all you see is

On the other hand, Park Ha-yeon, who was thrown to the floor by a telekinetic force along with a gunshot, was stunned.


Where she stood there was Shin Noda’s spear, and a warhead fell on the floor.

It was dented by the spear blade and dented.

Park Ha-yeon, who completed understanding the situation not long ago.

‘Are you trying to save me?’

It was only then that she realized what a mysterious force had pushed her away.

Shinnoda’s telekinetic power.

He predicted the bullet’s path and thought it would come to him, so he pushed it away.

“Shinno… … ”

She tried to express her gratitude, but suddenly her body stiffened and she could not move.

And a great sense of fear.

It was like standing in front of a train moving at full speed.

‘If you do this, you will die.’

Even though there was no real threat anywhere, I thought that I would die if I continued like this.

Instinct warned me to run quickly.

“Dare you Park Ha-yeon? the protagonist! How dare you trash extras! What happens to Park Ha-yeon means nothing like this in this world!”

Shinnoda’s screams in anger.

Park Ha-yeon was shocked to hear his words.

‘The world without me means nothing! Did you think of me that way?’

She thought that Shinnoda had forgotten things like herself until now.

The level of a stray cat that was just pitiful.

I thought it was that much.

Park Ha-yeon bowed her head.

Tears ran down my cheeks.

I couldn’t help but feel happy even though I knew it wasn’t going to be a happy situation.

Shinnoda leapt to the side of the military.

While taking a step backwards, he fell and trampled on Lee Jin-wook’s crawling name.


Sergeant Jinwook Lee couldn’t breathe.

Relentless violence ensued.

While wearing Dragon Knight’s armor, he kicked Lee Jin-wook in the face like a soccer ball.


His bulletproof hat flew away.

Of course, he tried to control his power so he wouldn’t die, but it was just enough to not die.

Both eyes of Jinwook Lee, who had been directly hit, were completely ruptured and tears were shed.


It didn’t end there.

Shinnoda threw another soccer kick.

Read at n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Jin-wook Lee’s cheekbones are dented and turned off.

His face was stained with blood.

“Don’t let me eat porridge for the rest of my life.”

Shinnoda crouched down in front of him and grabbed his hair and lifted him up.

As a sergeant who was scheduled to be discharged from the military, his hair was long because he did not follow the hair rule properly.

A fist flew over Lee Jin-wook’s mouth.

“Ugh. stop… … ”

His teeth fell out of the water.

The blood from the gums and the blood from the lips mingled together, seemingly like vomiting blood.

“My darling… Sleep well.”

All the teeth have fallen out and the gums are bare.

I couldn’t pronounce it clearly.

Sergeant Jinwook Lee was enveloped in darkness.

It was because he was blind and couldn’t see anything.

In the dark he was terrified.

You never knew when or where the violence would come.

Read at n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Jerk. jerk.

Only sound is his only sense.

The footsteps were getting farther away.

he was relieved

‘Are you going to stop now?’

It was a mistake.


Read at n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Jinwook Lee rolled on the floor in the tremendous pain he felt in his knee.

The red knight raised his foot and with all his might, he stepped on Sgt. Jinwook Lee’s knee.

His knee shattered and fell out.

“shit… My body is not moving.”

On the other hand, the other soldiers wanted to respond, whether to run away or block Shinnoda, but they did not move at all, so it was a pain in the ass.

In particular, the battalion commander closed his eyes tightly.

‘It is forbidden to fire, but my military life is over because I am being swung by one student with one battalion of live ammunition.’

Either way, Shinnoda was relentless.

He knocked Jinwook Lee in the head as he was paroxysmal, knocking him out and breaking the other knee as well.

The force was so strong that even the muscles were torn.

As a result, all the bones connecting Lee Jin-wook’s shin and thigh were crushed and submerged, leaving only the skin connected.

Park Ha-yeon frowned at Shin Noda’s cruel hands, but felt happy inside.

‘I’m mad because I almost got hurt… ?’

There was a shallow smile on her lips.


Meanwhile, a high-end camera was installed over the window of a building outside the academy.



The shutter sound sounded according to the reporter’s hand movements.

He is a journalist who was ordered by ‘Inner Circle’.

To be precise, the newspaper itself was under the influence of the ‘inner circle’, but he was also a man who worked closely within it.

“Is this great?”

A scene where soldiers aim at students.

A scene where gunshots were fired and the students flinched.

It was a good picture that the client wanted.

Afterwards, deflecting bullets or smashing soldiers by something like a red knight was erased.

The reporter edited the photo and sent it to the company.

The client wanted the article to be published as soon as possible, so it was urgent.

Soon the news started to appear on the Internet.

<[1 step] A shootout at the academy!>

<[2 steps] Military fires at students!>

<[Comprehensive 3 bullets] The military shuts down the academy according to the president’s instructions, and shoots students as they consider them to be coup d’états! Current martial law review!>

<Student shot, life or death unknown!>

The number of attempts by the president who ordered the ban on firing.

It was a picture of a soldier being injured by the Academy Awakened, suspected of a coup d’état.

This is because the soldiers were usually the children of the people, and if they are injured by the Awoken, they can carry the public opinion against the Awoken.

However, ‘Inner Circle’ popped up one more drink saying that there is a flying guy above the running guy.

To be one step ahead and send an advantageous article.

The government also made an official announcement of the battle process and appealed to the fact that the students had attacked them, but they were buried because the breaking news was faster.

Moreover, reports of government attacks on students were very provocative and widespread.

“dismissal. Things are very bad!”

“… … Get off the embargo.”

As the situation grew out of control, the president belatedly issued an order to ban the report.

Some newspapers took down the article, but those who had communicated with the ‘Inner Circle’ in advance did not listen to them and crossed the line by reporting additionally.

The trend has already passed.

Right now, the president was nothing more than a plant.

There was only one way left for him.

“Let’s declare martial law.”

“Ugh! martial law… All right!”

The army poured out on the streets, and in particular, the Blue House, centered on the national administrative organs, began to defend the country in layers.

But it was only half.

There were a number of units that responded only to the president’s instructions and did not move.

Newspapers were also attacked by the army.

The busy employees got up from their seats in bewilderment at the sudden situation, and the executives reacted.

“What are you guys!”

“What kind of military regime is this now?!”

The military officers, who heard the explanation in advance, violently pushed them in and sent in the soldiers.

“Shut up! Mosquitoes. Aren’t you also non-Awakened? Those who sold the country to the Awakened! Where are you guys yelling at!”

The units, following the Blue House’s instructions, thoroughly educated Jeong-hoon, so they had a rough idea of what was going on.

“Hold everyone so that nothing can be done! In particular, you can’t even touch a computer or smartphone!”

However, these measures backfired.

When the people heard that the government had opened fire on students at the academy, the people felt that the sudden martial law and the deletion of internet newspapers were really the president’s attempt to dictatorship.

The president was actually the last bulwark of the non-Awakened, but to the eyes of the people with limited information, he only looked like a dictator.

In the end, these measures were even attacked by opposition politicians who did not understand the situation.

“Does the president want to be a dictator?”

“Now is not the time for us to be like this. Democracy seems to be over right now… ”

For high-ranking ruling party politicians who knew the situation, it was simply frustrating.

“It seems the president wants to end democracy. It seems that a sufficient explanation is necessary for the part where martial law was imposed.”

After the incident of Kang Yu-jin and his party, there were only a few remaining members of the National Assembly, but even the few remaining members were not able to unify.

Rather, it ran wild like a thunderbolt.

‘This opportunity should raise awareness.’

As long as all the middle-ranking lawmakers died, the surviving lawmakers had a very strong influence within the party.

They dreamed that they might be able to run in the next presidential election.

This tendency to raise awareness was not limited to politics.

A similar thing happened in the media industry.

“I’ll take responsibility for everything, so broadcast it!”

Those who dreamed of becoming star PDs and star anchors worked hard to get the title of ‘True journalists who resisted dictatorship’.

It was clear that the military occupation of the station would soon be suppressed, but it was important that they did.

<The military is currently stationed at our oo broadcasting station. Finally, the Blue House announced the embargo and… … >

<What are you doing! Don’t you turn off the broadcast?!>

<Don’t turn it off! An embargo and martial law were declared.

As a result, intermittently, a broadcast with a very critical stance toward the president was cut off.

The people were also greatly agitated here.

While these broadcasters were being captured by soldiers, a smile crept on their lips.

This torment now would later become a medal.

For these people, the state was nothing more than a sacrifice to satisfy their selfish desires.

The feeble effort to fight the ‘inner circle’ was trampled on by selfish greed.

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