Beast Studio

Chapter 770: Tongue Heroes (Part 1)

The Chinese delegation headed by Yang Chengxue did not intend to heed the questions of the Australian experts. They knew that his question had obvious meanings of spurs.

As the host, I wanted to change the topic of Australian experts with tolerance.

There will be no unnecessary conflicts between the soldiers and soldiers at the exchange meeting.

In the case of academic research, Yang Chengxue and Ma Rongsheng are naturally tolerant, and the tip of the needle does not matter to Maimang, and must reflect the level of domestic scientific research.

However, there are too many loopholes for this kind of rule of law, and the debate will continue.

However, other European experts attending the meeting followed suit and had to elevate this topic to academic research. The two are ambiguous and it is difficult to draw a clear line.

There must be a relationship.

When Yang Chengxue was about to find another topic to transfer, a word came out of the humble corner of the venue, "Your knowledge of the Chinese Wildlife Protection Law is too one-sided! Besides, you don't understand the national conditions of Chinese ecology!"

This remark came out.

Everyone's eyes turned to the corner of the venue.

A smile appeared on Ma Rongsheng's face.

The rest of the participants had question marks on their faces, "Who is he?"

Even if the person who met Liu Wei under the introduction of Ma Rongsheng before the start of the exchange meeting was almost forgotten, because he was not taken into consideration.

Today's exchange meeting, Liu Wei's coffee is too small.

But what all experts did not expect was that this unknown young man came forward to answer the questions of Australian experts.

The Australian expert shook his head and smiled, and asked Yang Chengxue, the leader of the Chinese delegation, "Is he also an expert participating in this exchange meeting? No! Staff?"

Yang Chengxue turned his head to look at Ma Rongsheng.

Ma Rongsheng introduced again: "He is my assistant and my favorite student. It can be said that in some fields, it is more famous than everyone on our podium!

Academician Yang Cheng just said that since it is an academic exchange, all participants can put forward their own views.

My student Liu Wei, his point of view is very sharp and sometimes shocks me!"

Liu Wei and Ma Rongsheng smiled at each other.

I thanked Mr. Ma.

After his introduction, he can now participate in this discussion as a decent person.

What Ma Rongsheng admires most is the anger of Liu Wei. On some specific occasions, this kind of arrogant and arrogant anger is needed, but the elderly of their generation take care too much and have to take care of the face of foreign experts. There will be more occasions to meet, the face can not be pulled too ugly.

For Liu Wei, this was an opportunity to express himself and became a vanguard in Ma Rongsheng's hands.

Liu Wei himself is willing to refute the views that doubt the domestic regulations for no reason.

The Australian expert smiled and spread his hand, "You continue to talk!"

Liu Wei bluntly said: "As far as wildlife legislation is concerned, some European countries have done very well. Soon the legislation has a long history and the system is relatively complete. For example, the "Law on Animal Protection" promulgated by Denmark in 1950 and the German promulgation in 1952 The "Hunting Law", as well as the "Martin Act" promulgated by the United Kingdom, the "Cruel Treatment of Animals Law" and the "Import Treatment of Animals Destruction Law" and other laws and regulations have a great influence and reference for the legislation of various countries in the world.

In contrast, animal legislation in Asian countries is relatively late, and our country only promulgated and implemented the Wildlife Protection Law in 1988, which also draws on and learns from the relevant laws and regulations of European countries. This is also the same in Australia. in this way.

However, judging from the practicality of the current law, we seem to be doing better than Australia! "

Liu Wei did not directly attack the opinions of Australian experts from the beginning, but explained the legal origin of animal legislation.

The experts participating in the conference all knew about one or two of these common sense things, but he repeatedly emphasized the impact of European legislation on the world. In fact, he was enhancing the pride of the European experts present, so that they had to take the laws of their own countries. Comparing the norms with Australia, naturally, Australian experts will be isolated. In this way, Liu Wei’s opponent will be left alone with the Australian expert, rather than the group of people who followed when he first asked this question.

He expects that European experts will isolate Australian experts, because this year's fire in Australia is well known to the whole world, not only showing the ruling problems of the federal government, but also showing the ecological problems of Australia.

In terms of animal legislation, Australia, as a country that also studies European law, can be said to have performed too badly.

The European experts will definitely not be with the Australian experts for their own sense of honor.

Sure enough, when the Australian experts once again proposed that China's domestic species such as wild boar and rock sheep over-breed, no one attached to him, but watched with a gesture of watching the show.

Liu Wei smiled when he heard the "over-breeding" claim, and said in his heart, at least that it was still not under control.

He did not rush to refute the views of Australian experts, but instead asked, "Every teacher here should know that there are often species overflowing in Australia. I would like to ask this Australian professor how you respond to this so-called Of serious ecological problems?"

Ma Rongsheng sitting on the podium snickered.

Many participating professors at the venue also smiled.

The face of the Australian expert is serious, not too good-looking, but in the face of the top academics in the academic world, he can't flinch in front of a young man. After thinking about it, he replied: "Hunting and building protection are both beneficial measures! "

Liu Wei said: "Hunting is indeed a good way to control the proliferation of species. In various regions of China, the relevant departments will also carry out collective hunting activities to control the number of wild boars, rock sheep and other species you just mentioned.

However, before launching a hunt, it is very important to have a detailed scientific census.

I’ve been to Australia, and I’ve seen your hunting mode. I can only say that the equipment is very advanced. I even called a helicopter gunship and set a number of millions of hunts every time. The views on this in Australia are divided into two extremes. Right! "

Australian experts retorted, "You don't know the specific situation in Australia!"

Liu Wei asked: "So you mean you understand the situation in China?"

The Australian expert stuttered a few words.

Liu Wei then said: "You just mentioned the construction of protection. As far as I know, you spent US$3.7 million last year to build a 44-kilometer electric fence, which is about building a larger nature reserve. We are all aware of the actual role, to avoid the proliferation of species into human activity areas.

But this fence has become a death pen in this year's fire. Have you seen the photos taken by the BBC? Tens of thousands of lives were burned to the other side of the fence. They had thought to escape from here, but this expensive electric fence became the end point of their death.

Can I understand that the construction of this fence in Australia and even letting the wildfire ignore it, just for the purpose of the environmental carrying capacity you just mentioned, intending to eliminate so many lives? "

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