptly and no anti-venom serum is injected, the lethal rate may reach 100%.

The black tiger snake used to be notorious in Australia like the cobra in the east. Two kinds of viper snakes are the main culprits in Australia's annual bite and bite event.

Thinking of this, Liu Wei squeezed sweat for William, which was really struggling.

"Hey..., I'm still too young, I like to be impulsive, I use my spirits!" Liu Wei sighed and fell asleep.

Newly arrived in the morning, had breakfast, packed things up and started live broadcasting.

"Brothers, let me tell you something unfortunate. Yesterday, the fellow William we met was bitten by a viper last night. The medical staff carried him out of the rainforest. Based on the information provided by his companions, I can roughly determine his bite. The venomous snake is a subspecies of the tiger genus Tasmanian black tiger snake.

The living environment of the black tiger snake has been severely damaged. The once-infamous guy has not been mentioned by Australian residents for a long time, and the number has become rare.

William's luck was so bad that he ran into it.

Hey, it would be nice if I was on the spot! "Liu Wei said into the rain forest.


"Awei is right, although you are kind, you will leave the rest to God!"

"I suspect that the black tiger snake can't watch William pretend!"

"Let you pretend to make you scold! It's hard to understand!"

Liu Wei looked at the barrage and said with a smile: "Brothers, remember to be kind, don't talk about others, but I think William must have deliberately provoked the black tiger snake for the live broadcast effect, and his companion said it was to catch it. Bitten.

So, here, it is necessary to remind..."

"Non-professionals, don't play snakes!"

Liu Wei smiled, the audience in his live broadcast room became more and more conscious.

"Since there is a black tiger snake in the rainforest, I really want to meet it, so I can take you to know this viper.

If nothing else, it looks really handsome!"

Liu Wei walked in with a smile.

Soon, an extinguished fire was found. Behind the fire was a rock crack. The rock crack was open to the outside and was nearly two meters wide.

Liu Wei saw the jacket William was wearing when he entered the rainforest yesterday.

Bent over and drilled in. "Brothers, this should be William's place where they were going to spend the night last night!"

He picked up a long stick on the ground and glanced, "William should have used this stick to challenge the black tiger snake at that time. The black tiger snake's field of vision was extremely poor, and it was difficult to see the appearance of the intruder.

But its character is very irritable. After encountering threats, it will not run away. It will only become more and more courageous.

This is somewhat similar to William's character, he is also an impatient person.

The two gangs met!

It must be a **** battle.

I seem to be able to see what happened here yesterday!"

The snake perception skills in the body showed no hints about the black tiger snake, indicating that the snake had left the cave.

Liu Wei came out of the cave and went on, "I have to say, William, they are familiar with the terrain. I followed their footsteps. This road is not difficult to walk."

"But it seems a bit monotonous, it may also be because of human activity, which brings tension to the animals living in the rainforest and no longer moves around, except for the ubiquitous viper!"

Continue walking for more than ten minutes.

At this point, the snake perception skills responded.

There are several kinds of snakes appearing in the system screen, including the very precious, market price comparable to the blue-blooded green tree python in the blind mountain of Luoshan.

However, Liu Wei has little interest in such non-toxic small pythons.

His interest is in the black tiger snake lying peacefully on the rock on the system screen.

Good fellow, I finally met you!

Liu Wei passed by the curly branches of the blue-blooded green tree python and looked back, but he smiled and said hello, "Hello!"

The blue-blooded green-tree python spit the snake letter, a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just passing by, and I'm not interested in you!" Liu Wei smiled and turned to continue in the direction of the black tiger snake.

"Brothers, just now the python can be bought on the black market at the same price as Xiao Qinglong, which is very popular, but I am going to show you this guy now!"

Liu Wei walked to the edge of the black tiger snake's rock and flipped the lens to shoot.

The black tiger snake has a dark body, a sturdy body, and a body like Wang Jinshe, with yellow scales on both sides of the abdomen.

"Is this a black tiger snake?"

"It should be, Tanima is black!"

"It's black, like a prostitute!"

"The first impression is that the Lord is not easy to mess with!"

"Never press is a super-social snake!"

It took a while for the Black Tiger Snake to determine Liu Wei's identity-it was a person.

It began to turn his head, facing Liu Wei, his chin did not lift up temporarily, clinging to the ground, sticking out his tongue.

Liu Wei photographed the head of the black tiger snake and smiled, "I personally like black very much, giving people a cold feeling, cool.

In addition to body color, the coolest part of the black tiger snake is its head.

Brothers look carefully.

Have you ever met before?"

The black tiger snake belongs to the cobra family, and its head is flat, but it is not flat. With the expansion of the neck, a smooth arc appears on the head.

Its eyes are a pair of large black pupils that grow on both sides of the skull.

"Really handsome!"

"It feels like the front of a sports car!"

"Yes, I was about to say, like the Ferrari 458!"

"Lying trough, really, two eyeballs are headlights!"

Liu Wei nodded, "It seems that your thoughts are the same as mine."

"This black tiger snake is accumulating strength. I think it hates me a bit. Brothers, I will keep a certain distance from it first. I hope it will be a little calmer at this temperature at noon!"

Liu Wei moved back two steps. The movement of moving the footsteps immediately caused a violent reaction from the black tiger snake, biting up towards Liu Wei's leg.

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